娄源源, 吴宝丰
(上海理工大学理学院,上海 200093)
娄源源, 吴宝丰
(上海理工大学理学院,上海 200093)
考虑方阵M,M的特征多项式表示为P(M,x)= det(x I-M),M的特征值即为P(M,x)的根,其中,0特征值的重数称为M的零度.M的谱Spec(M)是由M的特征值组成的多重集合,用符号a+ Spec(M)(或aSpec(M))表示Spec(M)中的每一个元素加上a(或乘以a).特别地,图G的拉普拉斯特征多项式记为,图G的拉普拉斯谱记为SpecL(G)(即L(G)的谱).若L(G)的特征值全为整数,则称图G是L-整的.
特别地,当基图H=P2时,P2-联图就是普通的联图,即∨P2{G1,G2}=G1∨G2.当所有Gi(i= 1,2,…,k)相同,均为G时,为方便起见,用符号H⊙G来代替∨H{G,G,…,G},即H的每一点都被“吹大”成G后所得到的图.
定义2 设图H的顶点集为{1,2,…,k},Gi为ni阶图(i=1,2,…,k),考虑H-联图∨H{G1,G2,…,Gk},定义:
由定义可知,Lπ的行和均为0,从而0是它的一个特征值,Lπ是奇异矩阵.不难验证,对于H-联图G=∨H{G1,G2,…,Gk},它在划分π:V(G)= V(G1)∪·…∪·V(Gk)下的L-因子矩阵就是L(G)基于该划分的商矩阵.
引理2 设图H的顶点集为{1,2,…,k},Gi为ni阶图(i=1,2,…,k),若G=∨H{G1,G2,…,Gk},Lπ为G的关于划分π:V(G)=V(G1)∪·…∪·V(Gk)的L-因子矩阵,CL(H)同定义2,则矩阵Lπ与CL(H)相似.
引理4 设H为k阶树,则H是L-整图,当且仅当H为星图K1,k-1.
证明 星图是L-整的,所以,充分性显然,现证必要性.
定理7 设H为k阶树,G为L-整图,则H⊙G是L-整的,当且仅当H=K1,k-1.
证明 由推论6和引理4可知结论成立.
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(编辑:石 瑛)
Laplacian Eigenvalues on the H-Join Graphs
LOU Yuanyuan, WUBaofeng
(College of Science,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China)
The H-join graph is obtained on the basis of disjoint graphs G1,G2,…,Gkand by joining each vertex of Gito each vertex of Gjwhenever i is adjacent to j in H.In particular,the P2-join graphs{G1,G2}is the ordinary join graph G1∨G2.The Laplacian characteristic polynomial of the H-join graph was studied,and the relations between the Laplacian spectrum of the H-join graph and those of the graphs Gi(i=1,2,…,k)and H were obtained,especially for the Kk-join graph and Ks,t-join graph.Moreover,the fact was proven that the H-join of Laplacian integral graphs{G1,G2,…,Gk}is also Laplacian integral when H is the complete graph,the complete bipartite graph or the graph of order not greater than 4 except for P4.
H-join graph;Laplacian eigenvalue;integral graph
O 157.5