
2015-05-30 22:02:49卢琰李永安董娜侯洁诚梁静
校园英语·上旬 2015年2期

卢琰 李永安 董娜 侯洁诚 梁静

【Abstract】According to features of English medical papers, the authors put forth the translation norms and techniques for the English translation of the Section of Symptoms and Signs(症状部分)in clinical TCM papers on the basis of their own TCM translation experiences.The purpose is to standardize the translation patterns of this section by applying nouns and noun structures, etc.and to meet the English norms.

【Key Words】symptoms and signs; syndrome; clinical TCM papers; translation patterns; techniques; norms

In clinical papers of TCM, there exists an important Section of Symptoms and Signs.Symptoms and signs are one of the main criteria for diagnosis and treatment of diseases.Accordingly, standard and precise translation of this section is of crucial significance.According to the English papers in western medicine, the translation of this section is made up of nouns, or noun structures, not verbs or sentences.However, in some Clinical TCM papers, the Sections of Symptoms and Signs are occasionally described in sentences and verbs.

The following is the summarization of our translation experiences in the translation of the Sections of Symptoms and Signs in TCM papers.

Some clinical TCM papers consist two parts in the Sections of Symptoms and Signs:the syndrome + symptoms and signs.Here we mainly discuss the translation of the Sections of Symptoms and Signs of this type in clinical TCM papers in this article.

The Chinese description of these Sections is briefly classified into the following four types.

1.The Chinese description of the syndrome precedes that of symptoms and signs, and the former is relatively shorter, with the Chinese expressions of “癥见…”, “见…”, “而见…” etc.

The translation pattern:syndrome + (clinically)marked by/characterized by/with the manifestations of…

Example 1 血虚气弱,症见乏力气短、神疲懒言、汗出恶风。[2]

Translation Deficiency of qi and blood(clinically) marked by lassitude, short breath, spirit tiredness without the desire to talk, sweating and aversion to wind.

Example 2 痰热内盛,而见身热、烦躁、谵语、神昏、苔黄舌红。[4]

Translation Excessive internal sputum and heat with the manifestations of body fever, dysphoria, delirium, coma, red tongue with yellow fur.

Analysis In these examples, the description of the syndrome precedes that of the symptoms and signs, and latter is comparatively longer, often followed by the Chinese expressions of “而症见…”, “症见…”, “见…”, “而见…” etc.When translating this type of related contents, we may apply the English expressions of “marked by”, “characterized by”, “with the manifestations of ” etc.as the corresponding English equivalents of “而症见…”, “症见…”, “见…”, “而见…”etc.Grammatically speaking, “marked by” and “characterized by” are past participles used as attributes modifying the preceding parts, and the expression of “with the manifestations of” is a prepositional phrase modifying its preceding part as the attribute.

2.The Chinese description of the syndrome precedes that of symptoms and signs, and the former is relatively shorter, without Chinese expressions “症见…”, “见…”, “而见…” etc.

The translation pattern: N1 + N2 + N3 … with + syndrome ( N = symptom, or sign )

Example 1 湿热下注,肛周溃烂、尿黄尿少、舌苔黄腻。[5]

Translation Perianal ulceration, yellow and scanty urine, yellow and greasy fur with downward flow of dampness and heat.

Example 2 湿热留恋,小便赤少、舌苔黄腻、脉象滑数。[6]

Translation Dark scanty urine,yellow and greasy fur, slippery and rapid pulse with lingering dampness and heat.

Example 3 阴液亏耗,口鼻干燥、舌红少津、脉细数。[7]

Translation Dry mouth and nose, red tongue with scanty fluid, thready and rapid pulse with body fluid deficiency and consumption.

Analysis In the above three examples, the syndromes of “湿热下注”, “ 湿热留恋” and “阴液亏耗” are respectively the causes of the symptoms and signs in the three corresponding examples. For instance, “阴液亏耗” is the cause of “口鼻干燥、舌红少津、脉细数”.

For example,

He walked slowly with (= because of ) the big bag in his hands.

Such usage may avoid using verbs and sentences.The usage of “with” in such way may be applied in the translation of the Section of Symptoms and Signs with the syndrome preceding the symptoms and signs, and the description of the syndrome is relatively shorter.

3.The Chinese description of the syndrome precedes that of symptoms and signs, and the former is relatively longer, with/without the Chinese expressions“癥见…”, “见…”,“而见…” etc.

The translation pattern:syndrome + with + N + doing/done + marked by/characterized by…

Example 1 湿热蕴久,耗伤阴津,症见咽干、手足心热。[8]

Translation Long accumulation of dampness and heat with body fluid consumed characterized by dry throat and feverish sensation of feet and soles.

Example 2 肝郁化火,耗伤阴津,眩晕少寐、舌红少津、脉细。[10]

Translation Liver depression transforming into fire with body fluid scorched marked by endless dull hypochondria pain, vertigo, poor sleep, red tongue with scanty fluid, and thready pulse.

Analysis In these examples, the Chinese description of the syndrome precedes that of symptoms and signs.The syndrome is the cause of the symptoms and signs.In addition, the Chinese description of the syndrome is comparatively longer.For instance, in Example 1, the syndrome of “湿热蕴久,耗伤阴津” is the cause of the symptoms and signs of “咽干、手足心热”.

4.The Chinese description of symptoms and signs precedes that of the syndrome, and the latter is relatively shorter.

The translation pattern:N1 + N2 + N3 … + due to + syndrome ( N = symptom, or sign )

Example 1 精神困顿、食少不眠、不时汗出、面色无华, 气阳偏虚。[11]

Translation Mental fatigue, poor food intake, insomnia, occasional sweating, and lusterless complexion due to yang qi deficiency.

Example 2 腰脊酸痛,肾气虚。

Translation Aching pain of the waist and the back due to kidney qi deficiency.

Example 3 痛经、产后头痛、产后伤风、产后痹痛等寒症。[12]

Translation Dysmenorrhea, postpartum headache, postpartum attack by pathogenic wind and cold, postpartum physical pain, etc.due to cold syndrome.

Analysis The description of symptoms and signs precedes that of the syndrome, and the former is comparatively longer.The syndrome is the cause of the symptoms and signs.

The above are the translation norms and techniques for translating the Section of Symptoms and Signs in clinical TCM papers as the summarization of our translation experiences.Of course, the Chinese description of the Section of Symptoms and Signs in TCM papers is quite complicated.We can only roughly cover the dominate types of classification of the Sections in this article.TCM language is culturally and medically rich and profound in implications.The translation of clinical TCM papers is susceptible to long versions.Currently, the Sections of Symptoms and Signs in TCM papers are frequently translated into sentences or verbal phrases.This actually violates the relevant English requirements.As is well known, one of the most prominent differences between the Chinese and English languages lies in the fact that in English, nouns prevail while in Chinese verbs dominate.Accordingly, the English version of this Section should be concise and meet the relevant English norms.When translating the Section of Symptoms and Signs in clinical TCM papers, we should apply nouns and noun structures, and strive for more concise, logical, coherent and unified English versions.Only in this way, can the English version of the Section of Symptoms and Signs in clinical TCM papers satisfy the relevant English norms.


[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]陳德兴.方剂学第2版[M].北京:人民卫生出版社.2007:36, 49, 101, 167, 290, 311.

[7, 8, 9, 10]王旭东.中医养生康复学第1版[M].上海:上海中医药大学出版社.2003:15, 21, 111, 132.

[11,12]张恩勤.中医基础理论第1版[M].上海:上海中医学院出版社.1988:17, 43.


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