业主:Benetton Group spa
合作:Jesús Donaire
面积:1868 m2
Client: Benetton Group spa
Location: Treviso, ITALY
Design: 2006
Construction: 2007
Collaborator: Jesús Donaire
Area: 1868 m2
我们建造了一座由九个小正方形组成的方形箱式建筑。中心的方形用于采集来自前厅高处的光线。 教室设置于四周的方形体块中。
We built a square box composed of nine smaller squares. The center square emerges to bring light from the heights of the vestibule. The classrooms are arranged in the surrounding squares.
该方形结构被一道较大的圆形双围墙包围。建筑设有四个露天庭院,分别代表四大元素: 空气、土、火、水。
This square structure is inscribed within a larger, circular enclosure made up of double circular walls.Open to the sky, four courtyards are created that suggest the four elements: air, earth, fire and water.
The space between the perimeter walls serves as a “secret” place for the children. The courtyard spaces, tensed between the curved and the straight walls, are particularly remarkable.
The central space, the highest and with light from above, recalls a hamman in the way it gathers sunlight through nine perforations in the ceiling and three more on each of its four façades.
The children have understood the building well, and a book has even been published of their impressions. They are happy there.