Cognitive Construction of Multimodal Metaphor in COLOURFUL GUIZHOU promo

2015-09-08 23:07王然颜至敏曾贤模
校园英语·中旬 2015年8期


【Abstract】Based on multimodal metaphor theory,the processes of cognitive construction of Multimodal Metaphor in dynamic discourse are analyzed in colorful Guizhou promo as the subject.The thesis focuses on the interaction of different modal and the process of dynamic metaphors construction with the genre characteristic of promos.We find that this promo is not only to impressed audiences with language,image and voice,but also has direct connection with audiences for largely propagandizin.

【Key words】multimodal metaphor; promo;cognitive construction


With raising of cognitive linguistics,metaphor has stepped into thinking field,it has been recognized that push human-beings thinking activities since 20 century.The linguistics,Lakoff and Johnson referred that metaphor is an important tool to understanding one things through another thing.Some linguisticians,represented by Netherlands cognitive linguistician Forceville,put forward multimodal metaphor theory and put it into the multimodal research field.Recently,a majority of metaphor and metonymy multimodal researches are based on genre that popular both in and out home.Most of the foreign researches concerned with genre and distinctive feature of advertisement and caricature.A lot of Chinese scholars care more about dynamics construction and operation mechanism of multimodal metaphor.

Theory basis

Forceville regard “modal”as “an explainable symbol system by use concrete perception procession”.Forceville has put forward conception of pictorial metaphor and multimodal metaphor to think that image is an another effective way for metaphor thinking.As a new angle of cognitive linguistics,multimodal metaphor reveals the substances of metaphor and integrates visual,hearing and tasting to surpass the bondage of pure language.Forceville divided metaphor into singer metaphor and multimodal,the former one is just use one kind of metaphor meaning;the different modal metaphor is individually inform the resource domain and target domain.Compared with singer modal text,multimodal text has a deeper potential meaning.So the meaning creation would cause the processes of interaction,dynamic and co-sexist.

Generally speaking,we aimed to seeking the regular distinctive features of multimodal metaphor,and finally to enriching conceptual metaphor theory.There are three multimodal metaphor features that be commonly accepted;Firstly,dynamic narrativity,it different from highly abstract language symbol,those non-language modals are typically possess space-queue features through promos editing or voice,which can convert motionless images into dynamic narrative scenery.Secondly; freshness;multimodal metaphor enable to present the direct visual conception and hearing,which could more impress receivers than language symbolic.Thirdly,universality,traditional conceptual metaphor theory emphasize that human could only use concrete domain mapping on abstract domain,but a lot of examples demonstrate that all the domain could be sensed by sensory organ.Therefore,we could say the multimodal metaphor is also universal.

Multimodal metaphor identification

According to the way of stimuli-presenting mode,Forceville classify it into single image domain,double image domain and interaction with word and image.Texts and images are been regarded as the most crucial tool to illustrate metaphor and metonymy,and been the main analytic corpus.Van Leeuwen summaries all of those points as follows: On the one hand,elaboration,making it specification and explanation,image illustrate word more specification.On the other hand,extension,to introduce the similarities between text and images,to coming into a contrast within it,if necessary,they could complement for each other.

Cognitive Construction of Multimodal Metaphor in COLOURFUL GUIZHOU promos

Colorful Guizhou promo advertise from five different angles to present Guizhous history,cultural and geography that including Green(Charm of Natural),Black(Charm of Rich),White(Charm of Harmony),Red(Charm of Zest)and Blue(Charm of Creation),which is individually advertise Guizhou for the corresponding target domains.Promo is mainly resorted to “similarity with conception”,“montage” and “space-sequence”,which establish five different multimodal metaphors to reflecting natural resource,harmony,nationality,technical innovation and history of Guizhou.

Green(Charm of Natural)

From the beginning of natural resource and the title Green(Charm of Natural)is introduce abundant resources in different regions in Guizhou.such as Bamboo Forest Chishui,the Jurassic Park,woods growing in Mountain Streams.Libo,Paddy Field Resembling the Pattern of Eight Trigrams,Ten Thousand of Precipitous Mountains,Guiyang Zhazhuo Golf Course,Tea Farm.Meitan,Tobacco Production Base.Xingren,An Ancient Bridge.Libo,the Duliujiang River.Rongjiang,the Wuyanghe River.Zhenyuan,Caohai Wetland.Weining,all of those scenic spots are significantly demonstrate resourceful and natural environment,then hind the harmonious co-existence between Guizhou and natural environment by metaphor.

White (Charm of Harmony)

The second part of promos deem (Charm of Harmony)as the tile of this part,taking white as Guizhou water resources.Taking two traveler as the main line,the promos present gorgeous and resourceful like Huangguoshu waterfall.An Shun,Laya waterfall.Libo,Jieti waterfall,Yanjing hot spring,Renhuai,Malinghe valley,Xingyi,etc.Multimodal discourse create conditions for metaphor,thus visual structure is quite necessary for discourse semantics.To coordinate the point that “Guizhou is a harmonious and charming city”,promo shoot the citizens in the square,spring the middle of square and lawn sod.The ordering traffic and new born children are indicate local harmonious and happy life,which is mainly use metaphor and space-sequences in different categories to establish the similarities.

Black(Charm of Rich)

The promo use black to imply the Guizhou distinct geography,relics of historical minorities and humanity,resourceful minerals by multi-space and visual.Fanjing mountain.Tongren,Zhijin cave,Bijie and Dragon cave,Anshun,all of those linking pictures reflect and metaphor characteristic of Guizhou by visual and text modal.Zhenyuan city,Leishan,those places are present historical cultural relics.The humanitys varieties reflected by Dong nationalitys sings,Bashalusheng dance.Congjiang,Fan paimuguwu.Taijiang,through voice,visual and text.The semantics and feelings in original domain are reflect in target domain to make it extremely vivid.

Blue(Charm of Creation)

With the title of Blue(Charm of Creation),the promo present Buyi nationality wax printing and Miao nationalitys embroidery to illustrate wisdom and creation of the minority.The development of “hi-technology industry region”and “Maotai company” are demonstrate the development of Guizhous economy and its bright future.Green belt,trees and rivers are fully emerge the Guizhous harmonious,natural and long-term development to present an blue print to audiences.Converting to Guizhou University,youthful students in the classroom and laboratory are imply that the development of Guizhou is depending on high quality education.The Nonlanguage modal “space-sequence features” is fully used in construction of multimodal metaphor,which create a scenery that contain action and things to extent visual modal developing.

Red(Charm of Zest)

In Chinese,red represent bright and light,which is the color of fire.,So it tightly connected to happiness in Chinese culture.Chinese people like red,because it can imply happiness,success and loyal.In some certain historical background,red could indicate hopeful and justice and reflect revolution and progress.In this chapter,promo is initially present Zunyi Meeting Sate,Red Armys Cemetery.Cishui,Loushanguan,Red Armys Mountain and Confucious Temple that are all the Red traveling spot identify that Guizhou possesses historical resources.The rapidly images are show the diversified nationalities of Guizhou and there will be a brilliant and wonderful future with the harmonious nationalities.


A successful promo could represent the local spirit and connotation,regarding it as citys brand,which is also reflect relationship between city and audiences,impression and location in audiences heart.Through prototype,portion,action and results,Colorful Guizhou use metaphor and metonymy to active its original domain and target domain.Coordinating between images and voice and using sharping color feeling,the promo is successful deliver concrete visual feeling and imagination for local spot.


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