
2015-03-29 08:06byJennaRussell乌芜译
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年8期

by Jenna Russell乌芜译


Savoring Slow Morning Walks with My Preschooler

by Jenna Russell乌芜译


Every morning, I go walking with my daughters.

The frst half of our1)jaunt goes quickly. The elementary school up the road starts at 9:05, and we don’t want to be late. We stroll2)briskly uphill to the top of our quiet street, cut through a narrow3)fringe of woods on a dirt path, and emerge at the end of the school playground. There, I hug my kindergartner goodbye and send her on her way, hot pink backpack bobbing behind her.

Then my 4-year-old and I turn around and start back.

This is a different sort of walk, one that lasts just as long as I am willing to let it. We cover the same one-third of a mile, but our pace is slower now, our path4)meandering, as we pause to probe the mysteries along the way. Emerging from the woods and back onto the street, we stop and sit a minute on a pair of cold gray boulders at the pathway entrance, me on the larger one and Poesy on the small one. Then we 5)make a beeline for the storm drain in the street, so she can crouch and peer into the darkness far below. She practices skipping. She jumps over 6)puddles before she 7)wades into them. She plays with her shadow, raising her arms high; she stops to chat with an old man weeding his garden. Her attention constantly revolves, drawn by dogs, feathers, eye-catching pebbles. Some days she takes up a collection, stuffing her hands full of treasures, delegating me to carry what she can’t.





1) jaunt [dʒɔːnt] n. 远足,短途旅游

2) briskly [brɪsklɪ] adv. 活泼地,精神勃勃地

3) fringe [frɪndʒ] n. 边缘

4) meander [mɪ'ændə] v. 蜿蜒,曲折

It’s easy to become impatient with this kind of walking. Morning is not my favorite time of day; it’s not a time I’m ever8)pining for companionship. My natural inclination is to walk fast, to get where I’m going while planning my attack on the day ahead. My daughter and I both have places to be—she is due at preschool, while I must get to work—and though I know we’re lucky to have this time together, I can’t forget the clock is ticking as we wander homeward. Still, I try to follow Poesy’s lead as we go walking, to embrace her leisure and engagement with the world. Instead of9)lamenting our halting,10)zigzag progress, I ease my pace, quiet my mind, and strive to pay attention.

5) make a beeline for 一直奔向…

6) puddle ['pʌdl] n. 水坑

7) wade [weɪd] v. 跋涉,涉水

8) pine for 渴望


She finds a twig and a leaf and, animated with excitement, shows me how, together, they make a tiny flag. We pass a11)sprinkler twirling in a sunlit yard and she spies a perfect rainbow hovering in the mist.“Mommy,” she says, breathless with amazement, “look!”One morning we move quietly through fog, watching how it blurs the distant edges of our route. Another day we come upon a shiny black Camaro. The curve of the car’s door compresses her refection, making her look tiny, like a 2-year-old. She stands there staring at her toddler-sized self,12)mesmerized by the glimpse into her past.

Watching her, I feel the rush of time, and I realize just how soon these walks of ours will end. Come September she will be in kindergarten; I will leave both girls at school and walk home on my own. These slow morning rambles with my 4-year-old—the new day glimmering around us, the sun warm on our backs—are the most feeting kind of pleasure. I’ll try to remember, later, what she did and said, but the feeling of the moment, sweet and simple, will be gone.

I stop walking, looking over my shoulder for Poesy. When she gets to me, I reach down and take her hand.




9) lament [lə'ment] v. 悔恨,悲叹

10) zigzag ['zɪgzæg] adj. Z字形的,曲折的

11) sprinkler ['sprɪŋklə] n. 洒水车

12) mesmerize ['mezməraɪz] v. 使迷惑;迷住

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