Should parents hit their children for their misbehavior

2015-10-21 19:41Aka
第二课堂(课外活动版) 2015年3期



About 31% of the people asked agreed that parents should hit their children for misbehavior and 69% said no. Here are some comments from both sides.


A) If a child is playing with matches and about to drop a match into a can of gas, you dont calmly ask them to stop what theyre doing, and put them into time out. You hit the match off their hand and then tell them why its bad. Sometimes, physically punishing your children is the only thing you can do to get the point across.

B) I am 16 and was hit when I was younger. It made me a respectful, successful, and hard-working person. It is a quick and easy way for a child to understand right and wrong.

C) I used to get spanked for my misbehavior and I turned out fine. Sometimes time out or sending kids to their room doesnt work. Some parents cross the line and they beat up their children, but there are other parents who know how to control themselves.


A) I am thirteen years old right now and still get slapped. I cry every night because my mom says Im ugly, fat, and I have no friends. When she slaps me it makes me just want to be dead and it makes me feel worthless. I think its so wrong!

B) It is not right to hit your own kids. Communication is the key instead of hitting, and they will learn to use it later in life. Hitting will hurt your relationship with your kids, so dont spank them. It just shows you dont care about your relationship with them. Probably parents who hit their kids do it because they learned it from their parents. Dont pass it down to your own kids. Be a role model for your kids the right way.

C) Hitting is not love. If you honestly sit back and think about it, youd realize its more about your own feeling and losing control. Hitting your kids wont make them respect you or listen to you; it will make them fear you and even hate you instead. Whats worse is that hitting may destroy their childhood and cause other psychological problems.


spank v. 打屁股

slap v. 扇臉

role model n. 榜样

(Have you even been hit by your parents? If so, what do you want to say to them?)
