
2015-11-14 12:00:33王永全
世界文学评论 2015年1期





意向性 还原 直观 诗创作

Psychologically, intentionality refers to psychological motive, intending a person to do what he or she wants to. In literary production, an author's intention cannot be ignored, as it influences nearly all elements of a text. Consequently, it is looked on as absolutely dominant and irreplaceable in literature. Consequently, some students and scholars think authors' feelings are presented and literary production is thoroughly controlled at the writer's will.In contrast, phenomenology tries to explain that the writer's feelings are constructed together with the making of textual meanings and images. Psychological intentionality and philosophical one cannot be confused. And then what is intentionality in a phenomenological style and its function in poetry?

Ⅰ. Intentionality

Intentionality is the essential property of consciousness,the nucleus of phenomenology. In other words, every consciousness is intentional for a certain thing. Intentional experiences with essential properties of modifications are the ones with pure essences, ones "aprion", as "unconditional necessity." An intentional object is intended and constituted through different interactions and makings.

In the transcendental perceptions, the transcendental experiences are united through the stream of experiences. In the experiential synthesis,determinate divisions of a particular region gather into concrete unities of experiences which "areensouled within the concrete unity of perception through apprehensions".It is also a kind of intuition.

How can the intentional unity and its subordinate unities be intuited? How can the "Thing" be constituted? Intuitive modifications are necessarily working.

Because the intentional unity guarantees that individual unities in perception should only be realized through their perspective modifications,the"orientation" directs experiences or modifications in advance. The essence or intentionality determines the flow of consciousness in "continuous perceptual patterns", which establish the unity of a single consciousness.When intentionality,a pure object, is making in cogito, we are intuitively conscious of them. The "pure ego" can even be a center for a pleasure, a wish, a judgment and so forth to refer to. The animating, meaning-bestowing stratum is based on all the experiences in unity.

Eidetic reduction, the essence of intuition,intuits both co-presentations and differences. Phenomenological position is not established by transcendental reduction, which, in Husserl's opinion,is a natural transformation.The transcendental reduction is to go through pure or transcendental consciousness.The transcendental is a fundamental transformation of the natural. Natural thinking is only directed towards object but not subject. In natural thinking, only empirical object can go into the horizon. Therefore, the empirical subject is actually an empirical object. Transcendental reduction is determined by the a priori.

Here,the reduced pleasures come from the noema, the intentional constitution of subject and object, meanings and images. The meanings of perception ,memory and fancy are correlated with the noetic experiences. The experiences are made simultaneously with the shaping of unity. In modifications of "the higher-level noeses", and in the concrete completeness, a central nucleus or noema is made up. It is a thoroughgoing determination of the changing and stable noemata.

Ⅱ. Intentionality of Poetic Generation

Poetic images are justified and generated subjectively or consciously. An image contains "significant" and "the signified". It isintentionally constituted through modifications together with the making of united meanings and images. The predetermined feeling, the unity of images, is made up with the forming of images through endless interactions.It is intentional, objective and transcendental in a phenomenological sense. Poetic images are directed by the predetermined feelings. The representations are realized by reduction back to the originality of perception—the noema.

Through noesis, poetic images or aesthetic images are intentionally constituted. Firstly, poetry can only be created through predetermination. It can also be said that poetry is only created through intuition. Secondly, they are animated by primordial unity of feelings and endowment of meanings. They are innately transcendental.Thirdly, in creation of poetry, modifications of perception, memory,imagination are working intentionally—the original and essential feelings. Fourthly, distinctive images are generated by full noema. In such creations as choosing, organizing and transforming images,original feelings are constituted and the images are produced.

It is not empirical in that intentionality lies in free modifications of experiences in a stream of consciousness. Meantime predetermined feelings are constituted by intentional subjectivity. The feelings come from the primordial and are vague in initial stages. They need to be made up in full noesis and noema. With representations and free imagination poetry is regarded as the most powerful artistic style among literature to realize completeness and clearness.Poety is absolutely transcendental compared with novels and plays. It is produced just at the same time as intentional feelings.

In creation of poetry, free choice of images,organization and even transformation are realized by intentionality. Poetic language is presentation ofnoema in intentional experience. It is combination of subject and object, and therefore poetic language acts as endless constitutions of both images and unity. In poetry, after suspending and aesthetic reflection, the world is made up together with images and feelings.

M.Dufrenne,another phenomenologist, held that poetic generation is based on intentionality. Transcendental subjectivity of feelings constitutes itself and its own object. He also divides aesthetic subjectivity into three phases: presentation,representation and feeling. Transcendental feelings reveal the deepest and most essential relationship. M.Dufrenne thoutht in feelings subject corresponds to object continuously.Poetic images are generated through intentional experience of feelings and their fully noetic ineraction.

It is clear that a poet's feelings are constructed in the stream of consciousness and they are always modified. The poet's intentions to convey feelings should be modified, too. Therefore, author's intentions are never unchangeable. For instance, with the change of poet's intentions, defamiliarization in Russian formalism, deconstruction and so forth come into being. Without any changes of poet's intentions, how could defamiliarization be separate from traditions and even how could a text be deconstructed? The false impressions should be corrected that authors play a dominant role in poetic production and interpretation. Poetic generation is philosophically intentional but not psychologically.

Ⅲ. Conclusion

Poetic generation is characterized by philosophical intentionality, which is different from the psychological one. With the intentional intuition and reduction, a poet's predetermination is modified all along and the poetic world is constituted and constructed,and thus poetry should be constructed but not completely predetermined. The idea that an author's intention decides everything should be evaluated afresh. This study explores more deeply the mechanism of poetic generation to some extent,but never perfectly. This study will provide a comparatively good basis to study Russian formalism,deconstruction and other literary schools, which needs to be further studied.

【Works Cited】

[1] Husserl, Edmund. Ideas: General Introduction to pure phenomenology.Translated by W.R.Boyce Gibson. China Social Sciences Publishing House Chengcheng Books LTD., 1999,p.132.

[2] Gadamer, Hans-Georg. Truth and Method. Translated by Garpett Barden and John Cumming. China Social Sciences Publishing House Chengcheng Books LTD., 1999, pp.123-210.

[3] Heidegger, Martin. Poetry, Language, Thought. Translated by Albert Hofstadter. China Social Sciences Publishing House Chengcheng Books LTD., 1999, pp.56-107.

On Intentionality of Poetic Generation

Intentionality of poetic generation is usually misunderstood as psychological. Psychological intention means presentation but philosophical intentionality means constitution. Poetic generation is involved in phenomenological intentionality, not pure mental intention. The paper discusses the phenomenological intentionality and its function in poetic production to rid people of misunderstandings of poetic generation.

Intentionality Reduction Intuition Poetic Generation

Wang Yongquan is from The School of Foreign in Henan Institute of Engingeering. Research area is British and American Literature.


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