On the Causes of Gender Differences in the English Language

2015-07-04 01:43毕晶晶
校园英语·下旬 2015年8期

【Abstract】Language difference between male and female is an eternal theme.this paper will analyze several reasons that result in these differences in order to make people understand male' and female' languages better.

【Key words】gender difference; cause; English language


Language is one of the most powerful symbols in the world to present humans social behaviors.The study of gender differences in the English language is also one of the most important contents in sociolinguistics.Therefore,finding out the reasons that result in these differences is rather important.

2.The Causes of Gender Differences in the English Language

2.1 Social Cause

Language is the reflection of social reality.The social roles between male and female are even designed before they are born.As we know,in most societies,giving birth to a boy is more valuable than a girl.Because parents view boys as the symbol of carrying on the family line.So after babies are born,they can accept different educations.As long as male and females social status is different,language reflects this difference.A persons social identity is established and held by language.Because women are in a secondary status,they need show and guarantee their social status by using the language.Thus women try to use standard and decent language to obtain social reputation as men.This explains why female speeches are more approaching with the standard language.

2.2 Historical Cause

In the history of the world,the patriarchal society took unshakably absolute authority,which led to gender differences in the language,even gender discrimination.For example,in the English-speaking world,the long-term feudal society had been ruled by the patriarchal society.Men were always regarded as the master of the society.They held firmly the absolute power in the society,which had resulted in the discrimination against women in the social ideology of English culture.Throughout the western world for thousands of years of history,the shackles of feudal ideas had deeply influenced all aspects of the society,including the development of language.A series of feudal thoughts had been influencing womens language,which made them become a vulnerable group.Thus it is not difficult to understand why female speeches are diffrent from male's.

2.3 Physiological Cause

Innate physiological differences between male and female determine that male and female are different in language.The reason of the acoustic features of the phones needs attention.From the acoustic features of the phones point of view,there exists obviously differences in male and females voice.Under the domination of the brains language center,when air stream passes the glottis,which results in vocal cords vibration,sounds can be produced.The reason why women and men can produce different sounds is their vocal cords are different.Mens vocal cords are thicker and longer,and the frequency of vibration is lower,thus sounds seem deep-voiced; womens vocal cords are thinner and shorter,and the frequency of vibration is higher,thus sounds seem high-voiced.Generally speaking,only listening to ones sound can people distinguish the speakers gender according to phones and intonation.

2.4 Psychological Cause

The society offers different developmental directions to girls and boys.People expect boys to be a man with strong enterprise and spirit of adventure,and they must overcome dependence and fear.Girls,on the other hand,are expected to be feminine,gentle.In fact,when boys and girls are young,their behaviors and values are restricted and influenced by the society and culture.In the process of playing different roles,they gain different gender culture identity which has been deep-rooted in womens mind.Under the influence of different gender culture and fixed psychological consciousness,what female has learned can match with the behaviors and ways of their gender,which become part of their personality,thus gradually form gender languages that male and female usually use.


The relationship between language and gender is extremely complex,because it involves various elements.Therefore,it needs to consider comprehensively every element in actual contexts,and to adopt multi-perspective analysis ways so that we can make scientific,accurate and objective explanation for the differences between language and gender.


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