
2015-05-30 10:48
新东方英语·中学版 2015年7期


Taron Egerton stands a lean1), muscular five foot eight inches tall and he has the type of cheeky2) grin. At the age of just twenty-four, since coming out of RADA3), Taron has two television series under his belt4) and three big-budget films—The Rise of the Krays, Testament of Youth (which saw him nominated for Best Newcomer at the BFI London Film Festival Awards) and Kingsman: The Secret Service, a British action film adapted from Dave Gibbons and Mark Millar's comic book The Secret Service, which sees Taron co-lead with the nation's most-loved actor, quintessential5) English gentleman, Colin Firth.

Meeting Taron is a pleasant reversal6) of expectations. Not that I thought he was going to mirror the east London juvenile delinquent7) he's playing in Kingsman: The Secret Service, but you know, it's always hard to pre-empt8) the situation. "Brooke meet Taron," his publicist's9) voice rang through the room. I had just stuffed my mouth with half a tube of Smarties10), so it wasn't the way I envisioned myself meeting a guy who's sure to be listed in GQ's11) hot one hundred in a matter of months, but we continue all the same.

In conversation he frequently lets out a sonorous12) laugh that instantly makes you warm to him13), whether he's talking about his childhood ("I was cheeky in school, but rarely in a way that would get me in trouble. I thought I was a bad boy but I most definitely wasn't!"), working alongside Samuel L. Jackson ("He is officially the coolest man on the planet, isn't he?") or talking about his pastimes14) ("I don't really have any cool or interesting hobbies—I wish I was that interesting."). That's another thing I note about Taron. He's awfully15) modest.

Judging by his recent success, it may come as a surprise that Taron was a latecomer to the realm of performance. "I was always pretty arty when I was younger. I liked drawing and stuff, but I didn't start acting until my mid-teens," says Taron. "I joined the Youth Theatre and realised how much I liked it." But starting late has by no means stopped him. Since leaving RADA in 2012 Taron has been fully immersed in his art. Starting with a play at the National Theatre, Taron's first television role in ITV16) detective drama Lewis came next, followed by a part in No Quarter at the Royal Court Theatre and another in Sky 1's firefighting drama, The Smoke.

In the midst of this whirlwind17) of events, Taron found himself auditioning for the lead role in a film directed by the mastermind18) behind Snatch, Layer Cake and Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. None other than Matthew Vaughn (whose wife Claudia Schiffer offered to make Taron a sandwich at their country residence). Matthew took a chance19) on the then unknown actor and after watching the first three scenes of the film, it's easy to see why he did so. "He called me one morning and just said: 'Look, I think we're about to offer you this part.' But I think it took him quite a lot to convince the other people who had money in the film. He really fought my corner20)," says Taron modestly. "Matthew is a bit of a genius in my eyes. There's no crap21) with him and he says exactly what he thinks when he thinks it. Being the sensitive little daisy22) I am, it took me a while to get used to that, but when you get to know him you realise he's actually got the biggest heart23) in the world. He's done so much for me and not just in terms of Kingsman."

The film sees Taron play troublesome youth Gary Eggsy Unwin, who Colin Firth's character, secret agent Harry Hart, owes a debt to. By giving Eggsy the chance to compete for a place in the Kingsman Academy, in turn keeping him off the street, they get even so to speak24). So what was it like working with Colin? "He's just an absolute dreamboat25)—he's lovely and he was really good to me," says Taron. "He went the extra mile26) to make sure I was happy and he treated me like an equal, which is ridiculous because he's an Oscar-winning actor and I'd never made a film before." But it wasn't plain sailing27) for Colin either with Kingsman being his first foray28) into action. And as Taron puts it, it's serious. "He's so badass29) in it. You've never seen him like this before. We had loads of fight training and gym time, to ensure we looked like spies. We had a lot of time to get to know each other and I really hope that chemistry30) shows on-screen."

Their odd coupling and dysfunctional31) father-son type relationship is precedent32) throughout, whilst the underlying themes of class tension, power struggle and self-belief also simmer33) on the surface. "Colin's character always reiterates34) that being a gentleman has absolutely nothing to do with where you're from or how you speak, it's to do with how you act," says Taron. "So there's the whole rags to riches35) underdog36) story and the mantra37)—'It doesn't matter where you come from, or how hard it is, you can do anything'." A sentiment38) that proved true for Taron on many levels. "Every single one of those shots39) is 100% Egerton," laughs Taron. "I'd never done any sort of scuba-diving40) before so my natural reaction when I'm underwater is to just freak out and take a huge lungful of water."

With such hard-hitting41) action stunts42), I can't help but ask if there were any notable behind-the-scenes mishaps43), but Taron tells me there are none he's allowed to talk about. Of course, a little probing44) can work miracles. "I can't believe I'm about to tell you this," he smirks45). "I remember landing this massive jump I do at one point and my trousers basically exploded open as soon as I landed on the floor, in a scene filled with about three-hundred extras46). I had to run out of the room covering my dignity. I'm supposed to seem all cool when I'm definitely not." Well Taron, you had us fooled.









1. lean [li?n] adj. (壮健而)清瘦的

2. cheeky [?t?i?ki] adj. (人或行为)冒失的,调皮的,放肆的

3. RADA: (= Royal Academy of Dramatic Art)皇家戏剧艺术学院,位于英国伦敦,是英国历史最为悠久的戏剧学院之一,建于1904年。

4. under one's belt: 已经取得(或完成)

5. quintessential [?kw?nt??sen?l] adj. 典范的;典型的

6. reversal [r??v??sl] n. (过程或趋势的)反转,倒转,逆转

7. juvenile delinquent: 少年犯

8. pre-empt [pri?empt] vt. 抢先行动;预先制止;先发制人

9. publicist [?p?bl?s?st] n. 公关人员;宣传员

10. Smarties: “聪明豆”牌巧克力豆,一种著名的巧克力豆品牌,这种巧克力豆外层包裹着五颜六色的糖衣,有盒装的,也有管装的。

11. GQ: Gentlemen's Quarterly的缩写,中文名为《智族》,是一本男性月刊,内容着重于男性的时尚、风格、文化等。

12. sonorous [?s?n?r?s] adj. (声音)深沉响亮的,洪亮的

20. fight one's corner: 维护某人的地位(或利益)

21. crap [kr?p] n. 废话

22. daisy [?de?zi] n. 雏菊

23. big heart: 宽阔的胸怀,慷慨的气度

24. so to speak: 姑妄言之,可以说

25. dreamboat [?dri?mb??t] n. 极漂亮的人;魅力十足的人

26. go the extra mile: 付出比别人期望中还要大的努力

27. plain sailing: 一帆风顺

28. foray [?f?re?] n. 初次尝试;涉足

29. badass [?b?d?s] adj. (人或物)令人钦慕(或印象深刻)的

30. chemistry [?kem?stri] n. (人与人之间的)感情关系

31. dysfunctional [d?s?f??k??nl] adj. (关系、行为等)出现障碍的,不正常的

32. precedent [?pres?d?nt] adj. 在前的,在先的

33. simmer [?s?m?(r)] vi. (冲突、争吵等)酝酿,激化

34. reiterate [ri??t?re?t] vt. (通常为了强调)重复讲,反复说,重申

35. rags to riches: 从赤贫到巨富

36. underdog [??nd?d?ɡ] n.


37. mantra [?m?ntr?] n. 口号

38. sentiment [?sent?m?nt] n. (用言辞表达的)见解,感想

39. shot [??t] n. (电影的)一组镜头

40. scuba-diving: 佩戴水肺的潜水

41. hard-hitting: 强有力的

42. stunt [st?nt] n. (电影中的)特技表演

43. mishap [?m?sh?p] n. 晦气;不幸;小灾难

44. probe [pr??b] vi. 探究;探查

45. smirk [sm??k] vi. (占了便宜或知道了别人不知道的事情时)洋洋得意地笑,自鸣得意地笑

46. extra [?ekstr?] n. (电影中的)临时演员,群众演员

13. warm to sb.: 开始喜欢上某人

14. pastime [?pɑ?sta?m] n. 消遣;娱乐

15. awfully [???fli] adv. (与表示特征的形容词连用,用于强调)极度地,非常

16. ITV: (= Independent Television)独立电视台,是英国第二大无线电视经营商,成立于1955年。

17. whirlwind [?w??lw?nd] n. 一连串的突发事件

18. mastermind [?mɑ?st?ma?nd] n. (常指罪案)主谋,出谋划策的人,幕后操纵者

19. take a chance: 冒险;碰运气

第七章 你能保守秘密吗
第六章 走廊内的哭泣