
2015-10-11 09:05:00建筑设计金陶塔斯纳特凯维丘斯阿多玛斯里姆谢利斯ArchitectsGintautasNatkeviciusAdomasRimselis
世界建筑 2015年8期

建筑设计:金陶塔斯·纳特凯维丘斯,阿多玛斯·里姆谢利斯Architects: Gintautas Natkevicius, Adomas Rimselis


Architects: Gintautas Natkevicius, Adomas Rimselis

1 入口立面/The entrance facade







知名德国公司IFZW为该项目提供了3个层级的现代化火化与废气净化设备,以应对严苛的环境要求。建筑完全适于双线操作的火化流程。□(陈茜 译)

2 面向主入口的内庭院/Inner courtyard, facing the main entrance

This is the first crematorium in Lithuania. The idea to build a crematorium was first put forth in the interwar period, but at that time, only an incinerator for medical waste in Kaunas Hospital was built. Until recently, the increasing interest for cremations in Lithuania meant that Lithuanians had to use cremation services in Latvia and Poland.

To clear a path for the first crematorium in Lithuania was not easy. Despite the great enthusiasm,there was opposition due to the predominant Catholic mindset and political hypocrisy; the lack of and the imperfections in existing environmental and other laws were overcome only in 2011. The owners of Kėdainiai crematorium, as well as their doctor and environmentalist allies showed their strength throughout this process.

The crematorium is situated in Kėdainiai, an industrial town with 31,000 inhabitants, located in the geographical center of Lithuania. As an industrial park was chosen as the building's backdrop, it is surrounded by a chaotic, unaesthetic industrial typology: sugar mills, fertilizer factories with smoky chimneys, and therefore the surroundings do not really convey the sense of a sacred place.

At the beginning of the design process, precedents were analyzed from other countries; inspiring examples of crematoria such as the Treptow Crematorium in Berlin, the Dresden Crematorium, and a crematorium designed by Toyo Ito in Gifu, Japan. These examples were large, impressive, and monumental edifices with an inspiring program. However, the crematorium in Kėdainiai, a small building of 770 square meters, meant there was almost no place to create sacred script.

The unaesthetic industrial environment provoked the designers to create a minimalistic and even ascetic approach. This one storey building was created with concrete surfaces with an external and internal quality and unity. In order to distance itself from its industrial context, the crematorium was designed to look inward, like an introvert. Even the chimney, which may cause bad feelings, is hidden within the volume of the building. The main goal of the program was to create an inner Japanese-style courtyard with a growing pendulum elm facing the main entrance. The courtyard creates an intimatespace, an accumulation zone before one enters the building. Reaching the courtyard, the constrained space appears visually expanded. It creates an emotional filter to reduce the mourner's stress.

The crematorium's interior program is composed of the central courtyard, a lobby with resting area, two final disposition halls, a cremation hall, and a cremation equipment room with chimney. The interior is created with four surfaces:concrete, wood veneer, glass with aluminum, and white plaster. The ascetic interior allows families to concentrate on their grief with no interference of colors or detail. Every mourner and their face becomes a very important part of the interior.

Three levels of modern cremation exhaust air cleaning equipment, conforming to the strictest environmental requirements, was produced by the prolific German firm IFZW. The building is fully equipped for two line cremation.□




3 首层平面/Floor 0 plan

4 遗体安放室内景/Interior view of the final disposition

5 休息室/Lobby

6 横剖面/Cross section

7 纵剖面/Longitudinal section

项目信息/Credits and Data

结构工程师/Structural Engineering: JSC CONSTR, Adomas Sabaliauskas/JSC KONSTRUKTORIU CECHAS, Kestutis Matijosaitis

灯光设计/Lightning: PROMODUS IO

家具制造/Furniture Manufacturer: JSC DEVERUS, Jonas Noreika

建筑面积/Floor Area: 775m2

建成时间/Completion: 2011

摄影/Photos: G.Česonis


DING Yao: As the first crematorium in Lithuania,this building has great social significance. Its architect has managed to make it look like a flat concrete "box" by extending the length of its side elevation and visual expressing "arbitrary windows" at the entrance of the courtyard, so that the chimney, commonly representing a crematorium's function, is hidden in the volume of building. The approach to visually weakening its functionality is implemented here to emphasize a more purely spiritual atmosphere of the space, which has been created for the sake of living people. Anyhow,the greatest comfort to the dead is nothing but the sincere condolences of the living.

YUAN Ye: As the first crematorium in Lithuania, this small building of 770 square meters has a surprisingly calm and peaceful temperament. The main entrance courtyard is key to setting the tone for the entire building,like the first note of a musical composition. The concrete wall, with its square holes, and the full-height curtain wall encloses the space at an intimate scale, like one's backyard. The specular reflection of the glass expands and lightens the atmosphere, so that the repressive feelings caused by the loss of loved ones can be relieved. The solitary sapling in the courtyard apparently does not intend to render the feeling of sadness, but rather, it suggests a subtle metaphor of "paradise". The extremely restrained usage of indoor materials helps to makes the space silent and calm. The bare expanses of space fade into the background, making ritual the protagonist. Ultimately, this building achieves an exquisite balance between the cordial and the divine, through the assurance of appropriate dimensions and materials.

Crematorium in kėdainiai, Kėdainiai, Lithuania, 2011

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