Development of a Human Support Robot and Some Related Fundamental Devices

2015-02-22 13:42:22TakayukiTakahashi
重庆理工大学学报(自然科学) 2015年12期

Takayuki Takahashi

(National University Corporation Fukushima University)

Development of a Human Support Robot and Some Related Fundamental Devices

Takayuki Takahashi

(National University Corporation Fukushima University)

Robots aimed at assisting humans have contradicting requirements regarding safety and work ability. These systems have many tasks and require the manipulators of the system to apply a wide torque range from low to high. The problem with high torque capable manipulators is that. They are not safe to use around humans. Therefore, the work ability of the system cannot be kept higu while being safe in general. To cope with both of these contradicting points, we proposed and have been developing the Inverted PENdulum Type Assistant Robot(I-PENTAR).The balancing ability of inverted pendulum system enables it is use its own weight to generate large forces like humans use their balance and body weight as leverage. In the case of the I-PENTAR, this ability to apply large forces using the body is exploited so that the manipulators of the system can be designed to be both lightweight and low torque so as to increase the safety of the system. Furthermore , it is required to develop some fundamental mechanism and devices to realize the I-PENTAR. In my talk, the functions and control of the I-PENTAR, and some mechanisms and devices we developed are presented.