
2015-03-29 08:06SlowLifeinTasmaniaIsFinallyFulfilling
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年8期

Slow Life in Tasmania Is Finally Fulfilling

by Hilary Burden Joyce译


Slow Life in Tasmania Is Finally Fulfilling

by Hilary Burden Joyce译


T his morning I picked golden plums straight from the trees in my back garden. A guilty pleasure; I didn’t plant the trees, they require little care, and they are free. But they are loved.

Home, now, after years working in London, is a green valley in Tasmania, a place with a postcode and no shop. I was brought up in Tasmania in the late 1960s and 70s, when it was common for young people to leave the place to experience more of the world. Now, after more than two decades away, and much to my surprise, it is my world.

Having lived a professional life mostly in London, a return to Tasmania came about because of a desire to live closer to food and nature. I’d learned about the slow food movement working on a food magazine in London, but my own life was too fast to live it, and I ate out more than in. Days were wasted in traffic jams, in queues, on public transport, in long meetings, and in waiting… I felt my city life was over.

So I settled on a simple weatherboard house in the country I knew, no job, and no idea how to sustain a life—just a knowingness that said if I had stayed where I was I would fade like a cushion in the sun. My mother lives half an hour away, and so do my two brothers, with their children. You don’t go home for them, but a blood connection is both easier and harder than any other.







慢食运动,由意大利美食专栏作家和社会活动家卡尔洛·佩特里尼(Carlo Petrini)提出,是一项号召人们反对单调的快餐食品,提倡有个性、营养均衡的传统美食的运动,目的是通过保护美味佳肴来维护人类不可剥夺的享受快乐的权利。“慢食”强调三点:一是要吃当地土地所生产的食物;二是原材料要是优良的好食材;三是食物要按当地风土习惯所生产制造。

Despite living on my own, it feels as if I have company. At least five homes within eyesight, a number that seems to double at night when the lights of farms and houses pop out from distant hills. I don’t feel the need to make friends, but I sense that we share something, living in this landscape, as if we’re all in it together, looking after it. It’s not like in a city, where you can shut out the world and disappear, or pass a neighbour on a staircase and not say hello, or look out of your window at blocks of fats and not know one soul living in them. It’s not anonymous like that. Here, the country makes you part of it. I have a sense that I belong without “belonging”.

I’ve learned many things here. I have learned that who I am is not my job, my family, or my partner, although all these things are important. I have learned to rely on the world around me and in doing this I look after myself. For example, living on tank water, I’ve learned to measure my daily usage. When the tank is low, and with no sign of rain, running out is a visible reality. This is not something easily appreciated living in the city, connected to a main supply.

While the world of commodities strives to1)homogenise the seasons, country life encourages you to respect them. In doing this, I have found a new way to be. A life that you have when you’re not busy doing other things. A life that unfolds around you, that moves like the tide, and2)in sync with the seasons.

I moved here on my own without plans and have met my partner and started a new business. I did this getting lost on the way to visit a friend. I stopped at his property to ask the way. He, it turns out, is also an escapee from corporate life, and now lives across the road. He set up a hobby nursery and when the local market started, we took plants and herbs to sell, and later fresh produce from a local farmer. We put any profts that we made into a tin and spent it on local champagne. One day the market was rained off, so we boxed up our produce and took it to town. We called this our “rainy day business model”. It was so successful, we’ve been doing it ever since. There’s no weekly pay cheque, but I’ve never been happier.





There are only 72 summers in one lifetime, I remember a London3)adman telling me when he left the safety of a big job to start up his own business. The line he used stayed with me. If I only had 30 summers left—less if I was unlucky—what was I doing?

During the past eight summers, I has realised that who I am is where I am. With no children of my own, I have a sense of place, of being rooted, of staying not in, but home, although I know I’ve only just begun to4)scratch the surface.

The gift of these years is that while my mother, Audrey, is still bright but ageing, I know I will not feel like an orphan when she’s gone.

One day turns into the next and each day I follow the seasons. To leave home without a good reason feels like a betrayal, a5)wanton waste of time. To go beyond my own boundary would be to turn my back on the things I’ve started and lose momentum. It would be as if those small efforts to take care of my own back yard—the efficacy of untold devotion—had counted for not very much.

1) homogenize [hə'mɒdʒənaɪz] v. 使均匀

2) in sync with 与…一致

3) adman ['ædmæn] n. 广告部门职员,拉广告者

4) scratch the surface 触及表面;肤浅的探讨;处于初步阶段有待深入研究

5) wanton ['wɒntən] adj. 荒唐的,肆意的,不道德的




