On Dynamic Characteristics of Culture and its Implications

2015-09-08 12:02赵凌志
校园英语·中旬 2015年8期


【Abstract】This paper mainly discusses the dynamic characteristic of western culture and Chinese culture from the intercultural perspective.Then it puts forward some implications for English teaching,it indicates that English teachers should pay due attention to improve the students cultural awareness and their own cultural teaching ability,adjust teaching content to adapt them to cultural changes.

【Key words】intercultural communication; dynamic characteristic of culture; English teaching


Some scholars have pointed out that there are some common barriers to successful intercultural communication include: stereotyping,language and meaning of language,misinterpreting nonverbal behavior,culture shock,etc.With the rapid development of Chinas economy,even we Chinese can't give a stereotype to our culture.(Huang Ming 2003)Many examples show that the culture is not only static but also dynamic.That is to say the results came from the researches of intercultural communication activities in a specific period of time are not permanent.As time passes,certain cultural stereotypes in the past would change much now.

Ⅱ.Manifestations of Dynamic Characteristic of Culture

The manifestations of dynamic characteristic of culture are presented in many aspects,for example: the language,dress code,music and so on.This part will specialize on the popularity of Chinese learning,Spring Festival and western food to discuss the dynamic characteristic of culture.

2.1 Manifestation of dynamic characteristic of western culture.These years,the foreigners know more and more about china and influenced by the Chinese traditional culture deeply.

2.1.1 Chinese learning.As is known,English has become the dominant medium for communication worldwide in books,newspapers,international business,pop music and,most recently,internet.In China there is a desperate need for individuals,students and employees to study English at present.In Chinese,there are even some words borrowed from the English,for example:“酷”from the English word “cool” and the “粉丝” from “fans”.When two young Chinese are talking,they usually add some English word into the sentence.In China,speaking English seems to be a popular thing.But in the whole world,studying Chinese is becoming popular and popular.According to a survey by the American Technology and Information Company,at present,the number of people learning Chinese in the world has been more than 30 million.

2.1.2 Popularity of Spring Festival.Spring Festival is the most important festival for Chinese people and on the day all family members get together,just like Christmas in the West.In recent years,people in china complain Spring Festival is becoming less sapid.In the past burning fireworks was once the most typical custom in Spring Festival,people thought the spluttering sound could help drive away evil spirits.However,at present such an activity is completely or partially forbidden in big cities once the government takes security,noise and pollution factors into consideration.At the same time some western festivals are popular in China,such as Thanksgiving Day,Christmas Day and Saint Valentine's Day.

2.2 Manifestation of dynamic characteristic of Chinese culture.With the development of economy and the Chinas opening reform,Chinese people have more and more opportunities to communicate with foreigners and the Chinese traditional culture are influenced by western culture deeply.

2.2.1 Identity of Western Food.China has many traditional foods,but nowadays,KFC,McDonald,Pizza and other western food can be seen more and more frequently in China.Since the opening reform,foreign companies go into Chinas market including the food industry.In 1987,the first KFC was opened in Beijing,by now there are more than 1400 shops in China.This year,the KFC invents a new food: deep-fried twisted dough sticks.It is one kind of Chinese traditional food for breakfast and although its price is 10 times as dear as the common ones in market,it is still very popular.

2.2.2 Popular music.There is nothing to replace Chinese revolutionary songs in before 1980s.After 1980s,a small number of pop singers appeared,and the pop music which they brought began to be popular.To the 1990s,young people had no longer listened to the opera like the elders,but they pursued a large number of the pop singers from the Europe and America,and learned to sing their pop songs; in recent years,young people are affected by Western culture,learning to sing country music,HIP-HOP music.China's pop music is mostly affected by the United States,Japan and South Korea.The culture expressed in pop-song melodies and the lyrics are all foreign culture.

III.Implications for English Teaching

The ultimate goal for language students is to realize competence at both the linguistic level and the communicative level.The above analysis demonstrates the different manifestations of the dynamic features of culture are intervolve,so language is subject to change.

The successful language learning requires language users to know the culture of the target language.Teachers should develop students cultural awareness.Culture awareness refers to an understanding of ones own and others cultures that affect how people think and behave.This includes understanding similarities of human behavior and differences in culture.Developing cultural awareness aims at increasing peoples cultural awareness towards other groups,including their behavior and values,and tries to make people understand the underlying reasons for their actions and beliefs.As students make progress through foreign language study,it is expected that they will increase their awareness of the target culture.We should get the latest information about the culture.To learn the changes in culture,we can see from languages,lifestyle and apparel.To know these things,the best way is to make full use of mass media.Films,TV programs,newspapers,radios and magazines provide the learners with the latest information about the trend of society.


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Author profile:Lingzhi Zhao(1975- ),female,M.A.,assistant professor of Foreign Language Department,Changchun Institute of Technology; Research field: intercultural communication.

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