新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院,新疆草地资源与生态重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830052
新疆农业大学草业与环境科学学院,新疆草地资源与生态重点实验室,乌鲁木齐 830052
目前国外关于集合繁殖体的报道主要集中于形态学[13-16]、系统学[17-20]及种子生态学[10, 20-23]等方面,常见于石竹科[1-2]、十字花科[1, 5]、罂粟科[18]、菊科[19-20]、禾本科[1, 16, 21-22]及葱科[24-25]等植物类群,而国内只对荒漠环境下集合繁殖体的形态进行了初步比较[26-28]。不同生活型植物其繁殖体的作用不同,或侧重于种群生存和繁衍,或侧重于种群扩散。对不同生活型植物其集合繁殖体的形态特征和萌发行为特征未见系统报道。蒺藜(Tribulusterrestris)和欧夏至草(Marrubiumvulgare)分别为一年生及多年生草本,其集合繁殖体发育分别起源于一朵花及多朵花。本文以这两种植物为材料,对其集合繁殖体形态及萌发特性进行初步研究,旨在探讨不同生活型植物其集合繁殖体的生态适应意义,为植物生活史对策等方面的研究提供重要的基础资料。
1.1 材料与方法
蒺藜隶属蒺藜科蒺藜属,一年生草本,分果瓣5枚,较硬,果期6—9月;欧夏至草隶属唇形科欧夏至草属,单种属,多年生草本,花萼口具齿,果期7—9月[29-30]。本实验在新疆乌鲁木齐市郊(43°56′ N,87°29′ E,平均海拔830m)进行,该地区年降水量235.9 mm,蒸发量2731.0mm,年平均气温8.6 ℃,年日照时数约2841.8 h,无霜期150—190d[31]。
1.2 观测方法
1.2.1 集合繁殖体形态特征
1.2.2 集合繁殖体活力特性
蒺藜集合繁殖体(n=50)活力采用BTB法(溴代麝香草酚兰法)进行测定,蒸馏水浸泡24 h,次日掩埋于BTB溶液并在30℃烘箱持续加热4 h,集合繁殖体周围凝胶变黄色即该位置的种子具有活力,统计每个集合繁殖体变色的种子数,后纵切统计种子总数,计算平均值。
欧夏至草集合繁殖体(n=50)和种子(n=50)活力采用TTC法(氯化三苯基四氮唑法)进行测定,将集合繁殖体附属物去除,与无附属物的种子分别在蒸馏水中浸泡24 h,后将待测种子沿胚珠方向纵切置于新的培养皿中,加入0.1%TTC溶液,30℃恒温下浸泡6 h后清洗种子并计数被染红的数目,计算平均值。
1.2.3 集合繁殖体吸水特性
25 ℃恒温条件下,对蒺藜集合繁殖体(n=50)依次称重后分别置于培养皿中进行吸水量测定,从放入培养皿起(第0小时)每隔1 h将其取出,放在滤纸上吸干表面水分,称重,再放回培养皿中,记录9 h内吸水量的变化值。欧夏至草集合繁殖体(n=50)和种子(n=200)吸水量的测定方法同上,但种子质量较小,因此其吸水量的测定选取每组200粒进行。
1.2.4 集合繁殖体萌发特性
蒺藜和欧夏至草扩散单位(n=50)的萌发实验选取25 ℃恒温、光照/黑暗各12 h、水分5%的最适萌发条件下进行,以探索其萌发率及萌发规律性(实验均不考虑种子的休眠特性)。将其扩散单位分别置于直径为9 cm、铺有细沙的培养皿中,每天17:00—17:30称重以补充损失的水分,胚根突破种皮即萌发。记录每个扩散单位的萌发位置、萌发时间及持续时间,统计发芽数,2013年3月28日记录为第1天,持续观测60d,观察结束时纵切统计每个集合繁殖体内种子总数;所用细沙采自生境沙漠,过1 mm孔径细筛,200℃,120min下消毒。
1.3 数据处理
所有数据均用SPSS 19.0(SPSS公司)程序统计软件包进行处理和分析,采用One-way ANOVA及Two-way ANOVA比较不同数据组间的差异显著性,用Bivariate Correlation进行相关性分析。曲线图均用sigma plot 12.0绘图软件绘制。
2.1 集合繁殖体形态特征
图1 蒺藜和欧夏至草扩散单位Fig.1 Morphology of dispersal units of Tribulus terrestris and Marrubium vulgare (A)蒺藜集合繁殖体扩散前依照发育成熟先后位置进行标记Marked synaptospermies of Tribulus terrestris come from single fruit in sequence of maturing before dispersal;(B)欧夏至草单萼筒集合繁殖体Single calyx tube of synaptospermy of Marrubium vulgare;(C)欧夏至草集合繁殖体内种子依照近轴端顺时针进行标记Marked the order of seeds by clockwise near axle of synaptospermy of Marrubium vulgare;;(D)蒺藜以集合繁殖体为扩散单位Synaptospermies compose the dispersal unit of Tribulus terrestris;(E)蒺藜集合繁殖体萌发特性Germination Characteristics of synaptospermies of Tribulus terrestris;(F)欧夏至草扩散单位Dispersal unit of Marrubium vulgare
表1 蒺藜集合繁殖体形态特征(均值±标准偏差)Table 1 Morphology characteristic of Tribulus terrestris synaptospermy (mean ± SD)
2.2 集合繁殖体活力特性
图2 蒺藜集合繁殖体活力比较;1—5为果实内按位置依次成熟的集合繁殖体;不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)Fig.2 Comparison in vigor of synaptospermies of Tribulus terrestris; 1—5 indicate the position of synaptospermy by sequence of maturing per fruit; Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences (P<0.05)
图3 欧夏至草集合繁殖体与种子活力比较;小写字母表示差异不显著(P>0.05)Fig.3 Comparison in vigor of synaptospermy and seed of Marrubium vulgare; Lowercase letters indicate no significant differences (P>0.05)
2.3 集合繁殖体吸水特性
蒺藜和欧夏至草扩散单位基本在2 h内达到最大吸水量,吸水过程基本相似包括迅速吸水、缓慢吸水及停止吸水3个阶段。蒺藜最先成熟的集合繁殖体吸水量最大,最晚成熟的吸水量最少,分别为(0.0131±0.0118)g及(0.0053±0.0043)g,存在显著差异(P<0.05,F=104.583);集合繁殖体吸水量与质量呈极显著正相关关系(r=0.913,P<0.01,n= 50),质量越大,其吸水能力越强。欧夏至草集合繁殖体和种子最大吸水量分别为(0.0081±0.0002)g和(0.0039±0.0002)g,存在极显著差异(P<0.01,F=21.109),附属物的存在与否是影响种子吸水能力的重要因素(图4)。
图4 蒺藜集合繁殖体与欧夏至草扩散单位吸水量Fig.4 Water absorption of dispersal units of Tribulus terrestris and Marrubium vulgare集合繁殖体1—集合繁殖体5为果实内按位置依次成熟的集合繁殖体;(A)蒺藜集合繁殖体间吸水量比较;(B)欧夏至草集合繁殖体和种子吸水量比较;不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)
2.4 集合繁殖体萌发特性
图5 蒺藜集合繁殖体间萌发率比较 Fig.5 Comparison in germination of synaptospermies of Tribulus terrestris 1—5为果实内按位置依次成熟的集合繁殖体;不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)
图6 欧夏至草集合繁殖体和种子萌发率比较 Fig.6 Comparison in germination of synaptospermy and seed of Marrubium vulgare小写字母表示差异不显著(P>0.05)
图7 蒺藜和欧夏至草扩散单位萌发速率Fig.7 Germination rate of dispersal units of Tribulus terrestris and Marrubium vulgare集合繁殖体1—集合繁殖体5为果实内按位置依次成熟的集合繁殖体;(A)蒺藜集合繁殖体间萌发速率比较;(B)欧夏至草集合繁殖体和种子萌发速率比较;不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)
同一集合繁殖体内常伴随着萌发的多样性,影响着荒漠植物的生长及物种的延续,是对不确定性环境的重要适应机制。集合繁殖体附属物的功能,决定了其种子萌发的差异:(1)萌发位置。蒺藜集合繁殖体只在长刺端的种子观察到萌发,且同一集合繁殖体内当季只萌发一粒种子,属非随机萌发;而欧夏至草集合繁殖体萌发不具有规律性,属随机萌发,与Grielumhumifusum,Aegilopsgeniculata及Mesembryanthemumnodiflorum等研究结果一致[2, 32]。(2)萌发时间。即使在最适萌发条件下,蒺藜和欧夏至草集合繁殖体在当季只萌发部分种子,剩下未萌发的种子分散在年内或年间,确保一定数量的幼苗为种群稳定打下坚实的基础,这种萌发机制符合间歇性萌发[33],与Pteranthusdichotomus及Buchloedactyloides的结论相同[33-34]。不同生活型植物的集合繁殖体,其间歇性萌发特性能有效避免种群覆灭,是一种风险分摊对策,如一年生草本植物繁殖体的形态特征和萌发行为特征对于种群繁衍非常重要,一方面种子库的部分种子可以有效萌发,供种群占领原有的生境,保持原有种群个体数量;另一方面,需要有一部分处于不同休眠深度或状态的种子陆续萌发有利其获得更多繁衍机会;而多年生草本植物,其繁殖体的形态特征和萌发行为对于种群的生存重要性相对低,多年生的母株可以长期占据原有的生境,保持种群个体数量,繁殖体的作用主要用于种群扩散。
种子的间歇性萌发可能与种皮渗透或胚的成熟度差异相关,或与种子的初级休眠、后熟以及次级休眠有一定的联系,而环境和遗传因素也是可能引起种子间歇性萌发的原因之一[10-12, 35]。关于间歇性萌发的机制还需补充更多类群和定量的实验数据。
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Morphology and intermittent germination characteristics of two types of synaptospermy:a case study ofTribulusterresterandMarrubiumvulgare
MENG Yabing, LI Xinrong*
Female plants protect and adjust their offspring through the morphology of synaptospermy after withering. This adjustment provides elasticity and guarantees heredity and reproduction for a given species. Synaptospermy is a critical characteristic of desert plants that evolved as an adaptation to harsh environmental conditions, and may have important ecological significance for the protection of seed function and cross-pollination between plants. Knowledge about this characteristic of the plant life cycle would increase our understanding about the adaptation strategies of synaptospermic plants in desert environments. Synaptospermy involves the joining of two or more seeds or one-seeded fruit to form a compound dispersal unit. This adaptation is common throughout the plant kingdom, but is largely restricted to arid regions. Out of the many morphological-ecological types that have been distinguished among synaptospermic plants, only a few are mentioned here. Synaptospermy is primarily derived from monospermy. Thus, this adaptation represents an advanced evolutionary stage associated with (1) the degeneration of separation tissues in pods, legumes, loments, and capsules, (2) the formation of abscission tissue in the joints of peduncles and pedicels, and (3) a series of other characteristics. In fact, synaptospermic species are found in genera belonging to phylogenetically advanced groups within their respective families, such as the Brassicinae, Galegeae, Hordeae, and Paronychieae. Fruit that contains synaptospermic seeds are able to establish physiological gradients; thus, spreading germination over time (a major advantage). The dispersal and spreading of germination over time (polyphenic germination) allows a mother plant to reduce competition among its offspring. Polyphenic germination is especially pronounced in synaptospermic seeds. Synaptospermy may be divided into two morphologically different types:(1) diaspores develop from the joined seeds of the carpels of one flower, and (2) diaspores develop from the units of different flowers. None of these dispersal units, which contain up to several seeds in a single diaspore, develops more than two seedlings in one season, indicating that all seeds remain together in the dispersal unit, but are ready to germinate in different years; this phenomenon is called intermittent germination. The annualTribulusterrestrisand the perennialMarrubiumvulgareare synaptospermic plants with dispersal units belonging to the two morphologically different diaspore types;M.vulgarealso disperses using seeds. Here, we conducted preliminary comparisons and observations on the morphology, vigor, water absorption, and germination characteristics of each dispersal unit. The results showed that mass, length of burs, percentage of appendages accounting for mass, number of seeds, vigor, and water absorption all significantly differed among the synaptospermies ofT.terrestris. Conversely, while mass and water absorption significantly differed amongM.vulgaredispersal units, no significant differences were observed for vigor, germination, and germination rate. The position of germination in synaptospermy differed between plants. For instance, seeds only germinated on the long thorns of synaptospermids inT.terrestris, indicating nonrandom germination, but no regularity in germination was observed forM.vulgare, indicating random germination. In addition, under the conditions with the highest germination percentage, only part of the seeds germinated in one season for both species, indicating intermittent germination. For different plant life forms, the synaptospermic appendage has the same functions, e.g., protecting seeds, retaining water, dispersing, and germinating. However, the germination behavior of annual plants focuses on population reproduction; therefore, the germination percentage of synaptospermy was high over the season forT.terrestris. Conversely, the germination behavior of perennial plants focuses on population dispersal; therefore, the dispersal units ofM.vulgareshowed diverse characteristics, with a low germination percentage for the dispersal units over the season.
dispersal unit; synaptospermy; morphological characteristics; intermittent germination
国家自然科学基金(31360100, 40761002)
2014- 05- 09; < class="emphasis_bold">网络出版日期:
日期:2015- 05- 19
*通讯作者Corresponding author.E-mail:xinrong16@163.com
孟雅冰,李新蓉.两种集合繁殖体形态及间歇性萌发特性——以蒺藜和欧夏至草为例.生态学报,2015,35(23):7785- 7793.
Meng Y B, Li X R.Morphology and intermittent germination characteristics of two types of synaptospermy:a case study ofTribulusterresterandMarrubiumvulgare.ActaEcologicaSinica,2015,35(23):7785- 7793.