纵观现在的初中生,下苦功的不多。平时记忆觉得吃力,导致学生掌握的单词量不多,读不懂文章的意思。针对这一现象,我抓住学生活泼好动的特点,把每节课的单词融入实际情景中,让学生就实际情况照老师说的仿写句子,然后用上本课单词即兴写一段话。例如,教学单词playground,利用了学生最喜欢在操场上踢足球,于是我再现情景,让学生说句子:They are playing football in the playground.用上单词playground,联系图片说一段话,要用上本节课学的单词。学生甲说:“When I passed from school,I saw they were playing football on the playground.”学生乙说:“When I was passing from school,Ive seen them play football on the playground.”学生互相评判,然后教师一一分析,及时鼓励表扬。
一个段落只有一个主题思想,每个段落都有一个句子表达这个段落的主题思想,这个句子叫做主题句。大多数主题句出现在段首,有些主题句出现在段尾。但一般文章的写作都是遵循把重要信息放在第一句这一原则。例如:Ben is a writer. He is very busy. On Monday he visits his grandmother at the nursing home. On Tuesday he coaches his sons soccer team. He thinks its fun to be with the children. Ben likes music a lot. On Thursday he works at the gym. On Saturday he volunteers at the hospital. He brings books and toys to the children. He usually makes the children happy.On Sunday he plays tennis.这段话的中心句就是在句首:Ben is a writer. He is very busy.
Beethoven was never afraid to show his feelings.Once when he was playing at a rich mans house,one of his listeners,a man of rich family,was talking to a girl.He liked girls more than music,and he didnt stop talking when Beethoven started to play.The noise was not a quiet one,and Beethoven could hear well in those days.
The music stopped in the middle and Beethoven stood up,“I do not play for animals of this kind!”He cried.“No!Not for animals!”Then he walked out.
问题:Beethoven was a ________.
A.scientist B.doctor C.chemist D.musician
编辑 王梦玉