
2015-04-21 07:42胡京敏郭丹杰
中华老年多器官疾病杂志 2015年4期

胡京敏,赵 灿,郭丹杰


胡京敏,赵 灿,郭丹杰*

(北京大学人民医院心脏中心,北京 100044)

评价改良Geneva量表及其联合血浆D−二聚体对老年患者肺栓塞(PE)的快速床旁诊断及排除价值。2009年1月至2014年4月在北京大学人民医院因胸痛、呼吸困难等症状被疑诊PE的患者276例,分为老年组(≥60岁)和非老年组(<60岁),以CT肺动脉造影(CTPA)为确诊金标准。按照改良Geneva量表分为PE低度可能性、中度可能性及高度可能性,同时检测血浆D−二聚体。分析两组患者临床特征,比较改良Geneva量表、血浆D−二聚体、改良Geneva量表联合血浆D−二聚体在两组患者中的诊断及排除诊断价值,其诊断预测价值用受试者工作特征(ROC)曲线下面积(AUC)进行评价。276例疑诊PE患者,经CTPA确诊PE 80例(≥60岁52例,<60岁28例)。运用ROC曲线评价改良Geneva量表对PE的诊断价值,老年组与非老年组AUC分别为0.974(95% CI:0.940~0.992),0.981(95% CI:0.924~0.998),差异有统计学意义(<0.001)。老年组血浆D−二聚体、改良Geneva量表联合血浆D−二聚体诊断PE的阴性预测值分别为93.8%,100.0%;非老年组分别为88.9%,100.0%。老年PE患者临床特征不典型;改良Geneva量表对老年PE患者的诊断价值低于非老年患者;对于老年及非老年疑诊PE患者,改良Geneva量表联合血浆D−二聚体均可安全排除PE,其价值优于单独检测血浆D−二聚体。


肺栓塞(pulmonary embolism,PE),为内源性或外源性栓子堵塞肺动脉或其分支引起肺循环障碍的临床病理生理综合征,包括肺血栓栓塞(pulmonary thromboembolism,PTE)、脂肪栓塞、羊水栓塞、空气栓塞等。PTE为PE最常见类型,占PE中的绝大多数,通常所称的PE即指PTE。PE临床表现无特异性[1],未经治疗的PE,死亡率高达30%[2],早期诊断及治疗能降低PE的死亡率[3],其临床表现无特异性,易漏诊误诊,老年患者因合并心肺疾病引起误诊率和漏诊率增高[4−6]。改良Geneva量表[7]是经过验证的准确诊断PE的重要方法,但该量表在我国老年患者的研究尚少。血浆D−二聚体<500μg/L常被用来作为PE的排除标准,本研究旨在明确老年可疑PE患者,改良Geneva量表诊断PE及其联合血浆D−二聚体快速床旁排除PE诊断的价值。

1 对象与方法

1.1 对象


1.2 方法

1.2.1 研究对象 所有可疑PE患者记录性别、年龄、主要症状(突发呼吸困难、胸痛、咯血、晕厥、单侧下肢疼痛)和体征(心率、呼吸频率、单侧下肢水肿或深压痛)、危险因素(既往深静脉血栓、既往PE、恶性肿瘤、4周内骨折、4周内制动或手术)。应用改良Geneva量表对疑诊PE患者进行评分[8],0~3分为低度可能,4~10分为中度可能,≥11分为高度可能(表1)。

1.2.2 CT肺动脉造影(computed tomography pulmonary arteriography,CTPA) 应用美国GE Healthcare 64排探测器螺旋CT(lightspeed VCT)扫描。CTPA扫描参数为:120kV、300mA,准直器宽度20mm,球管旋转1周0.5s,图像矩阵为512×512。在GE AW4.2工作站中以1.25mm层厚,1mm间隔按标准方法重建后分析CTPA图像。

1.2.3 血浆D−二聚体检测 入院24h内抽血,采用免疫比浊法测定血浆D−二聚体水平,以≥500μg/L为阳性,<500μg/L为阴性。

表1 改良Geneva量表

DVT: deep vein thrombosis; PE: pulmonary embolism

1.3 统计学处理

2 结 果

2.1 老年组和非老年组PE患者的临床特征比较

276例疑诊PE患者,最终经CTPA确诊PE 80例,其中老年组52例(65.1%),非老年组28例(34.9%)。对80例确诊的PE患者临床特征进行分析,表2结果显示,老年PE患者呼吸困难发生率高于非老年患者(=0.001);胸痛、咯血、单侧下肢疼痛发生率低于非老年患者(=0.008;=0.018;=0.002);老年PE患者呼吸频率较非老年患者有增高趋势,但差异无统计学意义(>0.05);老年PE患者心率低于非老年患者,差异亦无统计学意义(>0.05);动脉血氧饱和度低于非老年患者(=0.028);其余指标差异均无统计学意义(>0.05),提示老年PE患者症状缺乏特异性。

2.2 Geneva量表对老年患者PE的诊断价值


表2 老年与非老年PE患者的临床特征

PE: pulmonary embolism; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. 1mmHg=0.133kPa

此外,进一步运用ROC曲线评估改良Geneva量表对PE的诊断价值。老年组改良Geneva量表ROC曲线见图1,AUC为0.974(95% CI:0.940~0.992),非老年组改良Geneva量表ROC曲线见图2,AUC为0.981(95% CI:0.924~0.998),老年组低于非老年组,=-1.965,=0.035,两者之间差异有统计学意义。提示改良Geneva量表对老年PE患者的诊断价值低于非老年患者。

2.3 血浆D−二聚体对老年和非老年患者PE的排除价值


2.4 改良Geneva量表联合血浆D−二聚体对老年患者PE的排除价值


3 讨 论



PE: pulmonary embolism; CTPA: computed tomography pulmonary arteriography.*Clinical probability of PE categorized by revised Geneva score: low probability: 0−3; medium probability: 4−10; high probability: ≥11.#PE was definitely diagnosed by CTPA

图1 改良Geneva量表预测老年PE的ROC曲线

Figure 1 The ROC curve of revised Geneva score for prediction of elderly PE ROC: receiver operating characteristics; PE: pulmonary embolism

图2 改良Geneva量表预测非老年组PE的ROC曲线

Figure 2 The ROC curve of revised Geneva score for prediction of non-elderly PE ROC: receiver operating characteristics; PE: pulmonary embolism




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(编辑: 周宇红)

Diagnostic value of revised Geneva score combined with plasma level of D-dimer for suspected pulmonary embolism in elderly patients

HU Jing-Min, ZHAO Can, GUO Dan-Jie*

(Heart Center, People’s Hospital, Peking University, Beijing 100044, China)

To evaluate the clinical diagnostic and exclusive values of revised Geneva score and its combination with plasma level of D-dimer for suspected pulmonary embolism (PE) in the elderly patients.A total of 276 patients with suspected PE due to chest pain and dyspnea admitted in our hospital from January 2009 to April 2014 were enrolled in this study. They were divided into 2 groups based on their age, that is, the aged group (≥60 years old) and the non-aged group (<60 years old). Computed tomography pulmonary arteriography (CTPA) was considered as the gold standard for diagnosis. According to the revised Geneva score, the diagnosis of PE was categoried into different clinical probability,low, medium and high probability, and their plasma level of D-dimer was also tested. Based on their clinical features, the diagnostic values of revised Geneva score, the exclusive values of plasma D-dimer, and that of combining revised Geneva score with D-dimer together were analyzed between the 2 groups. The receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve was used to evaluate the overall accuracy of revised Geneva score in the diagnosis of PE.Among the cohort with suspected PE, 80 cases were definitely diagnosed as PE by CTPA (52 cases ≥60 years old, and 28 cases <60 years old). The area under the ROC curve (AUC) was 0.974 (95% CI: 0.940−0.992) for the aged group and 0.981 (95% CI: 0.924−0.998)for the non-aged one, with significant difference between them (<0.001). The negative predictive values of D-dimer, and the revised Geneva score combined with D-dimer were 93.8% and 100.0% respectively for the aged patients, and 88.9% and 100.0% for the non-aged patients.The clinical features of PE are atypical in the elderly patients. The revised Geneva score has lower diagnostic value for the aged than the non-aged patients. Combination of revised Geneva score and plasma level of D-dimer is a safe strategy to rule out PE and is better than D-dimer alone for the aged and non-aged patients with suspected PE.

elderly; pulmonary embolism; revised Geneva score; plasma D-dimer

R543.2; R592





郭丹杰, E-mail: guodanjie@pkuph.edu.cn

VIDAS 30荧光分析仪检测血浆D-二聚体的性能验证