目的探讨脑血管反应性与尤瑞克林治疗急性脑梗死预后的相关性。方法采用随机、单盲、对照试验,选择河南科技大学第一附属医院神经内科2011年12月—2014年5月收治的194例右侧大脑中动脉供血区急性脑梗死患者,利用经颅多普勒超声(TCD)结合屏气试验检测梗死同侧大脑中动脉(MCA)的屏气指数(HBI),治疗组(89例)给予常规治疗+尤瑞克林治疗15 d,对照组(105例)给予常规治疗15 d。治疗前和治疗第16天,评估记录两组患者的美国国立卫生研究院脑卒中量表(NIHSS)评分和改良残疾程度量表(mRS)评分,分析HBI与NIHSS评分及mRS评分降幅的相关性。结果与治疗前比较,治疗第16天对照组和治疗组NIHSS评分与mRS评分均下降,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗第16天时,对照组和治疗组NIHSS评分、mRS评分比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。相关性分析显示,治疗第16天时,治疗组HBI与NIHSS评分降幅、mRS评分降幅均呈正相关(r=0.427、0.620,P<0.001)。治疗第16天时,对照组HBI与NIHSS评分降幅呈正相关(r=0.618,P<0.001);对照组HBI与mRS评分降幅无直线相关性(r=0.191,P>0.05)。结论对于急性脑梗死患者,TCD评价下的脑血管反应性与尤瑞克林治疗急性脑梗死的短期预后呈正相关。
Zhai MM,Huang LN,Yan JQ,et al.Correlation between cerebrovascular reactivity and the prognosis of patients with acute cerebral infarction treated by urinarykallid:a randomized,single-blind and control study[J].Chinese General Practice,2015,18(32):3910-3913.
治疗组在常规治疗的同时给予尤瑞克林治疗15 d,对照组给予常规治疗15 d。两组患者基线资料比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05,见表1)。
表1 两组基线资料比较Table 1 Comparison of basic data between the two groups
1.2.2血管反应性评价 TCD采用经颅多普勒超声仪,型号为德国DWL公司生产的Multi dopT2。患者取仰卧位,并在平静状态下涂适量耦合剂于颞窗,手持2 MHz脉冲探头水平置于右侧颞窗,方向指向对侧,稍加压力于探头,在检测深度为40~65 mm时可检测到血流方向朝向探头的右侧大脑中动脉(RMCA)的清晰血流信号,冻结并记录平均血流速度(Vm)。屏气试验[4]患者在完成常规TCD检测后,在原条件不变的情况下于自然呼吸末屏气30 s时,再次冻结并记录Vm。计算屏气指数(HBI),HBI=(屏气后Vm-屏气前Vm)/屏气前Vm×100/屏气秒数,HBI>0.69为正常,否则为异常[5]。
1.3治疗方法常规治疗:口服氯吡格雷(75 mg/d)和拜阿司匹林(100 mg/d)二联抗血小板、口服阿托伐他汀钙片强化降脂(40 mg/d)、丹参注射液(20 m l+ 0.9%氯化钠溶液250 m l)及胞磷胆碱注射液(0.75 g +0.9%氯化钠溶液250 m l)静脉滴注,调控血压、血糖及对基础病的治疗。在此基础上,治疗组患者从入院第1天起同时给予尤瑞克林0.15 PNA单位/d+100 ml 0.9%氯化钠溶液,30~40滴/min,静脉滴注,连续15 d。
表2 两组患者治疗前后NIHSS评分和mRS评分比较±s,分)Table 2Comparison of NIHSS and mRS scores between the two groups before and after treatment
表2 两组患者治疗前后NIHSS评分和mRS评分比较±s,分)Table 2Comparison of NIHSS and mRS scores between the two groups before and after treatment
组别例数NIHSS评分mRS评分治疗前治疗第16天治疗前治疗第16天对照组1054.3±1.33.4±1.5a2.4±0.72.1±1.0a治疗组894.5±1.62.6±1.7a2.3±0.71.4±1.0at 值0.96111.5451.02927.597 P值0.3280.0010.312<0.001
图1 治疗第16天两组HBI与NIHSS评分降幅的相关性Figure 1Correlation between HBI and reduction of NIHSS scores in control group and in treatment group on 16 days during treatment
图2 治疗第16天治疗组HBI与mRS评分降幅的相关性Figure 2Correlation between HBI and reduction of mRS scores in treatment group on 16 days during treatment
3.1尤瑞克林有助于改善脑梗死患者预后尤瑞克林可在短时间内通过改善脑梗死缺血区的血流灌注而改善脑梗死患者预后[10],其减轻脑梗死炎性反应、缩小梗死面积、抑制水肿以及抑制核因子(NF)-kB通路并激活MAPK/ERK通路的神经保护作用,也使患者获益[9,11]。本研究显示,经过15 d的治疗,治疗组和对照组NIHSS评分和mRS评分均较治疗前明显下降,且治疗组NIHSS评分和mRS评分均明显低于对照组,神经功能和残疾程度均较对照组明显改善,显示出尤瑞克林治疗脑梗死的有效性,与相关临床研究结果一致[12],进一步证实了尤瑞克林治疗脑梗死安全、有效。
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Correlation Between Cerebrovascular Reactivity and the Prognosis of PatientsW ith Acute Cerebral Infarction Treated by Urinarykallid:A Random ized,Single-blind and Control Study
ZHAIMing-ming,HUANG Li-na,YAN Jun-qiang,et al.Department of Neurology,the First Affiliated Hospital of He'nan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang 471002,China
Objective To investigate the correlation between cerebrovascular reactivity and the prognosis of patients with acute cerebral infarction treated by urinarykallid.M ethods In this randomized,single-blind and control study,we enrolled 194 patients with acute cerebral infarction in arterial blood supply area of right brain who were admitted into the Department of Neurology of the First Affiliated Hospital of He'nan University of Science and Technology from December 2011 to May 2014.Breath-holding index(HBI)of the middle cerebral artery(MCA)in the brain hemisphere with infarction was measured using transcranial doppler sonography(TCD)and breath-holding test.Treatment group(n=89)was given conventional therapy combined with urinarykallid for 15 days,and control group(n=105)was given conventional treatment for 15 days.Before treatment and 16 days after treatment,we recorded NIHSS and mRS scores of the two groups,and the correlation between HBIand the scoreswas analyzed.Results The two groups had lower(P<0.05)scores of NIHSSandmRS on 16 days after treatment than before treatment;16 days after treatment,the two groupswere significantly different(P<0.05) in the scores of NIHSS and mRS scores.The correlation analysis showed that,on 16 days during treatment,HBIwas positively correlated with reduction of NIHSS and mRS scores in treatment group(r=0.427,0.620,P<0.001);on 16 days during treatment,HBIwas positively correlated with reduction of NIHSS scores in control group(r=0.618,P<0.001),and HBI had no linear correlation with reduction ofmRS scores(r=0.191,P>0.05).Conclusion For patients with acute cerebralinfarction,there is positive correlation between the vascular reactivity evaluated by TCD and short-term prognosis of patients treated by urinarykallid.
Brain infarction;Cerebrovascular circulation;Urinarykallid;Prognosis;Correlation
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