与中文中“海洋”一词包容性相比,英语中“海洋”的表达多种多样,有“sea”,“ocean”,“oceanic”,“oceanology”,“oceanography”,“oceanological”,“oceanographical”,“marine”,“maritime”等等,各有重点,纷杂难辨。因此,在汉英实践中,“海洋”出现了各种各样的译法,如:“海洋经济”的译法有“ocean economy”,“marine economy”等。因此,厘清英语语言中“海洋”一词的不同表述以及辨析这些表述的差异是确定“海洋”一词译法的基础。
(一)“海洋”作为名词在英文版本中有the sea/the seas/sea表述。如:
英文版本:If a river flows directly into the sea,the baseline shall be a straight line across the mouth of the river between points on the low-water line of its banks
英文版本:“transit State”means a State,with or without a sea-coast,situated between a land-locked State and the sea,through whose territory traffic in transit passes;…
英文版本:Land-locked States shall have the right of access to and from the sea for the purpose of exercising the rights provided for in this Convention including those relating to the freedom of the high seas and the common heritage of mankind.
(二)“海洋”作为名词在英文版本中也有the seas and oceans表述。如:
英文版本:Recognizing the desirability of establishing through this Convention,with due regard for the sovereignty of all States,a legal order for the seas and oceans which will facilitate international communication, and will promote the peaceful uses of the seas and oceans,the equitable and efficient utilization of their resources,the conservation of their living resources,…
在英语中,“sea”的解释为:the expanse of salt water that covers most of the earth’s surface and surrounds its land mass.海;海洋。如:The Black Sea(黑海)。[1]
“Ocean”的释义为:a very large expanse of sea,in particular,each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically。如:the Atlantic Ocean。[1]“Ocean”在《英汉大辞典》指的是1.洋(指地球上的4大洋之一);2.海洋This creature lives in the depths of the ocean.这种生物生活在海洋深处。[2]“The ocean”最初指的是包围大块陆地的水域(originally denoted the whole body of water regarded as encompassing the earth’s single land mass)。[1]
在字典中,海洋诗歌表述为“a sea poem”。[2]在《海洋法》中,“海洋采矿”表述为“ocean mining”。
oceanic:of or relating to the sea海洋的;大洋;远洋的。如:a gallery specializing in oceanic art。[1-2]
英文版本:…for recognized technical reasons in relation to its oceanographical and ecological conditions,…
英文版本:The Commission may cooperate,to the extent considered necessary and useful,with the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO,the International Hydrographic Organization and other competent international organizations with a view to exchanging scientific and technical information which might be of assistance in discharging the Commission’s responsibilities.
英文版本:Members of the Legal and Technical Commission shall have appropriate qualifications such as those relevant to exploration for and exploitation and processing of mineral resources,oceanology,protection of the marine environment,or economic or legal matters relating to ocean mining and related fields of expertise.
Oceanography的解释为:the branch of science that deals with the physical and biological properties and phenomena of the sea(海洋学),而oceanology的词典解释为:another term for oceanography。[1]
海洋环境—the marine environment
海洋科学研究—marine scientific research
海洋哺乳动物—marine mammals
海洋技术—marine technology
海洋科学—marine science
海洋生物—marine life
海洋生物学—marine biology
海洋活动—marine activities
海洋工程—marine engineering
海洋污染—marine pollution
海洋资源—marine resources
英文版本:safety zones shall be established around such installations with appropriate markings to ensure the safety of both navigation and the installations.The configuration and location of such safety zones shall not be such as to form a belt impeding the lawful access of shipping to particular maritime zones or navigation along international sea lanes;
英文版本:A list of arbitrators shall be drawn up and maintained by the Secretary-General of the United Nations.Every State Party shall be entitled to nominate four arbitrators,each of whom shall be a person experienced in maritime affairs and enjoying the highest reputation for fairness,competence and integrity.Thenames of the persons so nominated shall constitute the list.
①of,found in,or produced by the sea(海(洋)的;海里发现的;海生的;海产的)
比如:marine plant
②of or relating to shipping or naval insurance(航海的;海运的;海事的)
比如:marine insurance
③(of artists or painting)depicting scenes at sea.
比如:marine painter(海景画家)
①connected with the sea,especially in relation to seafaring commercial or military activity(海的;海上的;航海的;海事的)
如:a maritime museum海洋博物馆,maritime law海商法(海事法)
②living or found in or near the sea(在海中或海边生活的或发现的)
如:dolphins and other maritime mammals
③bordering on the sea(近海的;沿海的;滨海的)
如:a maritime city(province)沿海城市(省份)
④denoting a climate that is moist and temperate owing to the influence of the sea.
”海洋”一词在英语语言中作为后置定语时,一般表述为:of the sea(s)或of the seas and oceans等。如:
海洋法—The Law of the Sea
海洋生物资源—the conservation of the living resources of the sea
以及与这些自由有关的海洋其他国际合法用途—and other internationally lawful uses of the sea related to these freedoms
海洋的和平使用—peaceful uses of the seas
海洋的和平用途—the peaceful uses of the seas and oceans
如:联合国《海洋法》译为The Law of the Sea。再如,中国的几所海洋大学的英文校名均使用了“海洋”一词:中国海洋大学(Ocean University of China)、广东海洋大学(Guangdong Ocean University)、上海海洋大学(Shanghai Ocean University)、大连海洋大学(Dalian Ocean University)、浙江海洋学院(Zhejiang Ocean University),但是,东京海洋大学的英文校名则是Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology。
有时,与“海洋”相关的术语存在多种译法,但表达相同意义。如“海洋文化”的译法有“ocean culture”和“marine culture”。为了海洋学科学术的严谨,术语译名尽量统一与规范化。如2015出版的《现代海洋英语阅读教程》中,“海洋文化”译为“Marine culture”。
有时,与“海洋”相关的同一个术语存在多种译法,表达不同意义。如“海洋工程”两个比较常见的译文“marine engineering”和“ocean engineering”略有区别。根据英国斯特拉斯克莱德大学(University of Strathclyde)及美国罗德岛大学(University of Rhode Island)官方网站对两个专业的介绍,“marine engineering”偏重于船舶设计、建造组装及船舶机械;“ocean engineering”则涉及跟环境本身有关的机电工程结构,比如海底光缆系统、海岸建筑设施、海洋油田等等。[3]
在向外传播中国文化(即汉译外)时,我们有时需要将从外语文化中借用过来的文化成分源源本本地归还到外语文化中,“完璧归赵”,这种还原的过程就是回译。换言之,在汉英翻译中,回译就是文化还原,即将某些英语文化语汇的汉语译名还原成其原来的英语形式。[4]如:“海洋人类学”本身就是从英语中翻译过来,其表述为“maritime anthropology”。因此,“海洋人类学”回译时,译法依然为“maritime anthropology”。
与“海洋”相关的词语英译时不一定使用联合国《海洋法》中的相关表述,有时还有其他翻译方式。如:“海洋石油”英译为“offshore oil”,切不可字对字译为“ocean oil”。
[1]皮尔素(Judy Pearsall).新牛津英语词典(The New Oxford Dictionary of English)[C].上海:海外语教育出版社,2001.
[2]陆谷孙.英汉大辞典(The English-Chinese Dictionary(unabridged))[C].上海:上海译文出版社,1999.
English Expressions of“haiyang(海洋)”and Its Translation——A Parallel Research on the Chinese Version and the English Version of the Law of the Sea of the United Nations
YAO Yanbo
(School of Foreign Languages,Zhejiang Ocean University,Zhoushan 316022,China)
Compared with its inclusive connotation in Chinese,“haiyang(海洋)”has diversified English expressions.Based on a parallel research on the Chinese version and English version of the Law of the Sea of the United Nations,the paper attempts to locate specific examples and make a comprehensive analysis of different expression of“haiyang(海洋)”as nouns and attributives,and then to distinguish the differences in the related words such as“sea”,“ocean”,“oceanic”,“oceanological”,“oceanographical”,“marine”,“maritime”and so on.It is aimed to provide some suggestions about how to properly translate“haiyang(海洋)”in oceanrelated texts into English.
The Law of the Sea;“haiyang”;expression;translation