
2015-05-15 17:53

“The past year was a fruitful one. Over 10 years of comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Italy, we have made new breakthroughs in bilateral ties. These include reciprocal visits between Chinese and Italian leaders, the release of the second three-year action plan on economic cooperation, and the establishment of the Sino-Italian Entrepreneur Committee.”

Chinese Ambassador to Italy Li Ruiyu told representatives of Chinese enterprises in Europe at a seminar on December 30, 2014, that Chinese investments in Italy grew rapidly over the first 11 months of the year, totaling €8 billion, making Italy the number one destination for Chinese capital in Europe. Sino-Italian cooperation is moving to higher-end industries like financial investment and research and development from traditional trade.

Mr. Li foresaw fresh opportunities for the two countries in 2015, the 45th anniversary of diplomatic ties. Milan will host the 2015 World Expo, and China will participate as the largest investor and builder.

“The depth of Chinas ongoing anti-corruption campaign has exceeded my expectations,”

said Nobel laureate Mo Yan in a recent interview. He revealed that he was preparing a novel on the topic.“Literary works about venal officials should touch every facet of their psyche, their struggles, their contrition, apprehension, even helplessness and kindness, and of course, their greed and silliness.”endprint