
2015-03-17 02:06:56刘怀玉

王 巍,刘怀玉

(南京大学哲学系,江苏南京 210046)


王 巍,刘怀玉

(南京大学哲学系,江苏南京 210046)







纵观西方哲学史,人的自我意识是最为经久不衰的核心研究对象之一,对人的自我意识的探求贯穿于数千年的哲学发展脉络之中。通过无数思想家长期而执着地理论探索与思考,“自我意识”所具有的自觉性、反思性、创造性和独立性等丰富内涵逐步凸显,成为人类区别于动物的根本性标志。对于自我意识问题,马克思既继承了过往思想家对“自我意识”的理论认知,认为“人则使自己的生命活动本身变成自己意志的和自己意识的对象。他具有有意识的生命活动。这不是人与之直接融为一体的那种规定性。有意识的生命活动把人同动物的生命活动直接区别开来”[1]162;又批判性地超越了以往哲学,指出自我意识不仅仅是人自娱自乐的抽象思辨活动,而是以实践活动揭示了自我意识和外部对象的关系,并指出自我意识是通过自身的对象化活动显示出来。正是基于此,马克思才进而将自我意识指认为社会交往的前提。在马克思看来,自我意识并不神秘, 它扎根于平凡的实践活动中,通过对象性的存在表现出来,“不仅五官感觉,而且连所谓精神感觉、实践感觉(意志、爱等等),一句话,人的感觉、感觉的人性,都是由于它的对象的存在,由于人化的自然界,才产生出来的”[1]191并随着对象性活动的发展而不断布展,进而通过对象化的活动进行自我确证,“自我意识的外化设定物性。因为人=自我意识,所以人的外化的、对象性的本质即物性=外化的自我意识,而物性是由这种外化设定的。”[1]208所以,在《手稿》中,马克思认为当人的自我意识具备了这两种独特的内在属性和哲学内涵时,自我意识便成为人类社会交往活动的基础性前提,这是包括动物在内的一切其他大地存在物永远不可能达到的高度。

在《手稿》中,关于“交往”这一概念,马克思首先提出了自我意识是人类社会交往的基本前提这一理论观点。自我意识之所以成为人类社会交往的基本前提,在于其所具有的四个根本特点: 第一,自觉性特点。马克思认为自我意识作为人类社会的基础性前提首先表现为人在与自然的交往过程中具有自觉性。人类生存于客观世界之中,作为生命有机体,必然与外部世界进行着物质交换,以求得自身的成长和发展。“动物只是按照它所属的那个种的尺度和需要来构造,而人却懂得按照任何一个种的尺度来进行生产,并且懂得处处都把固有的尺度运用于对象”。[1]163也就是说,在人化自然的过程中,人能够认识到自身的属性 、能力、心理和需求, 从而把握到自身作为主体的内在尺度,自觉地按照自己的“内在尺度”来改变世界,并赋予世界以人化的形式,在这个意义上世界成了人的世界。从而,人凭借对自己生命活动的自觉支配,能够自觉地、有目标、有理想地去开展有意义的高尚生活,并且获得决策和行动上的自由。第二,反思性特点。事实上,在人与自然进行物质交换的过程中,“人作为自然的、肉体的、感性的、对象性的存在物,同动植物一样,是受动的、受制约的和受限制的存在物”[1]209。独立的自我意识使人类作为主体而与客观世界相对立地存在,进而导致了人与自然统一性的破裂,并不断遭遇到前所未有的存在危机与客观挑战。然而,在面对危机与挑战时,人类自发地反思自己的行为,不断地深入自我的精神层面,对自己的有限生命和自然界进行重新的认识,从而真正地领悟到自己生存的本质进而除破自然界的束缚,在更高的层面上改造自然。第三,创造性特点。自我意识所具有的创造性特点表现为人在与自然的交往过程中所具有的赋有激情的创造性。创造力来源于人的自由自觉的本质,即与动物相比,人不是一个任人摆布的生物角色,一种强烈的愿望驱使着他,去超越生物角色以及存在的偶然性、被动性,从而成为一个创造者。人越发受到痛苦和压抑的时候越能产生反抗的力量,人只有通过自己赋有激情的创造性活动,才能使自己在恶劣的自然环境中生存下来。“我的本质活动的感性爆发,是激情,从而激情在这里就成了我的本质的活动”[1]195。由此可见,人的生命存在是一个过程,过程的本质就是进行创造性和超越性的活动。按照海德格尔的说法,此在是不断筹划着自己,走向超越。第四,独立性特点。自我意识的独特性特点表现为主体间的交往具有独立性。事实上,独立意识作为自我意识的一种具体形态,其实质就是主体从事交往实践活动的一种深度的心理体验,其重要表征便是主体与对象(自然、社会)相疏离而导致的一种刻骨铭心的精神感。马克思曾指出:“任何一个存在物只有当它用自己的双脚站立的时候,才认为自己是独立的,而且只有当它依靠自己而存在的时候,它才是用自己的双脚站立的”[1]195。这就表明,孤立能力是主体的本质性力量,人能按着自己的意志去设计、选择和创造自己,这才是真实的自己,而非作为知识对象意义上的自己。在基于自我意识的这种独立性特点的自由的、自觉的活动中,个人与他人的交往才既不丧失于他在之中,又不与他人相对立,而是在彼此保持自己的个性、人格、自由的同时又把自己的心灵揭示给对方,并领会他人之心,做到彼此心心相印。

马克思不仅指认了作为人类社会交往基本前提的自我意识,还提出了自我超越是人类社会交往方式发展的内在动力这一观点。在马克思的哲学视域中,人的存在和人的历史是一个开放的过程, 在这一不断生成的过程中, 人不仅要用自己的对象化活动扬弃自然存在物的给定性, 而且要不断超越自然、社会环境的外在规定性和扬弃人的造物及人的活动的异化,“正象一切自然物必须产生一样,人也有自己的产生活动即历史,但历史是在人的意识中反映出来的,因而它作为产生活动是一种有意识地扬弃自身的产生活动”[1]211。由此可知,超越活动由此构成了人的生存本性。那么,交往作为人重要的存在维度,不是一种固定不变的存在,而是一种动态的存在,是一个与可能性、未来相联系的结构,是不断构造、不断从潜能到现实的发展过程,是在人自身活力的驱使之下,不断进行自我超越的过程。从文本的具体内容来看,马克思从两个方面对于这一观点进行了阐述:首先,马克思认为在资本主义生产方式的推动下,资本家和工人之间的商品交换成为人类社会的主要交往形式,“私有财产的关系是劳动、资本以及二者的关系”[1]177,在资本主义私有制下,人们不得不自愿地将自我活动进行出卖,因为,“人本身被当成了私有财产的规定”[1]112,在资本主义商品—市场的自然秩序控制下,资本家和工人的交往方式丧失了其本真性的存在意义。然而,资本主义社会的交往方式只是人类社会交往方式的一个必经的历史阶段,随着人类社会的不断发展和进步,最终必将被扬弃。第二,马克思认为,人类社会的交往形式不是凝固不变的,而是处于不断地进行自我扬弃的过程,“对私有财产的扬弃,是人的一切感觉和特性的彻底解放”[1]190。人的交往形式具有超越性的本质,在不断否定和挣脱既有的交往形式,不断趋向自由自觉的交往形式的过程中,人类社会交往的存在形式处于一种敞开性的历史性存在状态,并永远处在生生不息的形成过程之中。生存交往,它是面向敞开领域超越实存的交往,由生存交往引起的超越本身就是生存自由。既然生存超越是每一个具体的个人由有限和相对通向无限和绝对的活动,那么它就表现了人的自由的真正存在。




首先,马克思认为在审美性交往中,人与自然界的存在关系发生了根本性的改变,这是因为,“自我与世界都脱离了现实领域,世界脱离了过去,自我脱离了现在,他们同时进入了永恒的当下”[2]。所以说,在审美性交往中,审美者可以在全神贯注地观察、欣赏某一事物时,将自己的主观情感和丰富的想象力赋予对象。这一方面可以使人的本质力量得以全面的显现和确证,“只有音乐才能激起人的音乐感;对于没有音乐感的耳朵说来,最美的音乐也毫无意义,不是对象,因为我的对象只能是我的一种本质力量的确证”,[1]191也就是说,“审美快感的特征就在于此:它是对于一个对象的欣赏,这个对象就其为欣赏的对象来说,却不是对象而是我自己”[3]。另一方面,使我与世界成为一体,从而达到物我一体的境地,从而进入本真的共在,在这种交流与融合中,我与世界成为一体,彼此无别。正如海德格尔所说:“安居是凡人在大地上的存在方式”, “安居本身必须始终是和万物同在的逗留”,“属于人的彼此共在”。具体地说, 就是 “大地和苍穹、 诸神和凡人, 这四者凭源始的一体性交融为一”[4]。因此,审美性交往不是主体对客体的征服,而是自我主体与世界间的交互感应和情感交流而达到的最高境界,世界(包括社会和自然)不是死寂的客体而是有生命的主体;审美性交往不是单纯的主观的情感,而是世界对主体的激发和主体对世界的感应,天地自然皆有情,与人情相呼应。在自我与世界的审美性交流和体验中,人的本质性力量得以彰显,人与世界的分裂得到了克服,即我与世界对话,世界也回应我,我对世界充满理解与同情,世界也以同样的热情回报,从而达到了自我与世界的互相尊重、和谐共处、融合无间,创造了情景交融、心物一体和天人合一的境界。

其次,马克思认为在审美性交往中,人与自然界的存在关系也发生了根本性的改变,即通过美的邀请,主体间达成精神上的深刻共鸣和高度融合。在《手稿》中,马克思就曾指出,“我们现在假定人就是人,而人对世界的关系是一种人的关系,那么你就只能用爱来交换爱,只能用信任来交换信任,等等。如果你想得到艺术的享受,那你就必须是一个有艺术修养的人。如果你想感化别人,那你就必须是一个实际上能鼓舞和推动别人前进的人。你对人和对自然界的一切关系,都必须是你的现实的个人生活的、与你的意志的对象相符合的特定表现。如果你在恋爱,但没有引起对方的爱,也就是说,如果你的爱作为爱没有使对方产生相应的爱,如果你作为恋爱者通过你的生命表现没有使你成为被爱的人,那么你的爱就是无力的,就是不幸。”[1]247-248这是因为:一方面,在审美性交往中,人是以自由的方式存在着的。正如黑格尔所言,“无论就美的客观存在而言,还是就主体的欣赏而言,美的概念都带有这种自由和无限;正是由于这种自由和无限,美的领域才摆脱了有限事物的相对性”[5]。席勒也指认到,“在审美的国度中,人就只须以形象显现给别人,只作为自由游戏的对象而与人相处。通过自由去给予自由,这就是审美王国的基本法律”[6]。另一方面,在审美性交往中,一个主体通过对另一个主体的精神的占有,从而使主体间性的领域实现了本真的存在,做到真正的理解,达到心有灵犀的境界,“别人的感觉和精神也为我自己所占有。因此,除了这些直接的器官以外,还以社会的形式形成社会的器官。例如,同他人直接交往的活动等等,成为我的生命表现的器官和对人的生命的一种占有方式”[1]190。也就是说,在自我与他我的关系中, 审美理解展开为自我 (审美者)与他我 (审美对象)之间的对话、 问答, 自我仿佛深入到了审美对象的内在世界, 倾听他的声音, 了解他的思想感情, 洞察他的性格、命运;同时自我也把自己的思想感情倾诉给对方, 让对方倾听自己的声音, 体察自己的内心世界, 了解自己的命运、性格。因此,审美性交往活动通过自由的活动和对他人精神世界的理解,从而建立主体间的在精神上的深层次的理解关系,真正做到了把“你”变成了“我”,两个主体做到了精神上的高度融合,察觉到自己的本真乃生存状态,并在理解和同情中达到真正的认同。



自人类诞生以来,整个人类社会存在的历史也是人类交往共同体演进的历史,其主要经历以下四个阶段:原始社会的血缘共同体、农业社会的宗法伦理共同体、资本主义社会的抽象共同体和共产主义社会的真正共同体。从人的本质和存在方式这一角度来看,马克思在《手稿》中批判了资本主义私有制下的抽象共同体,“共同性只是劳动的共同性以及由共同的资本——作为普遍的资本家的共同体——所支付的工资的平等的共同性。相互关系的两个方面被提高到想象的普遍性:劳动是为每个人设定的天职,而资本是共同体的公认的普遍性和力量。”[1]184并指出,这个抽象的共同体以超出人类想象力的速度同化一切异己, 扩充自己的地界,个体在这个抽象的同一性机器中早已丧失了自己的位置, 只能任由抽象的统治。马克思在批判资本主义社会是奴役人的抽象共同体的同时,提出了建立真正地交往共同体(共产主义社会)才是人类社会所应该不懈追求并为之不断努力奋斗的,“共产主义才是人的本质的现实的生成,是人的本质对人来说的真正的实现,或者说,是人的本质作为某种现实的东西的实现。”[1]217马克思认为,人类社会最理想的交往形式就是共产主义社会的交往形式。 “共产主义是对私有财产即人的自我异化的积极的扬弃,因而是通过人并且为了人而对人的本质的真正占有,因此,它是人向自身、也就是向社会的即合乎人性的人的复归,这种复归是完全的复归,是自觉实现并在以往发展的全部财富的范围内实现的复归。这种共产主义,作为完成了的自然主义,等于人道主义,而作为完成了的人道主义,等于自然主义,它是人和自然界之间、人和人之间的矛盾的真正解决,是存在和本质、对象化和自我确证、自由和必然、个体和类之间的斗争的真正解决。”[1]185共产主义社会的交往方式之所以是人类社会最理想的交往方式,是因为在共产主义社会中,共同体的支点和核心价值是人的自由自觉的交往活动。具体表现在以下两个方面:其一,在共产主义社会的交往中,人不是被对象物所占有,导致自己的丧失,而是“对象对人来说成为人的对象或者说成为对象性的人。”[1]190也就是说“这种扬弃之所以是这种解放,正是因为这些感觉和特性无论在主体上还是在客体上都成为人的。”[1]190即从客体方面来看, 对象性的现实在社会中成为了人的本质力量的现实, 成为确证人和实现人的特殊性的对象。其二,在共产主义社会中的交往中,人的存在是全面自由和全面丰富的,“已经生成的社会创造着具有人的本质的这种全部丰富性的人,创造着具有丰富的、全面而深刻的感觉的人作为这个社会的恒久的现实。”[1]192对私有财产的积极扬弃, 也就是为了人而且通过人对人的本质和人的生命、对象性的人以及人的作品的感性占有, 而不是单纯的片面的享受。也就是说, 人以一种全面的或者是总体的人占有自己的本质的丰富性。


首先,在《手稿》中,马克思之所以认为人类能够在交往活动中形成价值共识并最终建立真正的交往共同体,是因为现实的个人在交往活动中具有类意识,“我的普遍意识的活动——作为一种活动——也是我作为社会存在物的理论存在。”[1]188“人是特殊的个体,并且正是人的特殊性使人成为个体,成为现实的、单个的社会存在物,同样,人也是总体,是观念的总体,是被思考和被感知的社会的自为的主体存在。”[1]188也就是说,类意识意味着人是融解在普遍关系中的存在,所表现的恰恰是人对天然的自然本性规定的超越和突破, 这种超越和突破来自人所独有的精神文化,“人的存在不是由外在的自然决定的,而是由内在的文化决定的,人只有在创造文化的活动中才成为真正意义上的人。”[7]当人类以内在的精神文化为内在支撑时,现实的个体既能够意识到其他个体和自己是同类,又能够把自己和所有人联系起来,进而促进个体与个体之间形成的价值共识,建立真正的价值共同体。



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Abstract: In the era of knowledge economy, as the important resources and core elements of the national development, intellectual property rights(IPRs) has become the key to the sustainable development of a universities’ core competence. Based on the core competition theory and the strategy theory of intellectual property rights, the paper uses “resource-ability-competition” as the analytical framework and analyzes the mechanism of the IPRs Strategy which promotes the transformation of university’s advantageous resources into “subject brand and industrial innovation” edge. The purpose of this paper is to provide theoretical support and guidance for universities to take advantage of the IPRs and promote the values of IPRs to ensure the sustainable development in the era of new normal economy.

Key words: universities’ core competence; strategy of intellectual property rights; formation mechanism

The Working Class Regime Should Meet the Demands of Farmers: Research into Principles of Ideal Society of Classical Writers and Realization of China Dream

YU Liangzao

(School of Public Administration, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China)

It is pointed out by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels that the proletariat should not meddle with the ruination of farmers’ small-scale economy when the power is mastered. Instead, it is necessary to guide farmers to lead a new life by means of models and social help. In the early days of the October Revolution, Lenin met the demands of the farmers and equally allocated the farmland to farmers and let them work on the farm. During the period of domestic war, Lenin demanded that the urban working class should let farmers get benefits in the process of requisitioning of grain. In the early days of the implementation of new economy policies, Lenin required that the state power should rapidly take measure to improve the living and producing conditions of the farmers. Therefore, the principles and ideas of classical writers are of great significance for contemporary Chinese Communist Party to realize China dream.

solidarity; farmers; benefit demand; inspirationReview of Research into Mao Zedong in China’s Theoretical Circles from 2005 to 2014/Cang Nan (Research Center for Mao Zedong Thought, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan 411105, China)

This paper makes comment on the hot issues in the past dacade pertaining to theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the coincidence of China’s dream and Mao Zedong’s thoughts, study of Mao Zedong and Cultural Revolution, study of Mao Zedong’s spirit, study of Mao Zedong’s subjectivity thought, study of the third cooperation between the Communist Party of China and Kuomingtang and Mao Zedong doctrine. It is believed that the previous study of Mao Zedong is based on realistic, idealistic and historical reality and gets a consensus on the spirit of Mao Zedong. Although substantive results have been achieved since last decade, further work should be done on the study of the experience and thoughts of Mao Zedong.

China; Mao Zedong research; current situation; review

A Study of Mao Zedong’s Thoughts in Popularization of Marxism: The Impact of Leninism


(School of Marxism, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: There are natural connections between Maoism and Leninism, especially in the process of the popularization of Marxism, Mao Zedong absorbs and uses Lenin’s thoughts and experiences directly for reference. Under the influence of Leninism, Mao Zedong applies Marxism to analyze Chinese national characteristics and realistic situation and forms the theoretical premise of Marxism’s popularization. He also regards the masses as the main force of Marxism’s popularization under the guidance of people-oriented thought. He attaches great importance to ensuring and meeting people’s various economical, political and cultural needs and provides the driving force for Marxism’s popularization. He uses a variety of channels, such as schools, newspapers and periodicals and constructs the multiple transmission routes of Marxism’s popularization by means of self-education and academic research.

Key words: Mao Zedong; Lenin; popularization of Marxism

Research Review of Construction of Marxism Ruling Party in the Past Decade in China

SUN Xiufang, et al

(School of Marxism, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: In recent decade, the study of the construction of Marxism ruling party has been conducted from different angles. Some achievements of the study are influential, which mainly focuses on the construction experience of Marxism ruling party. Chinese ruling party leaders’ thoughts on its construction, theoretical and practical study on its construction in China and overseas construction. From different angles, theses achievements discuss the theoretical origin, content, history and fact and enrich the study of it.

Key words: Marxism; ruling party construction; review

The Connotation of the Philosophical Anthropology of Marx’s Communication Theory

WANG Wei ,et al

(Department of Philosophy, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, China )

Abstract: Marx’s theory of communication stood out in the field of Marxist philosophy research in the 1990’s. But for a long time, the traditional philosophy research paradigm has resulted in its profound theoretical connotation and great tension of ideological history being shaded. The research into the concept of communicationIntheEconomicandPhilosophicalManuscriptsof1844 continues the traditional philosophy research paradigm in the domestic academic circles and interprets its theoretical connotation. It is pointed out that Marx’s communication refers to “communication alienation” in the production process of capitalist from alienation logic of abstract humanism. Marx interprets the concept of communication ofEconomicandPhilosophicalManuscriptsof1844 from self-consciousness, aesthetic and the community from the perspective of philosophical anthropology research. Firstly, Marx puts forward that the self-consciousness is the basic premise of this theory of human social and identifies that the self-transcendence is the internal driving force of the development of the human social communication way. Secondly, Marx points out that aesthetic communication is an important way to solve the contradictory between man and society. Finally, Marx proposes that human social ideal goal is to build a real community.

Key words: communication; philosophical anthropology; self-consciousness; aesthetic; community

An Analysis of Residents’ Environment Awareness and Social Actions Concerning Pollution of Taihu Lake

MA Daoming

(School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, China)

Abstract: According to Weber’s ideal type of social actions and different actors motivation, social actions are divided into four types including .traditional action, emotional action, purpose rationality action and value rationality action. The paper quantitatively investigates residents’ environment awareness including the change of water quality of Taihu Lake, pollution impact on local residents’ production and living, and residents’ participation in environmental protection and so on. Then, according to the investigation, it concretely analyzes residents’ social actions in the process of pollution formation and governance. Residents’ traditional action in daily life and the purpose rationality action in the pursuit of agriculture “high yield” collectively and unconsciously cause the endogenous pollution in Taihu Lake. The residents’ attitude changing from initial catering to later resistance in the process of enterprises’ development indicates the interweaving of residents’ “earning money” purpose rationality action and “health” purpose rationality action. Residents’ performance indicates collective silence and passive obedience in the process of the governmental environmental management, showing residents’ emotional actions’ of being helpless and dependent on government.

Key words: pollution of Taihu Lake; residents; environmental awareness; social actions

Study of Operation Mechanism of NIMBY Risk

TIAN Peng, et al

(School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)

Abstract: Based on the theory of risk arena, this paper takes the event of garbage classification transfer station of BOBO community for instance to see the logic of NIMBY risk and its operation mechanism, which may uncover the crux of Chinese NIMBY conflict dilemma. First, as a product of social interaction, different risk mental schema and risk construction strategy is the internal driving force of NIMBY risk operation in risk arena. Therefore, mismatching of risk cognitive structure is an important factor which may cause the failure of risk communication. Second, the rising housing consciousness and lacking of institutionalized interest expression mechanism leads to community residents’ unconventional action to break game rules that unilaterally dominated by local government in order to informally express interests. Finally, the particularity of NIMBY projects shows that it is an important carrier of local leaders of economic resources and political resources. And the particularity of NIMBY projects may result in collective events, which may erode the social basis of the authority of local administration, cause ruling crisis and make it into a new round of “establishing-protesting-postponing” action.

Key words: risk arena; NIMBY risk; mechanism analysis

Getting out of Dilemma on the Barrier-Free Environment Construction from the Perspective of Social Governance Theory

XU Qiaoxian

(College of Management, Nanjing Normal College of Special Education,Nanjing 210038, China)

Abstract: Barrier-free environment is the urgent requirement of the disabled and the elderly to equally participate in social life. However, there is sharp gap between the target and the reality of the barrier-free environment construction system in China. Based on the data of barrier-free environment construction from 2010 to 2014 and the theory of social governance, it is found out that the discrete action subject is the main influential factor which leads to the dilemma situation in barrier-free environment construction. It is of urgent necessity to insist on cooperative governance. Then it is possible to construct coordinating mechanism of equal dialogue, coordinative integration and shared responsibility among the state, market, social organizations and citizens.

Key words: barrier-free environment construction; the state; market; social organizations; citizens

A Study of Governance of Chinese Risk Society:Retrospect and Prospect

JIANG Zijing,et al

(School of Politics and law, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130017, China)

Abstract: Domestic scholars gradually begin the diversion of localization on the basis of introducing and applying of the western risk society theory, thus the study of governance of Chinese risk society become one of the hot topics in domestic academic circles. To sum up, it includes the Chinese judgment, the Chinese screen, the Chinese situation and Chinese governance of the risk society theory. Based on the overall review of the study of Chinese risk society, the academic circles reflect on the limitations of scholars’ research. Firstly, it is obvious that the theoretical awareness of distinguished research is not enough. Secondly, the practical analysis of empirical research is insufficient. Finally, the general understanding of systematic research is deficient.

Key words: China; risk society; governance; retrospect; prospect

The Game of Stakeholders in the Context of Project Scheme and Explanation Concerned: A Case Study of Late-Stage Support Project of Reservoir Migrants

SUN Liangshun ,et al

(School of Public Administration, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China)

Abstract: In terms of system design, the late-stage support project of reservoir migrants has well-planned organization and management system. But in the process of actual operation,it deviates from the policy goals pertaining to the late-stage support project scheme, which leads to low performance in fund use. Based on the game analysis among the client, the contractor and the agent,it is found that the sharp gap among the stakeholders make the low performance in fund use available. The games among the stakeholders are as follows: the game between the client (the central government and provincial governments) and contractor (the municipal government and the county), the game between the contractor and the various government departments, the game between the contractor (migrant management agencies) and the agent (township government and the applicant of project), the game between the agent (the applicant of project) and migrants (villagers).

Key words: reservoir immigrants;late-stage support policies;project scheme;system design;system implementation; game

The Construction and Reflection on Population Urbanization in the Process of Social Change: A Case Study of Residential Quarter of XL Farm in NJ City

SONG Zhe,et al

(Graduate School, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China)

Abstract: With the rapid development of urbanization, the new-type city community construction has unprecedentedly been advancing. In the process of social change and development, the problems of displacement and resettlement of the “new citizens” pose great challenge to social construction and management. It is uncertain about the adaptation of the “new citizens” to the new city community environment and the construction of the new-type city community. Based on the relevant theories and research findings, the paper takes a typical dualistic farm’s urbanization community change for instance to uncover the evolution value of the community displacement and resettlement in the process of social change. It is found that the transition from a dualistic farm to a “new citizen” community not only poses new challenge to community construction, but also makes the “population urbanization” an urgent task. Therefore, it becomes the main theme of “new citizen” community construction to promote the social management structural reform, to reinforce social construction and to put the “population urbanization” theory into practice.

Key words: farm; dualistic society; community change; new citizens; population urbanization

Approaches to Solving Science-Technology Oriented Enterprises’ Financing Problem from the Perspective of Financial Mechanism’s Orderliness Based on Empirical Evidence of Technical Industry of Jiangsu Province

FANG Xianming, et al

(School of Economics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China)

Abstract: Science-technology enterprises are faced with financing restriction because of high operating uncertainties, information asymmetry between investors and financiers and complexity of science-technology finance mechanism. Based on dissipative structure theory and grey relation analysis, this paper constructs a model to measure the orderliness of science-technology finance mechanism so as to evaluate the synergetic degree among the subsystems and the efficiency of resource allocation. The examination of the sample data from Jiangsu Province shows that the entropy of the science-technology finance mechanism declined from 2005 to 2006, which means the allocation of scientific technological and financial resources was enhanced. Then, the entropy rose rapidly and kept fluctuating in recent years, which means there is room for the improvement of the orderliness of the science-technology finance mechanism. Based on the study, it is necessary to take measures as follows: improving the supply system of policy funds, promoting system and product innovation, absorbing private capital, integrating market resources with governmental and social resources and perfecting technological and financial ecology.

Key words: science-technology finance; financial mechanism;dissipative structure; orderliness; GRA

Stakeholders’ Game Analysis of Transboundary Water Pollution and Control

LUO Wenbing, et al

(Business School, Hunan University of Science and Technology, XiangTan 411201, China)

Abstract: This paper constructs a game model of inter-regional water pollution prevention and control of three adjacent regions and a game model of regional water pollution prevention and control for government regulation and sewage enterprises, It analyses the optimal strategies of the stakeholders of transboundary water pollution and control by using game theory method, Then it makes the following suggestions: establishing total control and allocation mechanism of regional water pollutant, setting up public participation mechanism of transboundary water pollution and control system and long-term environmental and economic policies.

Key words: transboundary water pollution and control;stakeholders;game

An Analysis of Evolution Game of Adjustment of Industrial Structure and Pollution Reduction

TIAN Yinhua, et al

(Institute of Innovative Development, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China)

Abstract: The adjustment of industrial structure is the effective way to realize pollution reduction. The paper analyzes the structure adjustment of industries and industry-government and pollution reduction behavior. The game results show that the strategy of the structure adjustment of industries is related with profit without the interference of government. However, in the context of government interference, the structure adjustment is determined by the degree of reward or punishment given by government. The local administration implements structure policy only when the revenue is larger than cost. The industries actively focus on pollution reduction only when the profit is larger than cost.

Key words: adjustment of industrial structure;pollution reduction;evolutionary game analysis;sreplicator dynamics

The Smithian Dynamics and Needham Puzzle: A New Solution and New Inspiration to the Transformation Development of China

ZHU Juan, et al

(Law School, Nanjing Audit University, Nanjing 210029, China)

Abstract: This paper studies Needham puzzle from the perspective of the Smithian Dynamics and constructs a framework containing capital-human-technology-institution to analyze the reasons of lack of the Simithian Dynamics. Based on the analysis, it explains the reasons of the Needham puzzle, such as industrial production, urban economy, foreign trade and so on. It is believed that the Smithian dynamics perfectly accounts for Needham puzzle and provides new angle for the solution to Needham puzzle. It also provides new inspiration for the economic transformation development of China in the new era. It is suggested that China should take the advantage of domestic market scale and focus on industrial innovative development, new-type urbanization construction and foreign trade development to keep the medium-long term rapid increase of economy.

Key words: the Smithian dynamics; Needham puzzle; transformation development

Beyond Offe’s Paradox: The Rise and Change of Social Investment Idea Discussion on Key Points in Social Policy Development in Our Country

LIANG Yu,et al

(School of Governmental Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210046, China)

Abstract: Offe’s paradox has plagued the capitalism and the welfare states more than one hundred years. It makes welfare states be involved in the trap of the circulation of commercialization, de-commercialization and re-commercialization of labor force. In the 1990s, the social investment idea had become the core ideology of welfare states. These countries pay more attention to developing and activating social members’ capability, promoting the equality of opportunity and social inclusiveness, and realized the coordinated development of social policy and economic growth, which goes beyond Offe’s paradox. Based on western social investment idea, the development of social policy of China should center on the change of relationship between social policy and economic development.. Also, it should focus on the reconstruction of children-family policy and active policy of labor force market.

Key words: Offe’s paradox;commercialization of labor force;social investment idea;China’s social policy

A Study of Formation Mechanism of Universities’ Core Competence Based on Strategy of Intellectual Property Rights

SHI Xuezhe,et al

(Office of Science and Technology, Hohai University, Nanjing 210098, China)



王巍(1987—),女,黑龙江大庆人, 博士研究生,从事马克思主义哲学研究。




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