
2015-10-11 09:04建筑设计KAAN建筑师事务所ArchitectsKAANArchitecten
世界建筑 2015年8期

建筑设计:KAAN建筑师事务所Architects: KAAN Architecten


Architects: KAAN Architecten

1 火化厅外景/Exterior view of crematorium

2 火化厅与墓地/Crematorium and cemetery






在材料的选择上,仪式厅的地板使用轻质石材,并延续砌筑至6m墙面的顶端。屋顶厚达2m,使用与石材同色的抹灰进行粉刷。火化厅立面使用米色预制压型混凝土砖,砖块单元尺寸为1m×1m。3座火化炉被并置于一处,并允许逝者亲属接近该区域。火化炉的钢材表层与浮筑地板均被饰以高光白色漆面。□(陈茜 译)

项目信息/Credits and Data

客户/Client: Intercommunale Westlede

联合建筑师/Associated Architects: David Hess, Kees Kaan,Hannes Ochmann, Vincent Panhuysen, Dikkie Scipio, Luuk Stoltenborg, Yaron Tam, Hagar Zur

结构工程师/Structural Engineers: Pieters Bouwtechniek,Delft

承建方/Construction: Roegiers, Kruibeke

景观设计/Landscape: KAAN Architecten & Stadsbestuur Sint-Niklaas

物理装置/Building Physics & Installations: Bureau Bouwtechniek, Antwerp

声学设计/Acoustics: Prinssen en Bus Raadgevende Ingenieurs, Uden

艺术设计/Art: Pieter Vermeersch, Christof Fink

用途/Program: 火葬纪念建筑/Crematorium and ceremonial building

建筑面积/Floor Area: 3,187m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2005

摄影/Photos: Christian Richters(fig. 1,2,4,5,9,10,12),Sebastian van Damme(fig. 7,11)

3 总平面/Site plan

4 仪式厅外景/View of the ceremonial building

5 仪式厅局部外景/Partial exterior view of the ceremonial building

Located in the city of Sint-Niklaas in Belgium,the Heimolen Cemetary lies to the south of the E34 motorway, which runs from Antwerp to Ghent. Tall trees and sloping banks enshroud the cemetery on three sides, making the location barely visible from the road.

The new crematorium facility in Sint-Niklaas has been developed as two separate buildings: one is ceremonial while the other is functional (the crematorium proper). The decision to separate the two buildings was based primarily on practical and environmental considerations, but also on the intent to give each of them a distinctive character and a look that derives from their functions. Moreover, this solution enables a spatial rite of passage within the site and the buildings, which is strictly related and suitable for the different stages of a funeral ceremony.

Emptiness, space, and clarity predominate in the ceremonial building. The use of clear spatial gestures and different materials results in a space that has a presence, where every element is carefully balanced. The large windows in the reception room offer a contemplative view of the cemetery and the landscape, the floor-to-ceiling doors give the space a necessary dramatic quality, and the perforation of the ceiling with round lights reinforces the solemn and pregnant atmosphere. Furthermore, the use of natural stone and wood enables contemplation and easing of thoughts.

The functional crematorium building owes its character to its façade, composed of concrete cassette tiles, with a sprawl of lighted openings, making it appear as a beauty box that does not give away its contents. At the same time, the floor-toceiling doors and the sober choice of materials give shape to a proper setting for funerals, without being less contemporary.

The floor and walls of the ceremonial building are made of light stone brickwork, reaching up to a height of 6 meters. The roof is about two meters thick and is plastered in the light stone color.

The façade of the crematorium is clad with cream colored, prefabricated, profiled concrete elements measuring one meter square.

The three ovens are located in an area which may be accessed by mourners. Both the steel cladding of the ovens and the floating floor are finished in high gloss white.□

7 仪式厅入口/Entrance to the ceremonial building

8 仪式厅平面/Plan of the ceremonial building




9 仪式厅内景/Interior view of the ceremonial building

10 仪式厅礼堂/The ceremonial hall

11 火化厅内景/Interior view of crematorium

12 火化厅立面细部/Façade detail of crematorium

13 火化厅首层平面/Floor 0 plan

14 火化厅剖面/Section


JIN Qiuye: The ceremonial building looks as if it is floating in air, while the design of the crematorium applies a completely different method that reminds me of a jewelry box on the floor. Both of these designs highlight their existence through creating a contrast to the surrounding environment. The excessively "clean, pure, and plain" design intention deprives the buildings from its context and any architectural form;as a result, it could be regarded as any type of building,from a boutique, a gallery, a workshop.

DING Yao: Facing each other across the site, the two buildings respond to each other : one is for farewell gatherings, while the other is for "no people". Coming through the square holes in the wall, the fragmentary sunlight shines over the clean white surface of the incinerator, bringing afternoon warmness into the empty hall. The ceiling of the farewell hall is filled with regular round skylights, with which the kin and friends of the deceased feel that their loved one is held by gods who exist in those orbs. The black (dark) and white colors, and the walls, floor, bench, stool, doors,and windows pull people's feelings between the strong spiritual power and the easy "modern" design.

Crematorium Heimolen, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium, 2008

印度新冠病亡者激增 民众露天火化遗体景象凄惨