EMPIRE计算30 MeV以下238U中子核反应数据

2015-05-16 02:16陈国长曹文田唐国有于保生
原子能科学技术 2015年3期


(1.中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室,北京 102413;

2.北京大学物理学院核物理与核技术国家重点实验室,北京 100871)

EMPIRE计算30 MeV以下238U中子核反应数据


(1.中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室,北京 102413;

2.北京大学物理学院核物理与核技术国家重点实验室,北京 100871)







图1 EMPIRE组成及工作流程示意图Fig.1 Sketch map of major components and working process of EMPIRE

2 以锕系核n+238U为例进行理论计算

2.1 评价库中各反应截面评价情况



2.2 光学模型势参数


2.3 各反应截面理论计算



表1 评价数据库中各截面数据采用的评价方法Table 1 Evaluation methods for each reaction in nuclear data evaluation library

图2238U(n,tot)计算结果与实验数据对比Fig.2 Comparison of calculation results with measurement data for238U(n,tot)






图3238U(n,2n)计算结果与评价数据及实验数据对比Fig.3 Comparison of calculation results with evaluation and measurement data for238U(n,2n)


图4238U(n,3n)计算结果与评价数据及实验数据对比Fig.4 Comparison of calculation results with evaluation and measurement data for238U(n,3n)



图5238U(n,γ)计算结果与评价数据及实验数据对比Fig.5 Comparison of calculation results with evaluation and measurement data for238U(n,γ)

图6238U(n,f)计算结果与评价数据及实验数据对比Fig.6 Comparison of calculation results with evaluation and measurement data for238U(n,f)





在238U中第1~3和第6分立能级非弹散射有实验数据。第1、2分立能级的计算结果与评价数据及实验数据的对比示于图8。本计算结果与各评价库的推荐值均在测量不确定度范围内与实验数据相符合,且反应激发函数曲线形状和大小均较合理。从图8也可看出,1~ 4MeV之间本理论计算结果与实验数据符合较好,ENDF/B-Ⅶ评价数据在2.5MeV附近有一突起,截面评价值与其他评价数据及本理论计算结果存在一定分歧。

图7238U总非弹性散射截面计算结果与评价数据及实验数据对比Fig.7 Comparison of calculation results with evaluation and measurement data for238U(n,inl)

图8238U分立能级非弹性散射截面计算结果与评价数据及实验数据对比Fig.8 Comparison of calculation results with evaluation and measurement data for238U discrete level inelastic scattering reaction



3 小结




图9238U弹性散射角分布计算结果与实验数据对比Fig.9 Comparison of calculation results with measurement data for elastic scattering angular distribution





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Application of EMPIRE for Nuclear Data Calculation of n+238U Reaction up to 30 MeV

CHEN Guo-chang1,CAO Wen-tian2,*,TANG Guo-you2,YU Bao-sheng1
(1.China Institute of Atomic Energy,P.O.Box275-46,Beijing102413,China;
2.State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Physics and Technology,School of Physics,Peking University,Beijing100871,China)

To improve the evaluation method,the EMPIRE was employed to analyze n+238U reaction up to 30MeV.According to the special characteristics of neutron induced reaction of actinide nuclei,and chosing proper reaction mechanisms,the model parameters were adjusted and reasonable neutron reaction data were obtained based on the experimental data.Comparing the EMPIRE calculation results with the data of evaluations and measurements,it is found that EMPIRE can obtain reasonable results for n+238U reaction up to 30MeV.

EMPIRE;neutron;cross section;238U;nuclear data








