2015-03-19 07:00


The City Efficiency Analysis of Guangdong Province

——Based on the DEA and Malmquist Index Model

(by MAO Yan-hua, HU Bin)

Abstract:The paper makes a static evaluation on the technical efficiency and the input-output situation of the 21 cities in Guangdong Province in 2013 by using DEA model, it also carries out a dynamic analysis on the changes of productivity growth, technical efficiency improvement and technological progress of these cities from 2004 to 2013 by using Malmquist index. It finds that the overall technical efficiency of these cities is lower, and most of these cities have invested too much in 2013. In addition, the research finds that average Malmquist productivity of these cities has been improved from 2004 to 2013, mainly contributed by technological progress. Productivity growth speed in the eastern and northern cities of Guangdong Province is faster than the Pearl River Delta cities, it shows that the regional development gap in Guangdong province is gradually narrowing. Productivity growth in Pearl River Delta cities comes mainly from the technical progress, however the productivity growth in the eastern, Western and northern cities of Guangdong Province comes mainly from technical efficiency improvement. These conclusions provide a policy path direction for the innovation driven strategy implementation of the new urbanization construction in Guangdong Province.

Key words: DEA model; Malmquist index; productivity growth; technical efficiency; technological progress

Life Cycle, Population Structure and Residents’ Portfolio

——Empirical Evidence from China House Finance Survey

(by LI Li-fang, CHAI Shi-jun, WANG Cong)

Abstract:Using the data of China household finance survey in 2011, this paper surveys aging and aging structure effect on residents’ household financial assets choice behavior. Our results show: first, the householder age has caused U-shaped effects on both the possibility and the degree of stock and fund investment, and has roughly positive significant effects on bank saving investment, while residents’ investment decisions on low risk’ bond products hasn’t obvious life cycle characteristics. Secondly, due to the rise of aging population rate, residents’ aversion degree and significance has gradually increased on risky assets investment, while it has significant positive effects on bank saving investment. Finally, the family of more financial wealth and higher education degree has more possibility to involve in more investment items, and real estate' effect on stock and fund investment has “booster effect”, while income’s effect presents “clock-shape” distribution.

Key words: population structure; life cycle; portfolio choices

The Relationship between Human Resource Management Configurations and Organizational Structure:A Matching in the Chinese Context

(by WANG Hong-chun, CHEN Sheng-jun, LIU Xiao-lang, LIU Shan-shi)

Abstract:The study explored the relationship of Human Resource management configurations and organizational structure in the Chinese context based on the theory configuration. According to the “capability-motivation-opportunity”structure in human resource management practices, the paper draws eight kinds of human resource configurations, six of which are meaningful in theory and practice. Using a sample of 567 enterprises, the results showed that enterprises in Chinese context are full of diversified HR configuration system and the high participation human resource configuration are suitable for enterprises with high formalization, upstream vertical boundary or downstream vertical boundary. The hypothesis of the relationship between centralization and the internal control human resource configuration has not been verified.

Key words: human resource configuration; AMO model; organizational structure; Chinese context

Injecting Powerful Innovation Driving Force for Promoting the “Four Full” in the “New Normal”

(by PEI Xiao-ge)

Abstract:People at all levels of the society are the principal part of promoting the “four full” in the “new normal” . In other words, promoting the “four full” in the “new normal” must rely on the people of all social strata to exert innovative labor to complement each other and support each other, working together to achieve the goal. Innovative labor and routine work are not completely separate and opposed, but can complement each other and become one unified force. Mobilizing and encouraging the overwhelming majority laboring masses to do innovative labor is a basic experience of our party in leading revolution, construction, reform and opening up. Based on this experience, in order to promote the “four full” in the “new normal”, we must maximize consensus of reform, concentrating wisdom and strength of the overwhelming majority of the working people,bringing the innovative labor of overwhelming majority of the working people into full play, forming join forces.

Key words: “new normal”; “four full”; innovative labor; routine work; stable and healthy development

Deindustrialization, Aperiodicity and Normalization of Economic Stagnation: A New Perspective for Western Capitalism

(by HE Zi-li)

Abstract:With the deepening of machine replacement labor and the heightening of organic composition of capital, deindustrialization has occurred in western capitalism economy, and pushed manufacture industry toward decline. Investment-oriented economy has been converted into consumption-oriented economy, and economic growth has never been supported by the rejuvenation of fixed capital in large scale and technology innovation. Economic fluctuation has showed the characteristic of aperiodicity. All of this means that the economic stagnation of western capitalism has become a normalization.

Key words: Western capitalism; deindustrialization; normalization of economic stagnation

“Terminology Revolution” or Discourse Revolution of Political Economy: Comments on the New Discourse System of “Socialist Regulating Economy”

(by YAN Peng-fei, DING Xia)

Abstract: This paper draws on achievements and learns lessons from western capitalist countries of their construction on market-regulating economy for over four centuries and socialist countries of their construction on planed- regulating economy for over eighty years. On the basis of this, we thus introduce a new discourse of “socialist regulating economy”. From the discourse system of socialist market-oriented economy to the discourse system of socialist regulating economy is a process of deepening, sublimating and developing of the discourse of “socialist market-oriented economy”.

Key words: terminology revolution; socialist planned economy; socialist market-oriented economy; socialist regulating economy

Explanations of the Root Causes of the Economic Crisis Theory by Marx

(by GUO Xing-fang)

Abstract:Discussion of the economic crisis must base on understanding of the essence of Marx's economic crisis theory. We must grasp the realistic movement of capitalist production as a whole and find the inner links among the various contradictions in the reality of capitalist production movement. There are four root causes of the economic crisis,namely, profit margins decreased, imbalance of reproduction, the difficulty to achieve profits caused by poor people and limited consumption,and the virtual economy seriously out of step with the real economy led by the excessive speculation and expansion of virtual capital. The crisis is the result of the interaction of these factors. It will directly lead to the failure of policies by misjudgment of the causes of the economic crisis. If the deep-seated capitalist contradictions cannot be solved and the antagonistic contradictions between the ruled and the ruling class, and between the labor and capital, is ignored, all policies based on any single factor above to dealing with crisis would be ridiculous, childish, and invalid.

Key words: economic crisis; decline in profit margins; reproduction ratio imbalance; consumption shortage; fictitious economy

The Analysis of “The Four Books” Confucian Classics: Education’s Form in Song Dynasty

(by HUANG Ming-xi)

Abstract:The initiation and establishment of “The Four Books” Confucian classics education's form is one of the important contributions to the development of Chinese traditional culture and education by Cheng brothers and Zhuxi. There are two main objects of “The Four Books” Confucian classics education in Song dynasty: one is the scholar groups and the other is the monarchy class. “The Four Books” Confucian classics education’s form in Song dynasty established “The Four Books” classical structure’s dominant position in Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasty Confucian classics educational history, and laid the foundation for the institutionalization of the official position of "The Four Books" in Yuan dynasty. Also, it was conducive to the achievement of Neo Confucianism of Cheng Zhu’s “Moralize Folk” educational philosophy.

Key words: “The Four Books”; Confucian classics education; Song Dynasty

The Relationship between Ego Identity and School Adaptation among University Students: The Mediating Role of Self Determination

(by XU Yong-wang, ZHANG Wei, Xu Xia-xuan)

Abstract:To explore the status of university students’ self-determination, and the relationship between ego identity, self-determination, and school adaptation, 1063 university students were tested with questionnaires. The results shows that: (1) Males scored higher than females on the independent choice and the total score of self-determination; (2) Independent consciousness and independent choice can significantly positive predicted university students’ school adaptation; (3) Self-determination plays a completely mediating role between identity foreclosure and school adaptation; Moreover, self-determination plays a partially mediating role between identity achievement and school adaptation.

Key words: university students; ego identity; self-determination; school adaptation

New Theory of Units of Translation and Its linguistic Forms: From the Perspective of Gestalt

(by LI Ming-xi)

Abstract:There are many different ideas on what is unit of translation in translation circle, which have their own shortcomings and advantages. According to the theory of gestalt psychology, this paper holds the idea that the whole concept can be unit of translation. By theoretical analysis, this viewpoint is proved reasonable, and four implementing rules are brought forward. As whole concept is relative, unit of translation is a dynamic concept. Words, phrases, sentences, sentence groups, paragraphs and texts, all of them can express a whole concept and can be unit of translation. These different language units can be chosen and used as unit of translation in different situations, which develops the previous ideas.

Key words: gestalt; unit of translation; whole concept.

On the Modern Characteristics of Mr. RAO E’s Poetic Conceptions

(by MIN Ding-qing)

Abstract:Mr. RAO E has been developing his poetic activities in his hometown, Chaozhou. who made great efforts to inherit the traditional poetics and also participate in the construction of poetic atmosphere which focuses on the “grass-roots writing” in poetry circles of Chaozhou. In the face of modern social transformation, Mr. RAO E tried to return to ontology of Chinese culture in order to fight against western civilization through research on “New Chinese Classics learning”. He held the view that poetics is an Organic Part of “New Chinese Classics learning”, identified with the points that “injustice provokes outcry” which supported meaningful creation and the individual expression that “Tao means faithfulness to each disposition”, reconstructed the artistic expressive way that poetry can reflect the social reality on the standpoint that “poetic history” is “mental history”. He promoted the mutual influence between contemporary explanation of classical works on poetic and creation practice poetics that are expected to produce more and more excellent poems. In fact, Mr. RAO E’s poetic conception reflected the cultural conservatism methods which try to exploite new area of Chinese classical learning based on restoring ancient ways, which has possessed obviously modern nature and transitional Characteristics.

Key words: Mr. RAO E; Mr. RAO Zongyi; poetry circles of Chaozhou; grass-roots writing; modernization

Liang Qichao’ New Style of Chinese Literature and Modern Prose

(by LIU Mo-lin)

Abstract: Liang Qichao’s new style of Chinese literature has influenced modern China soundly in politics, culture, ideas, etc. Moreover, it is the bridge between China's ancient prose and modern prose. With new style of Chinese literature, he has painted large number of works with rich sentimentality, secular language and abundant folks which played quite important role in aspects of language features, content, stylistic using etc.. As a double-transcendency, modern writers have made breakthrough in both language and style while inheriting Liang Qichao’s new style of Chinese literature.

Key words: Liang Qichao; new style of Chinese literature; modern prose; transition