manage employee uncertainty

2015-07-04 17:21范梦璇
校园英语·下旬 2015年8期


Employ change-related uncertainty is a condition that under current continually changing business environment,the organizations also have to change,the change include strategic direction,structure and staffing levels to help company to keep competitive (Armenakis & Bedeian,1999); However; these changes allow employees received a huge of uncertainty and pressure (Bordia et al,2004,p508).This essay will discuss the concept of employee uncertainty.

The different types of Uncertainty

Resistance to change

A concept of resistance to change,like cannot manage rumors effectively; poor information exchange between managers and employee; bombastic of the negative side of change,there are related to employee uncertainty (Elving,2005,p129).According to Elving (2005)researched that communication play an important role in organizational change.Readiness for change is the cognitive precursor to the behavior of resistance or support for a change effect.Allow employee ready to receive the change and make the change more effective that need managers to manage employee have low feeling of resistance to change,that can reduce uncertainty,thus resistance to change.

Poor performance

Employee poor performance is an increasing frequency and severity of change on management effectiveness,employee reduces their efforts in work input.Employee performance is related with managers to manage people and their attitudes in the workplace (Caldwell,2011,p74).For company,change is a good thing with new technology,layoff,restructuring,merger,but for employee are usually a negative thing,because of transformation are obviously stressful and could reduce employee moral and productivity.Company with poor communication between managers and employee,these may allow employee are uncertain about their jobs,there future roles or the general consequences of change (DiFonzo and Bordia,1998),following these poor performance will increase and employee change related uncertainty increases.

How to Manage Uncertainly

Purpose of communication

Bordia et al.(2004)claim that during organizational change the employee uncertainty that include structural uncertainty,environmental uncertainty and job related uncertainty.Communication can manage these uncertainties.Effective communication assisted in managing uncertainty and enhanced employee acceptance of the change.For employee,they believe companys managers have made a huge effort to pay attention to commutation the necessary information with employee,and satisfied the expectation of employee,and protect employee far away from the pressure and uncertainty (Bordia et al,2004).


For individual,communication has been an important factor to helping employee to understand the need for change and the effect for individual.Communication can be used to minimize uncertainty.However; in terms of timing,which is a factor that decides the effectiveness of communication during the organisational change,and need to use a specific communication strategies should design by managers during the organisational change.Timely communication can reduce uncertainty and anxiety,when achieve individual commitment to the organisation change.

Establish Trust

Trust is violated when managers do not presentation anything but enacts change during organisation change.However; rumour has negative consequences to employee,include trust.When employees have less trust for their company,they could have negative emotions and fall dedication to the corporation.If managers do not manage the rumour through communication,they would lose their trust from employees.Employee would believe management change must through communication,which is honest,frequent and consistent.Especially,prominent face-to-face supervisor to employees interchange and included quarterly all employee meeting (DiFonzo and Bordia,1999).


[1]Allen,J,Jimmieson,N.L Bordia,P and Irmer,B.E,2007, “Uncertainty during Organization Change:Managing Perceptions through Communication”,Journal of Change Management,vol.7,no.2,pp.187-210.Citation count:37.

[2]Armenakis,A.A,Bedeian,A.G,1999,“Organizational Change:A Review of Theory and Research in the 1990s”, vol.25,no.3,pp.293-315.Citation count:64.

[3]Caldwell,S.D,2011,“Further investigating the influence of personality in employee response to organizational change:the moderating role of change-related factors”,Human Resource Management Journal,vol.21,no.1,pp.74-89.Citation count:47.

[4]DiFonzo,N & Bordia,P,1998,“A Tale of Two Corporations: Managing Uncertainty during Organizational Change”,Human Resource Management,vol.37,no.3 & 4,pp.295–303.Citation count:37.

[5]Elving,W,J.L,2005,“The role of communication in organisational change”,Corporate Communications:An International Journal,vol.10,no.2,pp.129-138.Citation count:41.