Research on Comparative Advantage and Typical Models of Circular Agriculture Economy in Eastern and Mid-China Region

2015-11-08 08:23YingZHOUQingboZHOUShouwenGAN
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年11期

Ying ZHOU,Qingbo ZHOU,Shouwen GAN

1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science,Beijing 100081,China

2.Key Laboratory of Nonpoint Source Pollution Control,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081,China

Research on Comparative Advantage and Typical Models of Circular Agriculture Economy in Eastern and Mid-China Region

Ying ZHOU1,2,Qingbo ZHOU1*,Shouwen GAN1,2

1.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science,Beijing 100081,China

2.Key Laboratory of Nonpoint Source Pollution Control,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081,China

Developing agricultural circular economy is the important measures of relieving the pressure on agricultural resources,preserving the ecological environment and promoting the sustainable development of agriculture and rural economy.Based on the idea of circulation of agricultural research as the breakthrough point,the research firstly detailed the concept and scientific connotation of circular agriculture in an all-round way and described and analyzed the advantages and conditions of the development of circular agriculture in eastern and middle regions of China from three aspects including resources endowment,conditions of economic development and industrial base conditions.Furthermore,the research analyzed the model characteristics and summarized the successful experience to provide a reference for promoting the models with consideration of Taihu Lake Basin in South of Jiangsu,Yimeng mountain areas in Southeast of Shandong and hills and mountains region in northwest Henan.Finally,the reseach put forward the development orientation of agricultural circular economy and countermeasures and suggestions to further enhance the level of development.

Agricultural circular economy;Comparative advantages;Typical model;Mid-Eastern China

C hina's No.1Central Document in 2006 gave the first priority to accelerating circular agriculture development in advancing modern agriculture[1]and lots of circular agricultural models driven by new type production and management are emerging guided by new concept and methods,highlighting resource saving and recycling as large specialized households,family farms and farmer's cooperatives develop[2].These practices should be further improved and actually provide references for agricultural circular economic evolvement.

The Scientific Concept of Circular Agriculture

Circular agriculture is the act of farming based on eco-agriculture under guidance of circular economy and generalized as an industry-oriented agriculture featured by reduced consumption of agricultural resources,multi-layer use of agricultural products and closed-cycle production model of agricultural organic wastes.

Chen et al.[3]proposed circular agriculture would be an orientation of Chinese agriculture and it is necessary to advance cleaner production and comprehensive development of agricultural wastes.Guo et al.[4]believed that circular agriculture is an agricultural economic form led by ecology,ecological economics and eco-technology and oriented by green GDP accounting system and sustainable coordinated assessment system,which integrates agricultural economic activity and resources of ecosystem. Zhou et al.[5]emphasized that circular agriculture is a new agricultural development model characterized by low investment,high recycling,high efficiency,high-tech and industrialization,integrating eco-agriculture and foreign circular agriculture characters.Hu et al.[6]researched that circular agriculture is an agricultural production system characterized by circular production and established a sustainable agricultural mode featured by ecological food chain,safe agricultural products,water and soil conservation and production chain extension.Yin et al.[7]concluded that circular agriculture advocates an agricultural development model coordinated with environment guided by ecology rules,and it integrates green consumption with agricultural production,coinciding with sustainable development.

In conclusion,circular agriculture is a new agricultural economy growth model covering population,resource,and environment and it gives emphasis to coordinated development and coupled symbiosis among industries,adjustment of interrelationship and interplay among industries,and construction of scientific agricultural industrial chain in order to realize the role of agriculture in social and economy advancement.Circular agriculture model is a collective term of modern agricultural production characterized by safety,energy-saving,low consumption, environment-friendliness,and high efficiency,organized by advanced agricultural production and management.

Analysis on Circular Agriculture Development Conditions

During the Eleventh Five-year Plan,regional coordinated development strategy was comprehensively implemented and multi-layer system and framework should be established for convenience.Hence,China can be divided into eastern,middle,western and northeastern parts,and every part includes 8 comprehensive economic zones.The research detailed the eastern,middle and western parts in accordance with the Eleventh Fiveyear Plan in order to further explore regional differences in terms of positions and roles and to prove the consistency with China(Table 1)[8].

Natural resource endowment

According to resource endowment determinism,natural resources play significant roles in regional development[9].It is known that natural resources lay foundation for regional advancement and industry development. Still,different combinations of natural resources would promote different industry development,so that resource structure would have effects on industry structure.

Eastern region is abundant with resources,with superior position. Specifically,eastern region can be classified into three layers.The first layer includes Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Shanghai,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Fujian,Shandong,Guangdong and Hainan. The second layer includes northern coastal comprehensive economic zone (Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,and Shandong),eastern coastal comprehensive economic zone(Shanghai,Jiangsu,and Zhejiang)and southern coastal comprehensive economic zone (Fujian, Guangdong, and Hainan)[10].Northern Circum-Bohai Sea Region has a moderate climate and farmlands are fertile.Featured by traditional agriculture,the Region is dominated by crop farming,and it is an important crop,cotton and oil producing base.The Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta are characterized by rich sunshine and rains,so that soils are fertile.Due to excellent climate advantages,agriculture development tends to be diversified and well,involving farming,fruit and vegetable production,and forests[11].The eastern coastal areas boast superior geographical location,stretching ocean route and broad inland,providing convenience for foreign trade and interior communication[12].

Central China has diversified resources and is a kind of bridge undertaking eastern and western China.The region can be divided into two parts,of which the first part includes Shanxi,Anhui,Jinagxi,Henan,Hubei and Hunan,and the second part includes middle reach of the Yellow River(Shanxi and Henan)and middle reach of the Yangtze River(Hubei,Hunan,Jiangxi and Anhui)[10].The middle reach of the Yellow River is located in mountainous areas in Shanxi Province where water and heat are unevenly distributed and soil quality is poor.Therefore,reserved farmlands are in short,but coal resources are abundant[13].Henan Province would meet demands of crops in terms of heat and water,and it is an important crop producing region. However,reserved farmland is not enough and water resources distribute unevenly[14].The middle reach of the Yangtze River is the key crop,cotton and oil producing base in China,having a humid climate and advanced inland navigation and land way transportation.What's more,the middle reach of the Yangtze River plays a significant role in domestic demand-pull economy.For example,its industry,agriculture,business and modern service promote economy development of China in an all-around way[15].

Social and economic development condition

In accordance with the theory of gradient transfer of regional economy,there are gradient differences in terms of economy development in an objective way.Besides,the areas with high gradient are increasingly extending for further advancement by innovation and middle or lower gradient-based areas are seeking development opportunities or relying on anti-gradient transferring[16].Specifically,eastern region takes advantages in accelerating economy based on high starting point and central China plays a key role in undertaking eastern China,promoting self-development.

Powerful economy and advanced industrialization in eastern region Economic reform started from eastern China.Due to location advantages,eastern region has formed an open and high-active market economy,providing references for export-oriented economy.At the same time,rural economic base is good in eastern region and farmers are fully aware of commercial economy.Hence,rural areas should pay attention to rural endogenous strength to realize self-development of rural areas.In 2012,GDP of 10 provinces in eastern region reached 29.589 2 trillion yuan and gross industrial output value 12.594 47 trillion yuan,representing 51.3%and 50.4%,respectively.Besides,total foreign trade volume of foreign-invested enterprise was as high as$167.915 million and export value$91.165 mil-lion,taking up to 88.7%and 89.1%[17]. It is obvious that eastern region still plays a crucial role in supporting national economy growth,realizing comprehensive agricultural modernization and promoting change of traditional agriculture growth pattern.

Eastern region has experienced middle stage of industrialization and rural areas realize homogenized development in terms of economy and society as rural urbanization,so that the pattern has formed characterized by common prosperity of urban and rural areas relying on cities promoting rural area and rural area supporting cities. In 2012,gross output of agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery reached 3.159 27 trillion yuan,accounting for 33.5%and fishery output was as high as 555.31 billion yuan,representing 63.8%.Besides,traditional superior agricultural products always maintain stable in yield.For example,cereal,maize,fruit,and silkworm cocoon represented 22.3% ,20.4%,37.5%and28.9%,respectively[17]. Additionally,agricultural industrialization-based leading enterprises and professional cooperative organizations are increasingly growing.For instance,until the end of 2011,the number of registered farmers' professional cooperative was more than 4400,and 453 000 farm households were driven,taking up to 70%of farmers of primary industry in Beijing.In Jiangsu,farmers' professional cooperative advanced the fastest.For example,the number of registered farmers' professional cooperative reached 44 000 and the registered members 5.62 million households,representing 38%.In Fujian,the number of registered farmers' professional cooperative reached 11 900 and there were 100 provincial demonstration cooperatives,promoting farmers' cooperative development[18].

Rapid economic advancement and urbanization in central China With Rise of Central region Plan applied,the central region is engaging in advancing industrialization and urbanization relying on infrastructure available and improving industrial level.However,endogenous power is too weak,and different provinces are integrating industry transferring and regional growth in central region to promote production elements circulation in order to remove urban-rural dual structure,accelerating rural urbanization and improving economic and social comprehensive profits[16].For example,GDP figure was 11.627 77 trillion yuan and industry output was 5.376 88 trillion yuan in 6 provinces in central region in 2012,taking up to 20.2%and 21.5%,respectively.Besides,total foreign trade volume of foreign-invested enterprise was as high as$7.717 million and export value$4.035 million,representing 4.1%and 3.9%of national levels.Although central region has economic gap with eastern China,gross investment and export values advanced 1.5 and 1.7 points[17].It can be concluded that with new development opportunities,central region always holds the strategic position of key raw material production region and agricultural producing region,and performs quite well in cultivating new growth poles,economic growth quality and profits[19].

The central region is accelerating industrialization process and giving supports to economic transition of resource-based enterprise on basis of agriculture,realizing the scientific development route oriented by Four Modernizations.For example,gross output reached 2 374.71 billion yuan,covering agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry and fishery,representing 26.5%.What's more,dominant crops always hold a leading role.In 2012,agricultural products,such as rice,wheat and fruit represented 39.9%,42.2%and 37.5%,respectively[17].It is the consistency between farm and local government that contributes to central region prosperity.Until the end of 2011,the number of specialized agricultural cooperatives was as high as 41 035 in Shanxi Province,ranking the 3rd nationwide and the turnover involving in cooperation between farm households and merchants achieved 340 million yuan.In addition,the number of registered specialized agricultural cooperatives was 34 464 by Henan Administration for Industry&Commerce,increasing by23% compared with last year and gross value reached 27.5 billion yuan organized by the cooperatives.

Table 1 Classification of four regions in China

Base condition of agricultural industrialization

Agricultural industrialization has become an important mechanism and development model of rural economy and production base plays an indispensible role in agricultural industrialization.The central and eastern regions are engaged in constructing and broadening dominant crop bases,providing raw materials for circular agriculture and constructing industry system,and laying foundation for exploring characteristic sustainable agriculture.Specifically,high-quality product bases develop quite stable in eastern region[20-26]and coastal provinces or cities are striving for building characteristic and famous dominant crop producing region relying on coastal resources (Table 2).The central region has become a large-scale producing region with high-quality agricultural products,supplying commod-ity grain and agricultural and sideline products[27-31](Table 3),laying foundation for sustainable agricultural development.

Table 2 Main advantage agricultural industrialization base and distribution in eastern region of China

Typical Model of Sustainable Agricultural Economy

Recently,the eastern and central regions are seeking for circular agriculture economy development on the strength of local characteristic resources and advantages.The research selected three typical sustainable agricultural model,including Taihu Lakeregion,Yimeng Mountains and hilly regions in northwest of Henan to analyze regional circular agriculture model,providing references for other areas.

The model of combination of planting and breeding in Taihu Lake Basin

Yixing citystrived to develop ecology-based circular agriculture according to local circumstances,especially in development and use of agricultural wastes and resources and established a comprehensive use and production model characterized by ecological industrial chain of biogas,comprehensive use of straws and stereo specific binding of farming and animal husbandry.For example,Tianpeng Ecological S&T Company applied the organic model of farming,animal husbandry,biogas and fungus,which advances modern agriculture.

Tianpeng Company established the largest dairy farm in Yixing,containing 550 dairy cow.Since 2007,the company is increasingly expanding farming scale and focusing on recycling of cow dung.As shown in Fig.1,the company has constructed a middle-sized biogas digester (150 m3),converting 100 tons cow dung and sewage into residential energies every day and cooperated with Wuxi Gelai Biotechnology Co., convert cow dung into particle organism organic fertilizers with advanced technology. What's more,green agricultural production bases,such as strawberry,cress and grape are constructed nearby cattle farms,so that fresh cow dung can be directly applied in farming bases by fermentation and processing. Finally,the company has established Xiangyun Edible Fungus industry Co.,Ltd.and introduced industry chain of edible mushrooms to cultivate highquality mushroom with cow dung and straws.In 2008,wildcelery herb households input about 20 tons fermented cow dung per mu,cultivating local soils and reducing chemical fertilizer quantity and farming cost.Additionally,the company makes full use of capitals supported by government and introduces sophisticated technology,making modernized feeding possible in dairy farm.In 2010,nearly 200 farmers were employed by Xiangyun company and cooperatives and the employment incomes achieved over 5 million yuan.Due to industry chain extension,50 000 tons straws can be converted yearly,which resolves the difficulty of straw conversion and cultivates professional farmers.

The model of family-pattern farm in Yimeng Mountains

Linyi City always develops fast and steadily.On one hand,the city is employed in cultivating and developing characteristic industry to shape industry clusters.On the other hand,the city supports and leads big specialized households and family-pattern farms. Mengyin County,relying on characteristic fruit tree bases and long-haired hares,has become a model of the city in terms of sustainable economy.

As shown in Fig.2,the family-pattern production characterized by harebiogas-fruit in Daigu Town is a circular agriculture model integrating raising rabbit,biogas construction,use of biogas residue and biogas slurry,and fruit tree production.Specifically,biogas digesters are available in receiving excrements from warrens and toilets,removing pollution source of the courtyard and purifying production and living environment.What's more,biogas from the biogas digesters can be used for electricity production on warren lighting,insect killing in orchards,and daily cooking,and the remained biogas slurry and residue can be applied in orchards and gardens,replacingpesticides and chemical fertilizers,to increase soil organic matter and improve soil quality.The model integrates fruit production and long-haired hare raising,accomplishing an ecological sustainable system with economic and environment benefits,for it realizes zero emission and resource recycling.

Table 3 Main advantage agricultural industrialization base and distribution in central region of China

The model of the characteristic trade chain extension in hilly regions of Henan northwest

Sanmenxia City captured the opportunity of central region development and implement traveling strategy to advance county-level economy transition.As the water source conservation region of South-to-North Water Diversion,Lushi County gives the first priority to eco-conservation, and strives to cultivate new industry. Hengjian Village along correlative industry Luo River has been improved and upgraded to mulberry bases and is engaged in broadening correlative industry to formulate circular agriculture development model based on extended silkworm industry chain.

The industry chain in Yunihe Village integrates different chains,covering mulberry planting,sericulture,shii-take production based on mulberry twig,organic fertilization produced from silkworm excrement,and organic fertilizers returned in the mulberry field. It is a new circular agriculture model organizing specialized cooperatives,companies, branches and farm households.As shown in Fig.3,mulberry leaf is mainly used for feeding mulberry silkworms and young mulberry leaf is also developed into health care teas to increase farmer's incomes.Secondly,mulberry twigs are generally collected and ground for growing mushrooms.For example,the trimmed twigs on the top can be 200 kg and cut twigs in summer can be as high as 500 kg.Farmers could get the processed materials by paying.Thirdly,silkworm excrement and mycelium mass wastes can be used to produce organic fertilizers which can be applied in the mulberry field in turn and the excrement can be also developed into health products,such as silkworm ex-crement pillow and silkworm excrement physiotherapy bag.Fourthly,the mulberry fruit can be eaten raw and developed into highly processed products,such as mulberry juice and wine. Finally,silk can be further processed into different textiles and protease and cocoon deep-processing products.In 2011,Huifeng Silkworm Further-processing Specialized Cooperative produced 20 tons pollution-free mulberry vegetables and 5 tons mulberry leaf tea,with incomes of 2.10 million yuan and net profits of 505 500 yuan,which arouse silkworm raisers' interest.In 16 administrative villages in Lushan County,totaling 5 million bags of black fungus were produced based on ground oak tree and 2.60 million bags of shii-take were obtained,with economic benefits of more than 30 million yuan.

Conclusion and Countermeasures

In conclusion,different provinces have determined circular agriculture development roads with highlights upon local resources,guided by overall planning and eco-environment conservation,relying on industry development.Circular agriculture is a kind of new production pattern and technological paradigm which requires a long term before traditional technology to be replaced.In eastern region,agricultural modernization is hindered significantly,covering water shortage,decreased farmland quantity,and serious non-point source pollution,because of rapid industrialization and urbanization.On the other hand,in central region the urban-rural dual structure still exists where endogenous power is poor.Therefore,rural industrialization and urbanization still develops slowly,limited by technology information and management.

The development orientation of circular agricultural economy in new era as follows.The eastern region should be to preventenvironment negative externality and reduce disaster attribute to promote coordinated development of agricultural economy and eco-environment and to achieve agricultural modernization in a sustainable way depending on advanced technology and improved environment.Flat areas should establish high quality and high-efficient modern farming and animal husbandry and deep-processing industry of agricultural products oriented by extending agricultural industry chain.Hilly areas should be dominated by environment friendly agriculture,calling for resource recycling and output investment to reduce dependence on pesticide and chemical fertilizer. Coastal areas should develop mudflat aquaculture and cleaning industry of marine fishery.At the same time,the central region should insist on integration of industry transferring and regional endogenous growth on basis of local conditions to guarantee circulation and integration of production factors between rural and urban areas.Specifically,flat areas should be dominated by large-scale further-processing of agricultural product,precise processing of leading products and comprehensive use of side-products,to shape resource-saving sustainable agricultural model characterized by reduced into the production.Hilly areas should advance characteristic industry and extended sustainable agricultural model to aim at leisure agriculture,tourism and service function.

Currently,it is necessary to further promote transformation of agricultural development mode by resolving water shortage issue,establish the mechanism of promoting industry by agriculture and promoting rural areas by urban areas,and accomplish coordinated development and coupled symbiosis among industries.Besides,national and local benefit farming policies should be improved,as follows:

Firstly,relevant policies and systems should be improved.For example,the government should guide farmers to be engaged in production or consumption practices conductive to sustainable agricultural chain from the perspectives of capital,product subsidy and revenue by financial subsidy,loan on favorable terms,and reduction of tax rate[32].Secondly,it is important to reinforce technology innovation,for it gives supports to stead upgrading of sustainable agricultural industry and improves correlation degree among industries from different aspects to formulate new sustainable industry chain. It is notable that the extension and convergence of leading technology and permeation of related technology advance integrated development of sustainable agricultural chain,and the breakthrough on innovative technology makes industry convergence possible[33].Thirdly,market is the original motive power of industry chain operation and production activities of enterprises in upper reaches are mainly driven by downstream market,so that the industry chain could be developed in a sustainable way only when downstream market guaranteed[34].Finally,it is of significance to give highlights to education,for human resource is the most active factor in agricultural production.Specifically,investments should be given to human resource development in rural areas to stimulate social investment in education, farmers' traditional concept should be changed to cultivate recycling use of resources,surplus labor should be transferred to cities in an organized way to promote the importance of sophisticated technology and new agricultural production model in order to enhance motive force of agricultural sustainable economy[35].

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Responsible editor:Xiaoxue WANG

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU


周颖1,2,周清波1,甘寿文1,2(1.中国农业科学院农业资源与农业区划研究所,北京100081;2.农业部面源污染控制重点实验室,北京 100081)






Supported by National Nonprofit Institute Research Grant of CAAS(IARRP-2015-7).


Received:September 3,2015 Accepted:October 16,2015

修回日期 2015-10-10

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