崔新仪 胡奇 罗洁 谢雨杉
摘 要:通过试验对美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea (Drury)幼虫阶段的部分特性进行了观察研究。观察内容包括幼虫体表毛瘤变化特性,各不同龄期阶段的幼虫体表上的刚毛特征,提供了体色、体长、斑纹特征以外的识别幼虫种类的体表特征,以及不同龄期幼虫的龄期识别特征,特别是形态相似的1龄与2龄幼虫的区别特征。由于各世代中的末龄幼虫最大龄期数不尽一致,通过饲养观察,初步明确了春季美国白蛾幼虫在天津的最大龄期数。对天津市区幼虫的发生期和滞育蛹的形成情况进行了观察分析。
关键词:美国白蛾;幼虫; 龄期;天津
中图分类号:S763.42 文献标识码:A DOI 编码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2015.09.039
Observation on Characteristics of Hyphantria cunea (Drury) Lavae in Different Instar Stadge
CUI Xin-yi , HU Qi, LUO Jie, XIE Yu-shan
( Department of Plant Protection,Tianjin Agricultural College, Tianjin 3000384,China)
Abstract: In this experiment, observation on some larvae's characteristics of Hyphantria cunea was conducted. Main contents were including observation on the various distribution design of the larvaes verruca and setae on cuticle in different stadium,and these design for recognizing marks on the cuticle to distinguish Hyphantria cunea except those characteristics such as body color, length and maculation. It also provided the characteristics of recognizing the larvae stadium, especially to distinguish first from second instar stage larvae with similar morphological characters. Due to the different instar number of the larvae occurred in various insect generations, during the raising experiment, the largest instar number of the larvae in spring season in Tianjin city was preliminarily found. Analysis and observation on the occurrence time of larvae and diapauses pupae were also carried out.
Key words: Hyphantria cunea; Larvae; stadium; Tianjin
美国白蛾Hyphantria cunea (Drury) 是一种外来入侵的重要害虫,可对园林植物、林木、果树等作物造成严重危害[1]。有关美国白蛾的研究内容包括形态、防治、分布扩散区域、种群遗传特点差异、生物学特性、植物抗虫性[2]、人工饲养等方面。有关形态特征方面的报道主要集中在成虫[3]、幼虫[4]、蛹和卵的种类识别,各龄期幼虫体长、雌、雄成虫的区分等,对各个龄期幼虫体表毛片或毛瘤、刚毛特性的详细报道较少。其中生物学特性研究包括各虫态的发育历期[5],不同地区每年发生的世代数异同点,蛹的滞育[6]如老熟幼虫可发育为夏季滞育蛹和冬季滞育蛹等。对幼虫最大龄期数的报道有5龄[7]、6龄和7龄[8]的不同。本试验研究了美国白蛾幼虫期的一些特性,对体表毛瘤变化特性进行了观察,提供了已有的体色、体长、斑纹特征以外的识别幼虫种类的体表特征;对各不同龄期阶段的幼虫体上的刚毛特征进行了观察,提供了识别不同龄期幼虫的特征,特别是形态相似的1龄和2龄幼虫区别特征;对天津市发生的幼虫最大龄期数进行了饲养观察,对1年内不同世代的幼虫发育成滞育蛹与否的特性进行了观察。