
2015-06-01 12:23DanielSilasAdamsonCass
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年4期



by Daniel Silas Adamson

Cass 译


H alfway down the track, Nixon stops. He1)thwacks his2)machete into a stump to free his hands and reaches over a stone wall,3)groping for something in the vegetation beneath. A moment later he pulls up a clear plastic bag and hands it to me. It is full of human bones. “Incas.”


Since the Spanish never found this place, Nixon, the custodian, is surely right about the bones. They belong to the people who built Choquequirao, one of the most remote Inca settlements in the Andes, and were4)stashed here by the archaeologists who, over the past 20 years, have been slowly freeing the ruins from the cloud forest. The site that has emerged looks like a film director’s fantasy of a lost city. On the day I arrive a time lapse of cloud is drifting across the ridge, above a5)geometry of Inca stairways and terraces cut into a steep, jungly6)spur above the Apurímac river, 100 miles west of Cusco in southern Peru.


Inevitably, it’s been called the “sister” of Machu Picchu. But while Peru’s7)poster girl is surrounded by the paparazzi crush of up to 2,500 visitors a day, Choquequirao (the Quechua name means “cradle of gold”) is almost entirely deserted.


1) thwack [θwæk] v. 砍,劈

2) machete [mɑ:ˑtʃeɪtɪ] n. 弯刀

3) grope [grəʊp] v. 摸索

4) stash [stæʃ] v. 隐藏

5) geometry [dʒɪˑɒmɪtrɪ] n. 几何图形

6) spur [spə:] n. 山嘴,尖坡

7) poster girl 海报女郎,这里代指马丘比丘,因为我们通常看到的秘鲁的 海报、图片或者明信片上的图案几乎都是马丘比丘

But it won’t stay that way for long. In what may be the most ambitious tourism project in the world, the regionalgovernment is investing $50m in a mile-high cable car that will8)glide up to Choquequirao in 15 minutes.


A week earlier, I joined a group led by Tammy Leland, of the U.S. non-proft travel company Crooked Trails, walking a dirt track past the colonial church and out into open country. Behind came a9)straggling10)caravan of mules and porters, including a couple of teenage boys who watched the college girls with11)sullen fascination.


12)Stitching these two13)contingents together was our guide, Juan Carlos. The trail we were on had been his weekly walk to primary school. There was no turn in the track, no stream or tree, that Juan Carlos didn’t know.


We camped that night on hard ground by the river, and crossed at first light in a metal cage strung from a cable above the rapids. On the far side the ascent began: a vertical mile of14)switchbacks that killed the morning’s chatter and left us strung out along the trail. Around midday we arrived at the hamlet of Marampata, for lunch at Juan Carlos’s childhood home.


I looked back across the valley. Cloud shadows were moving across the grassland and the sun was picking out fields the colour of15)bracken. Most of them were abandoned now, the terraces softening into the mountain,16)scrub reclaiming ground from people who had gone to the cities long ago.

Two more hours’ hiking brought us to the terraces below Choquequirao, where we pitched our tents in the fading light. The Milky Way appeared, sharpening until you could see the patterns of darkness that the Inca imagination had stretched into17)constellations. The llama. The snake. The18)condor.

We reached the ruins on a track kept open more by machete than footfall. All around were walls and terraces grown over with jungle.









8) glide [glaɪd] v. 滑行

9) straggling [ˑstræglɪŋ] adj. 脱离队伍的,落后的

10) caravan [ˑkærəvæn] n. 旅行队,大篷车

11) sullen [ˑsʌlən] adj. 阴郁的;迟钝的

12) stitch [stɪtʃ] v. 缝合

13) contingent [kənˑtɪndʒənt] n. 分遣队,代表团

14) switchback [ˑswɪtʃbæk] n. 之字爬坡路线

15) bracken [ˑbrækən] n. 欧洲蕨

16) scrub [skrʌb] n. 灌木,丛林地

17) constellation [kɒnstəˑleɪʃən] n. 星座

18) condor [ˑkɒndə] n. 秃鹰,秃鹫

Like its famous sister, Choquequirao seems to have been a kind of royal estate forInca nobility, built a generation or two before the Spanish arrived. Seeing the sophistication of these ruins—the19)trapezoid doorway that opened on to the plaza, the20)gabled kallanka(great hall) halls for ceremony and meeting, the stairways and irrigation channels—I was struck by the question that has long haunted Peruvian history: how did a band of21)thugs and chancers from the illiterate plains of Estremadura,22)stranded thousands of miles beyond their supply lines and lost in a mountain terrain unlike anything they’d ever seen,23)bring down an empire of such reach and confdence?


Towards midday I wandered off alone, letting the24)conviviality of the group recede into silence. Below me, clouds were drifting through the immense vertical spaces of the Andes. The river was a distant curl of light. The name Apurímac means “the God who speaks” in Quechua, and in the quiet I could hear its voice, millions of years old and patient beyond measure.


When I looked up, the group had gone and it was Nixon, the custodian, who showed me the path. He knows these ruins as well as anyone, so I asked him about the changes that were coming across the valley. After a while he said he’d seen a condor that morning, circling over the terraces. “For us, the condor is a spirit of the heavens. If they build the cable car, it will not come.”


It was almost dark when we got back to the river. Three or four of us left our clothes on the rocks and followed Juan Carlos into the water, letting it wash away the sweat and dust of the trek. By the time I’d dressed and scrambled up to the cable to take us back across the river, it was pitch black. One of the mule boys had waited to push the cage out over the water, but there was no one to pull from the other side so it ground to a halt, swaying above the25)glint and roar of the river. I didn’t know what the cable car would bring to Choquequirao, or to the people who lived in this valley. But as I took in the slack from the rope and felt the cage move, I was glad to be crossing the Apurímac like this, hand over hand in the darkness.


19) trapezoid [ˑtræpɪzɔɪd] n. 梯形,不等边四边形

20) gabled [ˑgeɪbld] adj. 有山形墙的,有人形墙的

21) thug [θʌg] n. 暴徒,凶手

22) strand [strænd] v. 陷入困境

23) bring down 打倒,击落

24) conviviality [kənˌvɪvɪˑælɪtɪ] n. 欢乐

25) glint [glɪnt] n. 闪烁

毕业一起去旅行 我们终将在路上释怀:徒步去马丘比丘,看天空之城