(Department of Applied Mathematics,Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing,210003)
Communicated by Shi Shao-yun
A(k,n-k)Conjugate Boundary Value Problem with Semipositone Nonlinearity
(Department of Applied Mathematics,Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing,210003)
Communicated by Shi Shao-yun
The existence of positive solution is proved for a(k,n-k)conjugate boundary value problem in which the nonlinearity may make negative values and may be singular with respect to the time variable.The main results of Agarwalet al.(Agarwal R P,Grace S R,O’Regan D.Semipositive higher-order diferential equations.Appl.Math.Letters,2004,14:201-207)are extended.The basic tools are the Hammerstein integral equation and the Krasnosel’skii’s cone expansion-compression technique.
higher order ordinary diferential equation,boundary value problem, semipositone nonlinearity,positive solution
Letn≥2,1≤k≤n-1 be two positive integers andλ>0 be a positive parameter.In this paper,we study the existence of positive solution to the following nonlinear(k,n-k) conjugate boundary value problem:
The solutionu∗of the problem(P)is called positive ifu∗(t)>0 for 0<t<1.
For the functionf(t,x),we use the following assumptions:
(A1)f:(0,1)×[0,+∞)→(-∞,+∞)is continuous.
(A2)There exists a nonnegative functionh∈L1[0,1]∩C(0,1)such that
(A3)For eachr>0,there exists a nonnegative functionjr∈L1[0,1]∩C(0,1)such that
The assumptions(A2)and(A3)show thatf(t,x)may be singular att=0 andt=1, and may not have any numerical lower bound.Therefore,the problem(P)is singular and semipositone.The problems of this type arise naturally in chemical reactor theory,see[1].
In applications,one is interested in showing the existence of positive solution for someλ.Whenh(t)≡M≥0,the problem(P)has been frequently investigated in recent years, for example,see[2-9]and the references therein.
In 2004,Agarwalet al.[8]established the following existence theorem of positive solution:Theorem 1.1([8],Theorem 2.3)Suppose that the following conditions are satisfed:
(a1)f:[0,1]×[0,+∞)→(-∞,+∞)is continuous and there exists a constant M>0such that f(t,x)+M≥0for any(t,x)∈[0,1]×[0,+∞);
(a2)There exists a continuous and nondecreasing function ζ:[0,+∞)→[0,+∞)such that
(a5)There exists an ε with
such that
Then the problem(P)has at least one positive solution
In Theorem 1.1,G(t,s)is the Green function of the problem(P)withf(t,x)≡0.For the expression ofG(t,s),see Section 2.The functionh(t)≡Mis a constant and the nonlinearityf(t,x)is continuous on[0,1]×[0,+∞).
The purpose of this paper is to extend Theorem 1.1.In this paper,we study the problem (P)under the assumptions(A1)-(A3).Therefore,we allowh(t)to be an integral function on[0,1]andf(t,x)to be singular att=0 andt=1.
We apply the Anuradha’s substitution technique and the Krasnosel’skii’s cone expansioncompression method to the problem(P)(see[10-12]).By introducing two height functions and considering the integrals of the height functions,we establish a local existence theorem. Finally,we verify that the theorem extends the Theorem 1.1 and illustrate that our extend is true by an example.
Firstly,we list some symbols used in this paper.
LetC[0,1]be the Banach space of all continuous functions on[0,1]equipped with the norm
Let the polynomials
Let the sets
ThenKis a cone of nonnegative functions inC[0,1].
LetG(t,s)be the Green function of the homogeneous linear(k,n-k)boundary value problem(P)withf(t,x)≡0.ThenG(t,s)has the exact expression
Let the constants
If(A1)-(A3)hold,thenT:K→C[0,1]is well-defned andTu∈C[0,1].
Secondly,we need the following lemmas in order to prove the main results.
Let[c]♭=max{0,c}.Foru∈K,defne the operatorTas follows:
Lemma 2.1Assume u∈Cn-1[0,1]∩Cn(0,1)such that
Proof.See Lemma 2.1 in[8].
Proof.See Lemma 2.1 and Theorem 1 in[7].
Proof.It is easy to see that
By Lemma 2.2,we have
Lemma 2.4If(A1)-(A3)hold,then T:K→K is completely continuous.
Proof.T(K)⊂Kis derived from Lemma 2.1.The remainder is a standard argument,for example,see Step II in the proof of Theorem 2.2 in[12]or Step II in the proof of Theorem 1 in[13].
Lemma 2.5If¯u∈K is a fxed point of the operator T and‖¯u‖>λη,then u∗(t)is a positive solution of the problem(P),where u∗=¯u-λw.
Proof.By the defnition ofη,we have
Since‖¯u‖>λη,one has
It shows that
By the equality andT¯u=¯u,one has
by the properties ofw(t),we get
This shows thatu∗(t)is a solution of the problem(P).Since
the solutionu∗(t)is positive.
We use the following control functions:
In geometry,φ(t,r)is the maximum height off(t,[u-λw(t)]♭)+h(t)on the set{t}×[rp(t),r],ψ(t,r)is the minimum height off(t,[u-λw(t)]♭)+h(t)on the same set.If (A1)-(A3)hold,thenφ(t,r)andψ(t,r)are nonnegative integrable function on[0,1]for anyr>0.
We obtain the following local existence results.
Theorem 3.1Assume that(A1)-(A3)hold and there exist two positive numbers r2>r1>λη such that one of the following conditions is satisfed:
Then the problem(P)has at least one positive solution u∗such that
Proof.We only prove the case(b1).
By the defnition ofφ(t,r1),we have
It follows
By the defnition ofψ(t,r2),one has
It follows
by Lemma 2.5,we known thatu∗=¯u-λwis a positive solution of the problem(P).Further,
Corollary 3.1Assume that(A1)-(A3)hold and there exist two positive numbers r1and r2with r2>r1>λη such that one of the following conditions is satisfed:
Then the problem(P)has at least one positive solution u∗such that
Proof.We only prove the case(c1).
By Lemma 2.3 and(c1),one has
By Theorem 3.1(b1),the proof is completed.
In this section,we demonstrate that Theorem 3.1 extends Theorem 1.1.
Proposition 4.1Theorem1.1is a special case of Theorem3.1(b1).
Proof.Letr1,r2,ζ(x),ξ(x)be as in Theorem 1.1.
Sinceζ(x)is nondecreasing on[0,+∞),by(a2)and(a3),one has,for 0<t<1,
It follows
Sinceh(t)≡M,by Lemma 2.2 in[8],one has
Sinceξ(x)is nondecreasing on(0,+∞),by(a4),one has,forδ≤t≤1-δ,
By(a5),we get
Since(A1)-(A3)hold,Theorem 1.1 now can be derived from Theorem 3.1(b1).
Example 4.2Consider the(2,4-2)conjugate boundary value problem {
In this problem,
But the problem has one positive solution for someλ>0.
In fact,let
one has
For any 0≤t≤1,one has
Sincew(t)≤ηq(t),ifλ≤192 andx≥30,then for 0≤t≤1,
If 11.6830≤λ≤81.92,then
By Theorem 3.2(c2),the problem has a positive solutionu∗such that
for anyλwith 11.6830≤λ≤81.92.
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Received date:Dec.18,2012.
Foundation item:The NSF(11071109)of China.
E-mail address:yaoqingliu2002@hotmail.com(Yao Q L).
2010 MR subject classifcation:34B15,35B18
Communications in Mathematical Research2015年1期