Comparative Test for New Watermelon Cultivars

2015-11-08 08:23XiaoqingOU
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年11期

Xiaoqing OU

Beihai vegetable research institute,Beihai 53600,China

Comparative Test for New Watermelon Cultivars

Xiaoqing OU*

Beihai vegetable research institute,Beihai 53600,China

Comparative test was conducted on 11 (including the cultivar as control)new watermelon cultivars to identify the yielding ability,stability,adaptability,stress resistance and other important characteristics of the new watermelon cultivars,to thereby obtain new watermelon cultivars with good comprehensive characters suitable for different regions and different cultivation manners.The results showed that Dali Qilin,Jingangerhao Hemeiren,Hongli Dahonghu,Hongli Baowang,Longjing Heibao and XJ-I had outstanding performance in yield,resistance and quality,and thus were worthy of further experiment demonstration and certification.

Watermelon;New cultivars;Comparative test;Evaluation

I n order to satisfy domestic requirements from production and breeding of watermelon,cultivar screening has been conducted widely for solving problems existing in nationwide advantageous production regions according to culture characteristics and production requirements of different advantageous production regions,thereby guiding cultivar selec tion of watermelon by producers[1-8]. The planting area and planting benefit of mini-watermelon are increasing by years,and the mini-watermelon has a planting area above 20 000 hm2each year,and mainly contribute in the regions around developed large and medium-sized cities including Beijing,Shanghai and cities in Zhejiang and Shandong[9-12].In recent years,the mini-watermelon has been developed rapidly in production,and in order to reduce the risk of aimless promotion,Beihai seed control station undertook the duty of testing new mini-watermelon cultivars given by the Agriculture Department of Guangxi province.This paper performed comparative evaluation on main characteristics including yielding ability,quality and adaptability of tested cultivar,aiming at providing theoretical basis for generalizing new mini-watermelon cultivars with high yield and stability,good quality and strong resistance.

Materials and Methods


The tested watermelon cultivars including Longjing Huananbao,Longjing Heibao,Lizhen Heimeren,Jingangerhao Heimeiren,Hongli Dahonghu,Hongli Baowang,Fujin Dameiren,Dali Qilin,and XJ-I,with Zhunong Dameiren (CK 1)and Zhengda Qilin(CK 2)as controls.


The test was conducted at Chixi Village,Gaode Subdistrict Office,Haicheng District,Beihai City,Guangxi Province.The region has an altitude of 15.4 m;the terrain is flat;and the soil is sandy soil with medium fertility.This test region has the advantages of convenient irrigation and drainage and good ventilation without shade.The preceding crop was sugarcane.Drip fertilization beneath mulched film was adopted.Accelerating germination and sowing were carried out on March 15;an before planting,ditching and application of base fertilizer including organic fertilizer 12 000 kg/hm2(stack retting chicken manure+calcium super phosphate)and ternary compound fertilizer 375 kg/hm2were performed. Field planting was conducted on April 15 of 2014.Seedlings were covered by mulches and a small shed.Doublevine pruning was adopted,and the third and fourth female flowers was se-lected for fruiting.Pollination was conducted on May 11-16.The side vines were cut on May 17 while selecting one watermelon to be reserved for each seedling.Topdressing was performed twice from early May to late May using the ternary compound fertilizer in an amount of 150 kg/hm2.Harvest was conducted on June 12.Randomized block arrangement was adopted with three replications.Each plot had an area of(3×10 m)30 m2and planted with 25 individuals,equivalent to 8 340 plants/hm2,and around the test plots were provided guard rows.

Results and Analysis

Botanical character comparison for tested cultivars

The tested cultivars had a growth stage of 89 d and a fruit maturing stage of 28 d except XJ-I,which had a growth stage of 99 d and a fruit maturing stage of 30 d.The main disease was leaf blight,against which the tested cultivars were equivalent to the controls.The fruit of tested cultivars had red flesh with good profile,and the flesh was crispy and tasted good without hollow phenomenon.

Yield comparison for test cultivars

As shown in Table 1,among the tested cultivars,Dali Qilin had a highest yield,which was 45 471 kg/hm2,the next one was Hongli Dahonghu with a yield of 44 265 kg/hm2,the third one was jingangerhao Heimeiren,whose yield was 41 386.5 kg/hm2,and Lizhen Heimeiren had a lowest yield of 34 125 kg/hm2.

Commodity rate comparison for tested cultivars

In Table 1,Zhunong Dameiren(CK1),Jingangerhao Heimeiren,Hongli Dahonghu,Hongli Baowang,Fujin Dameiren and XJ-I had the highest yields of 95.0%,the next was Zhengda Qilin (CK2),Longjing Huananbao,Longjing Heibao,Lizhen Heimeren,and Dali Qilin,the yields of which were above 85%.Dali Qilin had the greatest single melon weight of 5.50 kg,the next one was Hongli Dahonghu,whose single melon weight was 5.40 kg,and Zhunong Dameiren(CK1)had the lowest single melon weight of 4.40 kg.Jingangerhao Heimeiren,Hongli Dahonghu and Hongli Baowang had the highest sugar contents in fruit center of 11.5%,the next was Zhunong Dameiren(CK1),Lizhen Heimeren and Fujin Dameiren,whose center sugar contents were 11.0%,and other cultivars had the center sugar contents in the range of 9.8%-10.5%.It was shown by the test that Hongli Dahonghu,Hongli Baowang,Jingangerhao Heimeiren,XJ-I and Dali Qilin performed better,and thus were recommended for certification and field demonstration,while further observation was necessary for Fujin Dameiren,Longjing Huananbao,Longjing Heibao and Lizhen Heimeren.


Conclusion and Discussion

Evaluation of cultivars with better performance

Hongli Dahonghu This cultivar had a whole growth stage of 89 d and a fruit maturing stage of 28 d.In the whole experiment process,the plant had moderately strong growth and disease resistance,the main disease was leaf blight,and its fruit set easily.The fruit was long elliptical and had green background and light green stripes;its peel had a thickness of 1.0 cm,and was hard and tough;the profile was good;the flesh was red and crispy,with little fiber and no hollow phenomenon,and tasted good;the storage and transportation performance was good;this cultivar had seeds in a moderate amount,and the seeds were moderately large;and the fruit had good uniformity. The average single melon weight was 5.4 kg,the average yield of each plot was 44 265 kg/hm2,which was the second and higher thanthat of the control(CK1)by 19.96%;the commodity rate was 95.0%,and there was no deformed melon;and the center sugar content was 11.5%,and the side sugar content was 9.5%.The cultivar has the advantages of high yield and good quality,and is suitable for locally planting.

Jingangerhao Heimeiren This cultivar had a whole growth stage of 89 d and a fruit maturing stage of 28 d.In the whole experiment process,the plant had moderately strong growth and disease resistance,the main disease was leaf blight,and its fruit set easily.The fruit was long elliptical and had light green background and deep green bands;its peel had a thickness of 1.0 cm,and was hard and tough;the profile was good;the flesh was red and crispy,with little fiber,no hollow phenomenon,and tasted good;the storage and transportation performance was good;this cultivar had few seeds,and the seeds were moderately large;and the fruit had good uniformity.The average single melon weight was 5.2 kg,the average yield of each plot was 41 386.5 kg/hm2,which was the third and higher than that of the control(CK1)by 12.16%;the commodity rate was 95.0%,and there was no deformed melon;and the center sugar content was 11.5%,and the side sugar content 9.3%.The cultivar was better than the control in yield and quality,its stress resistance and disease resistance were close to those of the control,and therefore,it was recommended for certification or continued test.

Hongli Baowang This cultivar had a whole growth stage of 89 d and a fruit maturing stage of 28 d.In the whole experiment process,the plant had moderately strong growth and disease resistance,the main disease was leaf blight,and its fruit set easily.The fruit was long elliptical and had green background and light green bands;its peel had a thickness of 1.2 cm,and was hard and tough;the profile was good;the flesh was red and crispy,with little fiber and no hollow phenomenon,and tasted good;the storage and transportation performance was good;this cultivar had few seeds,which were moderately large;and the fruit had good uniformity.The average single melon weight was of 5.2 kg,the average yield of each plot was of 41 089.5 kg/hm2,which was the fourth and higher than that of the control(CK 1)by 11.35%;the commodity rate was 95.0%,and there was no deformed melon;and the center sugar content was 11.5%,and the side sugar content was 9.5%.The cultivar was better than the control in yield and quality,its stress resistance and disease resistance were close to those of the control,and therefore,it was recommended for certification or continued test.

XJ-I This cultivar had a whole growth stage of 99 d and a fruit maturing stage of 30 d.In the whole experiment process,the plant had moderately strong growth and disease resistance,the main disease was leaf blight,and its fruit set easily.The fruit was round and had green background and deep green bands;its peel had a thickness of 1.3 cm,and was hard and tough;the profile was good;the flesh was red and crispy,with little fiber and no hollow phenomenon,and tasted good;the storage and transportation performance was good;this cultivar had few white seeds;and the fruit had good uniformity.The average single melon weight was of 5.0 kg,the average yield of each plot was of 40 927.5 kg/hm2,which was higher than that of the control(CK1)by 10.91%;the commodity rate was 95.0%,and there was no deformed melon;and the center sugar content was 10.0%,and the side sugar content was 8.5%.The cultivar was better than the control in yield,its commodity rate,stress resistance and disease resistance were close to those of the control,and therefore,it was recommended for certification or continued test.

Dali Qilin This cultivar had a whole growth stage of 89 d and a fruit maturing stage of 28 d.In the whole experiment process,the plant had moderate growth and disease resistance,the main disease was leaf blight,and its fruit set easily.The fruit was elliptical and had green background and greenish black bands;its peel had a thickness of 1.0 cm,and was hard and tough;the profile was good;the flesh was red and crispy,with little fiber and no hollow phenomenon,and tasted good;the storage and transportation performance was good;this cultivar had seeds;and the fruit had good uniformity.The average single melon weight was 5.5 kg,the average yield of each plot was 45 471 kg/hm2,which was higher than that of the control(CK2)by 11.62%;the commodity rate was 85.0%,and there was no deformed melon;and the center sugar content was 10.0%,and the side sugar content was 8.5%.The cultivar was better than the control in yield,its quality was close to that of the control,and it was recommended for continued test.

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Responsible editor:Yingzhi GUANG

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU








Received:July 28,2015 Accepted:October 26,2015

修回日期 2015-10-26
