
2015-05-30 17:08杨心彤
校园英语·上旬 2015年8期

【Abstract】This paper aims at further analyzing the critical reasons for prejudices against women during medieval times which roots deeply in Christian culture.Drawing strength from the past makes it easier to address gender discrimination through modern feminism.Thus,human community can evolve into something far better.

【Key words】prejudices against women; Christian culture; medieval times


In the medieval times,Christian culture met the needs of the absolute patriarchal society,in which women were defined as utterly negative figures and suffered from both mental and physical abuse.To facilitate the efforts of pursuing equal rights for women through modern feminism,this paper illustrates the most essential factors which lead to the prejudices against women.

2.Critical factors Accounting for the Prejudices against Women

2.1Religious or biblical influence

One of the most important reasons is that the ingrained prejudices against women is rooted in the Christian sacred book—Bible.

In the Bible,woman is created from man,so female is regarded as the inferior gender.In Genesis,God put Adam to sleep,took one of his ribs and made a woman from the rib,which is the creation of Eve.In that case,woman is literally born from mans bones and flesh.Given that Eve was brought to Adam as his helper,women were compelled to be obedient to men.Linda Woodhead noted that the Christian theological basis for forming a position on the roles of women is in the Book of Genesis where readers draw the conclusion that women are inferior to men and the image of God shines more brightly in men than women.She also noted that “Nowhere in the Bible is it clearly and unambiguously stated that women and men are of equal dignity and worth,that women should never be treated as mens inferiors,that the domination of one sex by the other is a sin,or that the divine takes female form” (2004).Unfortunately,women were destined to become private property owned by and subordinated to man.Thats when and where gender discrimination originated.

Other than the creation of Eve laying the foundation of male supremacy,the Bible further aggravates this unequal relationship.In the Bible,it is Eve,the first woman,who causes “the Fall of Man”.It is Eve who yielded to the temptations of the evil serpent and gave Adam the forbidden fruit which caused humans expulsion from the Garden of Eden.Since then,mankind miserably suffers from the hardship of life and mortality.In the light of Jack Hollands opinion,“Bible portrays Eve as the Hebrew version of Pandora.” Besides,he characterized the Fall of Man as “a myth that blames women for the ills and sufferings of mankind” (2006).Particularly,God cursed Eve,saying “I will multiply your labor and sorrow; you will bear children in pain; you will be ruled by Adam!” So by virtue of Gods will,people at that time falsely thought women deserve such unfair treatment.

In medieval times,Christianity dominated people minds.“No other religion,philosophy,teaching,nation,movement—whatever—has so influenced the world as Christianity has done in the course of human development.” (Alvin J.Schmidt 2004).Everyone was extremely devout to God.People were brainwashed so that they would believe whatever written on the Bible or the church advocated.The church accused women of being incomplete and flawed.And they came up with “a group of features universally defining all women: sinful,vicious,erotic,emotional,physically weak and mysterious.”(Joanna Ludwikowska,2014).Those adjectives all associate with negative meanings.Consequently,the society as a whole showed contempt for females.

2.2Greek and Roman cultural heritage

The second factor is the stereotypes inherited from Greek and Roman culture.Ancient Greek and ancient Romes philosophers held the opinion that Man is the essence of the soul; woman is the essence of the flesh.Soul is superior to flesh as man is superior to woman.Woman was only regarded as a tool of procreate.They thought women were treacherous and despicable,so women were treated with resentment.These ingrained prejudices against women can also be found in Greek mythology.

In Misogyny: The World's Oldest Prejudice,Jack Holland sees evidence of ingrained prejudices against women in the mythology of the ancient world.In Greek mythology according to Hesiod,the human race had already existed before the creation of women — a peaceful,autonomous existence as a companion to the gods.When Prometheus decides to steal the secret of fire from the gods,Zeus becomes infuriated and decides to punish humankind with an“evil thing for their delight”— Pandora,the first woman,who carried a jar (usually described — incorrectly — as a box) she was told to never open.Epimetheus (the brother of Prometheus) is overwhelmed by her beauty,disregards Prometheus' warnings about her,and marries her.Pandora cannot resist peeking into the jar,and by opening it all evil is unleashed into the world — labor,sickness,old age and death.

Moreover,Helen,the most beautiful woman in the world,caused the Trojan War.She was the direct reason of Achilles and Paris's death.Ultimately she accounted for the destruction of Troy.

Since Christian culture was greatly influenced by Greek and Roman culture,the inherited stereotypes from Greek and Roman culture also lead to the ingrained prejudices against woman in Christian culture of medieval times.


Women were reduced to a weaker and inferior state than men throughout history in many cultures.Though the situation is improving,more initiatives are still required.The prejudices against women in Christian culture of medieval times not only can be attributed to the strong religious or biblical influence upon the people,but also to the unjustifiable stereotypes inherited from Greek and Roman culture.A comprehensive understanding of the reasons for the prejudices against women in a certain culture and over a certain period of time is of great significance to guide peoples endeavor today.


[1]Holland,J.(2006).Misogyny:The World's Oldest Prejudice.Philadelphia: Running Press.

[2]Ludwikowska,J.(2014).Uncovering the Secret:Medieval Women,Magic and the Other.Studia Anglica Posnaniensia,Vol.49 (2),pp.83-103.

[3]Woodhead,L.(2004).Christianity:A Very Short Introduction.Oxford:Oxford University Press.

[4]Schmidt,Alvin J.(2004).How Christianity Changed the World.Grand Rapids.Grand Rapids,Michigan:Zondervan.



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