Pedigree and Trait Analysis of Soybean Varieties Registered in Henan Province

2015-11-08 08:23ShufengWANGWeiguoLUWeidongLl
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年11期

Shufeng WANG,Weiguo LU,Weidong Ll

Institute of Industrial Crops,Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Zhengzhou Subcenter of National Soybean Improvement Center,Zhengzhou 450002,China

Pedigree and Trait Analysis of Soybean Varieties Registered in Henan Province

Shufeng WANG*,Weiguo LU,Weidong Ll

Institute of Industrial Crops,Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Zhengzhou Subcenter of National Soybean Improvement Center,Zhengzhou 450002,China

To elucidate the genetic relationship of the soybean varieties registered in Henan province,we analyzed the pedigrees,the major agronomic traits,and the economic traits of 74 soybean varieties registered in Henan province from 1985 to 2012,with reference to experience and technologies beneficial to breeding.The results indicated that these varieties originated from 113 parents,and positive correlation between the yield and the number of original parents was significant.In the major agronomic traits,the growth stage was about 106 days with relatively small variation,while the final height varied largely among these varieties.Among the factors affecting the final yield,the pod number per plant exhibited an increasing trend,while the variation of 100-grain weight was relatively small.More than 50%of the 113 original parents came from Henan Province and its neighbor provinces,and the genetic relationship among the registered varieties was too close.The rational criteria of yield components of soybean varieties in Henan Province should be as follows:the pod number per plant was about 48.6,with 100-grain weight ranging from 17.55 g to 21.80 g.

Soybean;Pedigree;Source of parent;Agronomic characters;Economic characters;Henan Province

T he source of parents to the refined soybean species is the inherent reason and determinant of species traits.The analysis of soybean varieties and the composition of original parents contribute to maintaining the inheritance of soybeans,and improving the quantity and quality of soybean varieties,which provides beneficial references to the choice of soybean parents.In 1997,Li Weidong[1]summarized the pedigree sources and performance traits of 23 soybean varieties registered in Henan.In 1998,Li Weidong[2]studied the pedigree sources and performance traits of 150 soybean varieties in China,among which 25 species were registered in Henan.In 1999,Cui et al.analyzed the pedigree sources and performance traits of 650 soybean varieties in China,among which 15 species were registered in Henan.In 2001,Li Weidong et al.[4]studied the genetic frequency and source of original parents of soybeans registered in Henan. To elucidate the genetic relationship of the soybean varieties registered in Henan Province,we analyzed the pedigrees,the major agronomic traits,and the economic traits of 74 soybean varieties registered in Henan province from 1985 to 2012,with reference to experience and technologies beneficial to breeding.

Materials and Methods


74 summer soybean species were registered in Henan from 1985 to 2012.The pedigree and yield came from Summer Soybean and Technological Parameters in Huang-Huai-Hai Region[5]and soybean experiment in Henan from 1984 to 2011.


According to the pedigree of 74 summer soybean registered in Henanfrom 1985 to 2012,we pursued its original farmland species or species in foreign countries,and carried out related analysis of the average yield in Henan and the number of original parents of soybeans registered in Henan. We focused on the source of each original parent,and the effects of each original parent composition and inherent basic accumulation on the species yield.We analyzed the main body of the inheritance of soybeans registered in Henan.The analysis of soybean varieties and the composition of original parents contribute to maintaining the inheritance of soybeans,and improving the quantity and quality of soybean varieties,which provides beneficial references to the choice of soybean parents.

Table 1 Original Parents of Soybean Varieties Registered in Henan

Results and Analyses

Source of original parents of soybeans registered in Henan

74 original parents of soybeans registered in Henan generally come from Henan,other provinces and even foreign countries.Zheng196 had the largest amount of species,and there were 31 original parents in total.

There were 1874 original parents of soybeans,among which 31 original parents came from Henan,accounting for 27.43%;20 original parents from Shandong,occupying 17.70%;14 original parents from Jiangsu,representing 12.39%;10 original parents from Beijing,constituting 8.85%;10 original parents from America,occupying 8.85%;8 original parents from Anhui,taking up 7.08%.Therefore,most original parents originate from Henan and its surrounding provinces.There were 65 original parents from Henan,Jiangsu and Shandong,whichaccounted for 57.52%of the total.There were 12 original parents from America and Japan, which represented 10.62%.There were 10 original parents from Liaoning,Jilin and Heilongjiang,which took up 8.85%(Table 1).

Contribution of original parents to soybeans registered in Henan

As we can see from Table 2,Xinhuangdou,Tiejiaohuang and Jimoyoudou appeared 129 times in the soybean varieties,among which Xinhuangdou produced 60 species of soybeans,and Tiejiaohuang and Jimoyoudou produced 59 species.Sijiaoqi appeared for 144 times in the soybean varieties,and Qihuang No.1 occurred 133 times in the soybean varieties,Binghaidabaihua and Pixianruanzhitiao occurred 121 times in the soybean registration pedigree,Yeqi No.1 and Qinyangshuibaidou appeared 133 and 132 times respectively.Hualvdou, Mamotan, Tongshaneianedan appeared 47,44,and 44 times separately.Dingtaodapindg and Zanbian 20 produced 38 and 21 soybean species respectively.Xinhuangdou,Tiejiaohuang,Jimoyoudou,Sijiaoqi,Qihuang No.1,Binghaidabaihua,Pixianruanzhitiao,YeqiNo.1,Qinyangshuibaiodu appeared the most frequently,and can be considered as the core original parents.

Relationship between the yield and the number of original parents of soybeans in Henan

According to Table 3,the yield of Pudou 206 was the highest among the 74 soybean species,at about 3 092.40 kg/hm2.The yield of Yudou No.4 wasthe lowest,at 1 973.70 kg/hm2,and the average yield was 2 607.53 kg/hm2. The variation coefficient of the yield of registered species was 0.10.There were 25.4 species in average,and the variation coefficient of original parents was 0.91.

Table 2 Original parents who make great contribution to soybeans registered in Henan

Table 3 Species yield and number of original parents of soybean varieties registered in Henan

Taking the number oforiginal parents as the independent variables,and the registered species yield as dependent variables,we got the linear regression formula of registered species yield and the number of original parents as y=3.706 3x+2513.5.According to Fig.1,as the number of original parent increases,the yield of soybean also gradually rises.The related coefficient of the number of original parents andthe average yield was0.313(when v=72,p=0.006 7,r0.05=0.232),reaching significant level.

Main agronomic characters of registered soybeans in Henan

As we can see from Fig.2,the growth period of registered soybean species expanded gradually.Except certain specific species,the growth period was around 106 days.The relatively stable growth period suggested that the ecological climate in Henan at the specific growth period was suitable for soybeans to grow.The changes of strain height did not show any distinct tendency,among which Zhoudou 18 and 19 were the highest one,at 102.6 cm,while Yudou 20 was the shortest one,only 56 cm high.

Main economic performance of registered soybean species in Henan

The yield of seeds on a single strain of soybean includes the number of pod on a strain and particles quality. As was shown in Fig.3,the number of pods on a single strain increased,butthe number differed significantly.The number of pod on a single strain of Kaidou No.4 was the largest,only 71,while the number of pod on the single strain of Dingcun 93-1 was the lowest,only 26.2.The general trend of the 100 particles in Henan remained stable,but the differences among species varied significantly.The quality of 100 particles of Dingcun 93-1 was the largest,reaching 30.3 g.The quality of 100 particles of Yudou No.1 was the smallest,only 13.3 g.

According to Fig.4,the number of pods on a single strain reached the peak at 48.6.In other words,the number of pods on a single strain was around 48.6,ranging between 26.2and 71.0.The quality of 100 particles was between 17.55 and 21.80 g,and the seed size changed significantly. The quality of 100 particles ranged between 13.3 and 30.3 g.

As was shown in Fig.5,besides of certain specific species,the yield of soybeans registered in Henan improved gradually.However,because the control species changed continuously in Henan,the rising span of registered species declined,and the rising span remained steady between 5% and 15%in recent years.

It was shown in Fig.6,the amount of protein in the soybean registered in Henan remained the same at 45%. The amount of fat in the registered soybean species stayed at the range between 18%and 22%.

Conclusions and discussions

Analysis of pedigree source of registered species ofsoybean in Henan

Studies by Li Weidong et al.[4]pointed out that the 25 registered species of soybean in Henan came from 34 original parents.In recent years,the inheritance of soybeans in Henan expanded.The study on the pedigree of 74 registered soybean species in Henan from 1984 to 2012 suggested that the number of original parents reached 113,and the community expanded for nearly three times. The geological source was more extensive.The species among each ecologicalarea expanded gradually,and the inheritance foundation of soybean species extended.

Among 113 copies of original parents,the number of original parents in Henan and its surrounding province accounted for above 50%.In the pedigree of registered soybean species,there were 8 original parents from Henan and its surrounding provinces among the first 9 original parents who appeared the most frequently and produced the largest number of species,which was exactly why those original parents were highly compatible with local original parents.If the blood relationship between each registered species was too close,there will be certain similar drawbacks,and it will be difficult to make breakthrough in the yield.While breeding species,expanding the inheritance foundation of species appropriately and introducing the original parents which were far away from the inheritance distance contribute to improving the comprehensive resistance of species and enhance yield.There are still rooms to expand in the inheritance foundation of soybeans in Henan.

Agronomictraits and economic performance of registered soybean species in Henan

According to the main agronomic traits of registered soybean species in Henan,the growth basically remained stable at 106,which suggested that the ecological environment in Henan was suitable for soybeans.Judging from the components of yield,the number of pods on a single strain in Henan rose gradually,while the quality of 100 particles was relatively small. The analysis of the frequency of registered soybean yield in Henan proved that there should be 48.6 pods on a single strain,and the quality of 100 particles wasbetween 17.55 and 21.80 g.

Thoughts on breeding soybean seeds in Henan

Henan is the main area to produce summer soybeans in Huang-Huai-Hai.The soybean species breed in Henan were of high yield,but also were refined.The special geological location and particular thermal condition contribute to high content of protein in soybean in Henan.However,the fat in soybean in Henan was normal.Therefore,while maintaining the high protein in soybean,the cultivation of high-yield and high-fat soybean would become the major subject for soybean seeds cultivation in Henan in future.

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[2]LI WD (李卫东).Refined Species of Henan Soybean(河南大豆改良种质)[M].Beijing:Chinese Agricultural Science and Technological Press(北京:中国农业科技出版社),1998.

[3]CUI Z L,CARTER T E,GAI J,et al.Origin,description,and pedigree of Chinese soybean cultivars released from 1923 to 1995[R].USDA Agricultural Research Service Technical Bulletin 1871,Washington D C,1999.

[4]WD LI(李卫东),HZ LIANG (梁慧珍),WG LU (卢为国),et al.The Analysis of Genetic Base of Released Soybean Varieties in Henan Province(河南大豆审定品种遗传基础分析)[J].Journal of Plant Genetic Resources(植物遗传资源科学),2001(1):39-41.

[5]WD LI(李卫东).Summer Soybean and Variety Parameters along Huang-Huai-Hai(黄淮海夏大豆及品种参数)[M]. Beijing:Chinese Agricultural Science and Technological Press(北京:中国农业科技出版社),2006.

Responsible editor:Nana FAN

Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU


王树峰*,卢为国,李卫东 (河南省农业科学院经济作物研究所/国家大豆改良中心郑州分中心,河南郑州 450002)

为明确河南省大豆审定品种亲缘关系,借鉴有益于育种效果的经验与技术,分析了河南省1985~2012年审定的74个大豆品种的系谱来源、主要农艺性状和经济性状特点。结果表明,河南省审定的大豆品种可明确113个原始亲本,产量与原始亲本数量成显著正相关。河南省大豆审定品种的主要农艺性状中,生育期稳定在106 d左右,株高因品种而异,变化较大;产量构成因素中,单株荚数总体呈增加趋势,百粒质量则相对变化较小。113份原始亲本中,来自河南省及周边省份的原始亲本占总数的50%以上,各审定品种之间血缘关系过于密切。河南省大豆品种合理的产量构成因素应该是:单株荚数48.6个左右,百粒质量17.55~21.80 g。





Supported by National Soybean Industrial Technology Support Program(nycytx-004);National Scientific and Technological Innovation Program;Indigenuous Innovative Program of Henan Academy of Agricultural Science.


Received:August 25,2015 Accepted:September 29,2015

修回日期 2015-09-29

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