
2015-03-29 08:06byElizabethBernsteinArony
疯狂英语·新策略 2015年8期

by Elizabeth Bernstein Arony 译


Do You Cry Easily?

by Elizabeth Bernstein Arony 译

michael Hassard, a former engineer for NASA, hikes and camps, takes long motorcycle rides, mows his lawn, fxes leaky faucets, and loves football.

He also cries—quite often: Whenever the Battle Hymn of the Republic is played or if the checkout clerk at Wal-Mart says, “God Bless You”; when the country song about the guy who fxes a tire and refuses payment comes on; and once when he donated some winter coats his children had outgrown to a family he knew from church.

“I keep tissues handy at all times,” says the 44-yearold engineer for an oil and gas company, who lives in Houston.





Meet the Highly Sensitive Person, or HSP—someone who responds more intensely to experiences than the average individual. Experts say HSPs process both positive and negative information more thoroughly, and so they can easily become overwhelmed by1)stimuli. They are acutely aware of sensations, whether of taste, touch, sound or smell. And they are particularly sensitive to emotions—their own and those of others.

Research studies show that about 20% of the population fts into this category, and the trait is found in the same numbers in men and women.

HSPs are currently having a moment: Last week, the First International Scientifc Conference on High Sensitivity or Sensory Processing Sensitivity was held at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, with panels on sensory processing sensitivity in children and what we can learn from successful people who are highly sensitive. There is a documentary in the works titled Sensitive. (The trailer features Alanis Morissette, a self-proclaimed HSP.) fne.” Eventually, he learned to 3)curb his emotions by playing the songs over and over again in his spare time.

Mr. Hassard frst noticed he was highly sensitive in his early teens. Singing in his church choir, there were songs that he says he “had a hard time getting through” because they moved him so much. Sometimes friends noticed his tears and asked him what was wrong. His2)rote response: “Nothing, I’m



1) stimulus ['stɪmjʊləs] n. 刺激物,激励物(复数:stimuli)

2) rote [rəʊt] n. 机械方法,死记硬背

3) curb [kзːb] v. 控制,约束,抑制

4) clinical practice 临诊实践,临床应用

5) spectrum ['spektrəm] n. 系列,范围



Sometimes called Sensory Processing Sensitivity, high sensitivity isn’t a disorder or a condition but rather an innate, permanent trait. It was frst identifed in the 1990s by Elaine and Arthur Aron, research psychologists who developed a 27-item scale to assess it. People who are highly sensitive have a deeper depth of cognitive processing, are easily overwhelmed, have bigger emotional responses and notice subtleties more, says Dr. Elaine Aron, who has a4)clinical practice in Mill Valley, Calif.

Today, several hundred research studies, from brain scans to genetic analyses, have been done on topics related to high sensitivity. They have found that high sensitivity may occur on a5)spectrum, just like many other personality traits. It isn’t the same as introversion, although HSPs fnd the need to withdraw from social interactions or stimuli when their brains get overwhelmed.

Brain-scan studies of HSPs show differences in their neural activity, compared with non-HSPs: HSPs are more empathic, pay closer attention to their environment and are more attentive to social clues from their close friends and partners.

A study, led by researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and published in April, 2014, in the journal Brain and Behavior, found that people with high sensitivity show more neural activity in specific regions of their brains when looking at the face of a loved one than do people with average sensitivity.

Experts say that high sensitivity can be found in at least 100 species, including fruit flies, sunfish, dogs, cats and monkeys. In modern times, HSPs make excellent counselors, teachers, artists, pastors and reporters (or relationship columnists).

The trait has its downsides. HSPs get worn out by too much stimuli. They can become easily hurt or offended. And they have been known to overreact to a situation. “They’re processing information more thoroughly,” says Dr. Arthur Aron, research professor at Stony Brook University in New York and a visiting scholar at the University of California, Berkeley. “So they are more easily overwhelmed.”







Researchers now believe that high sensitivity has a genetic cause. While they haven’t yet identified all the genes involved, research suggests that the6)serotonin transporter gene—which is involved in the recycling of serotonin, a7)neurotransmitter in the brain that impacts emotional wellbeing—plays a role. They also believe that psychological factors—your temperament or personality—have an effect on your level of sensitivity, as does your physiology, specifically how you respond to stress.

HSPs can learn to cope with their feelings and reactions—sometimes even better than others. A study published online in March 2015, by the journal Personality and Individual Differences, looks at how 166 girls ages 11 and 12 respond to a school-based mental health program in England. It found that those who were highly sensitive benefted from a 12-week class on reframing their depressive thoughts much more than girls who had an average amount of sensitivity.

Only the highly sensitive girls’ depression symptoms also decreased over the subsequent 12 months. “The more sensitive ones were probably more likely to8)internalize what they’ve learned and apply it,” says Michael Pluess, a senior lecturer at Queen Mary University of London and the lead researcher on the study.

Mr. Hassard admits that sometimes being overly sensitive can cause problems such as “when you can’t hide how much arguing with idiots upsets you.” And he’s sometimes noticed that women he’s dated have become uncomfortable when he is more emotional than they are. “Nobody loves a crybaby,” he says.

Over the years, he has taught himself how to modulate his feelings and reactions—and to “9)dehumanize” situations to remove emotion.

And he has learned to see advantages in being so sensitive. He feels he is a better father because he can empathize better with his children. And he says he recently saved a multimillion-dollar deal at work because he was the only one on his 12-member team who10)picked up on the client’s apprehension, enabling the group to address it.







Mr. Hassard’s girlfriend, Julie Matte, a surgical nurse, says that although his 11)wear-it-on-his sleeve emotions have taken some time to get used to, she now loves how sensitive he is.“12)Stoic has its place,” she says. “But engaging, thoughtful conversation about things that matter with someone who feels and isn’t afraid to show it is a welcome and unexpected change from the norm.”


6) serotonin [,sɪərə'təʊnɪn] n. 血清素,五羟色胺(神经递质,能影响情绪)

7) neurotransmitter [,njʊərətræns'mɪtə] n. 神经递质

8) internalize [ɪn'tənəlaɪz] v. 使内在化,使适应

9) dehumanize [dɪ'hjuːmənaɪz] v. 使失去人性,失去个性

10) pick up on 注意到,领悟

11) wear sth. on one’s sleeve 把某人的情绪或情感表露出来

12) stoic ['stəʊɪk] n. 高度自制者,坚忍克己之人


Battle Hymn of the Republic 《共和国战歌》

这首歌的歌词是由朱莉娅·沃德·豪(Julia Ward Howe)于1861年11月18日凌晨编写的。朱莉娅是一位著名的废奴论者、诗人、妇女参政主义者和人道主义者。那天她和丈夫到华盛顿特区访问,而在前一天,他们看到波托马克河南面军队的调遣,并和士兵们一起唱流行歌曲《约翰·布朗的遗体》。一个朋友建议她为这支行军歌写新歌词。据她自己说,当晚躺在床上忽然灵感来临,由于担心明早醒来会忘记,她即刻找到笔和纸,就写下了《共和国战歌》。她觉得这是她写作以来最好的作品。确实如此,这首歌于1862年2月发表在《大西洋月刊》上后,广受好评。这首好听易懂的旋律后来传遍全国各地,并作为许多新歌词的配乐。

乌干达男子:12 个妻子、102 个孩子、568 个孙辈