刘铠豪 刘渝琳
摘要:(中)摘要 改革开放30多年以来,中国经济持续高速发展,与之对应的是储蓄率的屡创新高,被称为“中国式高储蓄率困境”,其原因何在?本文在个体储蓄模型的基础上构建了社会储蓄率模型,考察了人口年龄结构变化对储蓄率的影响,并利用1989-2012年中国省级面板数据进行实证检验。系统广义矩估计和门槛回归结果表明:少儿抚养比与储蓄率呈现显著的负相关关系,并且该负效应随着收入水平的提高而减弱;而老年抚养比与储蓄率呈现显著的正相关关系,并且该正向影响随着收入水平的提高而增强。经测算,少儿抚养比和老年抚养比这两个人口年龄结构指标能解释中国储蓄率增长的19%。文章结论表明,少子化和老龄化的人口年龄结构新特征是导致我国储蓄率持续攀升的不可忽视的重要原因。
关键词:(中)关键词 少儿抚养比;老年抚养比;储蓄率
中图分类号:(中)中图分类号 C92-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4149(2015)03-0043-14
Abstract:(英)摘要 Since the beginning of the reform and opening, Chinas economy has developed at high speed, and the saving rate has set the new records, which is known as “Chinas high saving rate dilemma”.What are the reasons? This paper constructed a social savings rate model on the basis of individual savings model, and investigated the impacts of demographic changes on the saving rate, and then engaged an empirical analysis on Chinese panel data from 1989 to 2012.The results of system GMM and threshold regression show that: childrens dependency ratio shows a significant negative correlation with saving rate, and the negative effect declines with the improvement of income level.While elderly dependency ratio shows a significant positive correlation with saving rate, and the positive effect enhances with the improvement of income level.After calculation: childrens dependency ratio and elderly dependency ratio can explain 19% of the growth in Chinas saving rate.The conclusion is that: the new feature of the coexistence of “low birth rate” and “aging” in demographic changes in China is an important reason why the saving rate has been reaching new heights.
Keywords:(英)关键词 childrens dependency ratio; elderly dependency ratio; saving rate
近些年,中国的高储蓄率现象引起了政策当局和经济学界的极大关注,国内外学者众说纷纭。齐天翔、施建淮和周绍杰等人提出中国的高储蓄率主要是由于中国正处于由计划经济体制向市场经济体制变革的转型期,社会保障体系的不完善和居民对未来收入和支出的不确定性导致“预防性储蓄”急剧增加[1-3]。而龙志和、 查莫宁(Chamon)和艾春荣等人则认为中国人勤俭节约的传统生活习惯是高储蓄现象产生的重要原因[4-6]。万广华、杜海韬将中国高储蓄率归因于流动性约束和收入的不确定性[7-8]。而金烨、汪伟等人则从收入不平等的角度解释了中国高储蓄率的原因[9-10]。这些研究成果均具有深刻的启示意义,解释力较强。但自改革开放以来,中国储蓄率持续走高了30多年,而且自2006年以来始终维持在50%以上,增长周期之长和增长幅度之大可谓世界之最。因此,中国的高储蓄率必定受某些决定性因素的持续作用。而人口作为储蓄的主体,其对储蓄率的影响不容忽视。马克思曾写道:“每一种特殊的、历史的生产方式都有其特殊的、历史地起作用的人口规律[11]。”