
2015-06-01 12:23byHarrietGibsone
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年4期

by Harriet Gibsone

Arony 译

Shout Out & Letters 我有话说/你来我往 63



by Harriet Gibsone

Arony 译


艾德·希兰(Ed Sheeran),1991年2月17日出生于英国英格兰西约克郡,是一位创作歌手。2011年6月,他的首支单曲《The A Team》空降英国单曲榜第三名,并于第55届格莱美颁奖典礼中被提名为年度最佳歌曲。第二张专辑《X》在英国销售达170万张,成为年度销量冠军;在美国,他与Taylor Swift合作演绎单曲,还在其演唱会中担任嘉宾。除了为自己创作,他还为其他歌手写下不少大热单曲。但娱乐圈从来不缺年轻、有才、会唱歌的艺人,而这个相对普通的大男孩到底凭什么在短时间内在英美两国迅速走红呢?

N ice guys finish last, so the saying goes. There is one man, though, whose recent chart success seems to challenge that maxim. Offcial fgures show that Ed Sheeran, who has persisted with his1)scruffy image and simple songwriting, was the biggest-selling artist of 2014 with his second album, X. He is Britain’s biggest export since Downton Abbey.

Sheeran, already the most searchedfor male celebrity on Google, may well see his career scale further heights in 2015, with two Grammy nominations and three nights at Wembley Stadium in July—two of which are sold out. Performing with only a backing band, loop pedal and an acoustic guitar, he is about to pull off the biggest2)busk of all time.

So how did Sheeran, a relatively normal bloke, making relatively normal music, manage to become Britain’s top-selling artist?




1) scruffy [ˑskrʌfɪ] adj. 肮脏的,褴褛的

2) busk [bʌsk] n. 沿街卖艺

3) blockbuster [ˑblɒkbʌstə(r)] n. 轰动

Niceness alone, of course, doesn’t account for his3)blockbuster success with the album X;it sold 1.7m copies in 2014 in Britain, one of only two releases to beat the 1m mark, and has had over 430m streams worldwide since its release in June—more than any other artist globally. Perhaps it’s more thanks to Sheeran’s skills in balancing his4)guise as the5)bastion of6)shabby student authenticity with the role of7)mercurial businessman—not to mention a ferce sense of underdog ambition.

A bit of luck helps, too. The initial spark for Sheeran’s8)stratospheric success can be traced back to two chance events. The first occurred during an9)impromptu LA trip in 2010, which led to a friendship with the actor and musician10)Jamie Foxx. Foxx saw Sheeran play and ended up providing him with exposure in the U.S. on his radio show, The Foxxhole. That same year, Sheeran’s music was noticed by the web11)mogul Jamal Edwards, whose online channel SB.TV has shone a light on the wealth of talent emerging from the UK grime scene. The SB.TV connections led to Sheeran collaborating with established grime artists including Wiley, JME and Sway, while he simultaneously worked the12)grind of indie venues in London, performing 300 shows in 2010 alone.

With opportunities opening in both the U.S. and UK, Sheeran was able to establish fans on both sides of the Atlantic—an accomplishment many musicians are unable to crack throughout the duration of their career.


这其中还有运气的帮忙。希兰取得巨大成功的起因可追溯到曾经的两次机遇。第一次是2010年在洛杉矶的一次即兴表演,这次表演让他与演员兼音乐人杰米·福克斯成为了朋友。福克斯看过希兰表演后决定让他上自己的电台节目《The Foxxhole》。同年,网络大亨贾马尔·爱德华兹开始留意希兰的音乐,贾马尔的在线频道SB.TV已经挖掘了许多草根出身的天才。与SB.TV的合作让希兰可以与一些已经成名的草根歌手合作,如:怀利、JME和Sway,同时,他还忙于在伦敦独立音乐界走场表演,光2010年就有300场演出。


4) guise [gaɪz] n. 外表,姿态,装束,打扮

5) bastion [ˑbæstɪən] n. 堡垒,设防地区

6) shabby [ˑʃæbɪ] adj. 破烂的,邋遢的

7) mercurial [mз:ˑkjʊərɪəl] adj. 活动的,机智的

8) stratospheric [strætəˑsferɪk] adj. 极高的

9) impromptu [ɪmˑprɒmptju:] adj. 即兴的,即席的

10) Jamie Foxx 杰米·福克斯,美国影视演员、歌手、 钢琴家

11) mogul [ˑməʊg(ə)l] n. 显要人物

12) grind [graɪnd] n. 苦差事,枯燥乏味的工作

13) straddle [ˑstræd(ə)l] v. 跨,骑

George Ergatoudis, head of music for Radio 1 and 1Xtra, believes Sheeran’s ability to13)straddle a multitude of modern genres makes him stand out. “He switches between folk musicand black music in a unique way…no one else channels Eminem and Damien Rice simultaneously like he can,” he says.

Such careful cultural curation appeals to a range of ages, genres and genders, and allows Sheeran to be playlisted on Radio 1, Radio 2 and BBC 1Xtra. The latter channel named him the most powerful artist on its annual Power List—a choice that triggered controversy, given 1Xtra’s description as the “black music network.”

As well as catering to the indie crowd and pop audiences—the singer has toured with Taylor Swift—Sheeran’s honeyed vocals and14)dalliance with rap styles have also helped increase his15)trajectory in the U.S., where hip hop and R&B is a far more16)lucrative business than in Britain. This year he collaborated with rapper The Game and appeared on the cover of the influential rap magazine Vibe.

Although much rap music can be about bragging, intrinsic to Sheeran’s aesthetic is his ability to appear everyday. Material on his debut album, +, had an obsession with promoting his allegiance to reality, and his Twitter feed is a constant source of17)disarming truths, such as“doing the Victoria secrets fashion show tonight and I’m eating a Greggs sausage roll in the dressing room.”

Eric Clarke, professor of music at Oxford University, thinks this is a potent attribute for an artist in 2014. “His boy-next-door [image]—not very good looks but a perfectly nice guy—and the song Thinking Out Loud, with its reflections on getting older and fidelity and love in a fairly conventional context, is a slight counter-blast to fast-living celebrity culture.”



他不仅吸引了独立群体,还要得到流行乐迷的青睐-----与泰勒·斯威夫特一同巡演。希兰甜美的嗓音融合说唱风格也对他在美国的发展有所帮助,比起英国,嘻哈和R&B在美国更有市场。今年,他与说唱歌手The Game合作,并登上了很有影响力的说唱杂志《Vibe》的封面。



14) dalliance [ˑdælɪəns] n. 轻浮行为,戏弄

15) trajectory [ˑtrædʒɪktərɪ] n. 弹道,轨道

16) lucrative [ˑlu:krətɪv] adj. 有利的,赚钱的

17) disarm [dɪsˑɑ:m] v. 缓和(敌意),冰释 (疑虑),消除(怒气)

A far more straightforward explanation forSheeran’s global impact lies within his songs. Fiona Bevan, the singer-songwriter who co-wrote One Direction’s Little Things with Sheeran, pins the copyable nature of his songs on the youth market’s current captivation with him.

She says: “Because of the fact that Ed plays solo guitar, and you can hear the acoustic guitar part on the records, the songs are accessible to people to learn to play at home. All his songs are so well written that you can strip away all the production and the songs still stand in their own right. I think the YouTube generation18)gravitates towards this clear, seemingly simple songwriting when they want to cover their favourite songs, and share them with their networks—so there’s this incredible surge in awareness from fans on YouTube making their own versions and spreading them far and wide.”

To others, Sheeran’s ascent is baffling, perhaps even offensive to those who hoped that the voice of a new generation might be more revolutionary. In 2012, the infuential journalist Caitlin Moran tweeted: “If my kids ever tell me they like Ed Sheeran, I’ll put them in a sack and throw them in a canal.”Sheeran’s response was to sidestep a potential social media spat by sending her “lots of hugs” via Twitter, prompting regret and a19)grovelling offer of drinks on the part of Moran, which just goes to show that you should never underestimate the potency of being nice.

对希兰引起全球关注这个现象更直接的解释可以在他的歌曲中找到。创作歌手菲奥纳·贝文,曾与希兰共同创作One Direction的《Little Things》,认为现在的年轻人为他着迷是因为他的歌曲的可复制性。



18) gravitate [ˑgrævɪteɪt] v. 被吸引,移向

19) groveling [ˑgrɒvlɪŋ] adj. 匍匐的, 卑躬屈节的
