
2015-05-30 23:00苏丽莲
东方教育 2015年3期


1.There will be a sports meeting next week.下周将有一场运动会。

2.There is going to be a film tonight.今晚将会有一场电影。

3.Whats the weather like today? Its sunny.今天的天气怎么样?天气是晴天的。

4.How is the weather today? Its foggy.今天的天气怎么样?天气是多雾的。

5.Be careful next time. OK,I will. 下次小心点。好的,我会的。

6.Dont forget to turn off the light. OK,I wont.不要忘记去关灯。好的,我不会的。

7.If it doesnt rain tomorrow,I will go hiking.如果明天不下雨,我将会去徒步。

8.If we it rains tomorrow,we will stay at home.如果明天下雨,我将会呆在家里。

9.I dont know what to do next.我不知道下步该做什么。

10.I dont know how to do it next.我不知道下去如何去做

11.Would you mind my smoking here?Oh,you had better not.


12.Would you mind my using your dictionary?Of course not,go ahead.


13.They got married 10 years ago.他们十年前结婚了。

14.They have been married for 10 years.他们已经结婚十年了。

15.They have been married since 10 years ago.自从十年前,他们就结婚了。

16.It is 10 years since they got married.自从他们结婚以来已经有十年。

17.Tom with his friends lives on a farm. Tom和他的朋友居住在农场。

18.Tom and his friends live on a farm. Tom和他的朋友居住在农场。

19.Would you like some bananas? Yes,please. No,thanks.


20.Would you like to go fishing with us ?Yes,Id like to./ Id like to,but I have to finish my homework first. 你想跟我们一起去钓鱼吗?是的,我很想去。/我想去,但是我不得不先完成作业。

21.What hard work! 多么辛苦的工作啊!

22.What a hard job! 多么辛苦的工作啊!

23.I was walking in the street when I met a friend of mine yesterday.


24.We were leaving school when it started to rain.


25.How many students are there in the classroom ? None.


26.How much water is there in the bottle ? None.瓶子里有多少水?一点也没有。

27.Whos in the office? Nobody./No one.谁在办公室里?没有人。

28.Whats in the box ? Nothing.盒子里有什么?什么都没有。

29.What do you think of the film?It is very wonderful.你认为这电影怎么样?非常精彩。

30.How do you like the film ? Very much./Not at all./A little.你认为这电影怎么样?非常好。根本不好。 一般般。

31.What do you like about China ? People and food.你喜欢中国的什么?人们和食物。

32.Whats happening over there ?那边正在发生什么事?

33.What happened to you yesterday? 你昨天发生了什么事?

34.What has happened ?发生设呢么事?

35.What will happen to the earth in 100 years?一百年后地球将会发生什么?

36.The weather in Beijing is much colder than that in Shanghai.北京的天气比上海的天气冷多了。

37.Excuse me,but wheres the nearest post office ?打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?

38.Excuse me,can you tell me the way to the library? 打扰一下,可以告诉我去图书馆的路吗?

39.Excuse me,can you show me how to get to the library ?打扰一下,你可以给我指一下怎么样到达图书馆?

40.Im too tired,I cant walk any farther.我太累了,我再也走不动了。

41.Lily goes to America for further study. Lily去美國深造学习。

42.Lets have a rest,shall we? 让我们休息一会,好吗?

43.Let us have a rest,will you ?让我们休息一会,好吗?

44.Be friendly to your classmates,will you ?/wont you ?对你的同学好点,好吗?

45.Dont shout at others,will you ?不要大声吼其他人,好吗?

46.There is little water in the bottle,is there ?瓶子里没有水了,是吗?

47.There are two million people in the city,arent there ?城市里有两百万人,不是吗?

48.He teaches us English.他教我们英语。

49.He is English./He is an English boy.他是一个英国人。

50.He will call us as soon as he arrives.他一到就给我们打电话。

Flower Seeds