Effects of Facilities Condition on Occurrence of Freeze Injury and Fresh Pod Yield of Broad Bean

2015-01-18 04:01ChunfangWUXiaochunBIANYunyingCAOLiruXIA
Agricultural Science & Technology 2015年5期

Chunfang WU,Xiaochun BIAN,Yunying CAO,Liru XIA

Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Riparian Region of Jiangsu Province,Rugao 226541,China

Responsible editor:Tingting XU Responsible proofreader:Xiaoyan WU

Currently,facility cultivation technology is more advanced in Netherlands,France,Britain,Spain,Italy,United States,Canada,Japan,Korea,Australia,Israel and Turkey,etc.Due to more attention from government,the facilityspecific vegetable,such as solanaceous vegetable and melons vegetable,show a great variety.The yield of vegetable cultivated in greenhouse is 2-4 times higher than that cultivated in open field,and the economic benefits are also increased by 3-4 times[1-3].The root nodules of broad beans can fix nitrogen,saving local-season and next-season application amount of nitrogen fertilizer[4-5].So broad bean can be called as low-carbon green crop.The stubble of broad bean is rich in nitrogen,phosphorus,potassium and organic matter,and the fresh green straw of broad bean can improve soil fertility.Therefore,the planting of broad bean and returning fresh green broad bean straw back to soil all can alleviate the continuous cropping obstacles in facility vegetables,promoting the sustainable development of facility agriculture[6-12].However,there are rare reports on facility cultivation technology for broad bean.

The study results showed that if greenhouse was adopted and temperature and humidity were regulated appropriately,the yield of broad bean could be increased more than 50%,the maturity could be brought forward as long as 30 d,and the economic benefits would be significantly increased; if broad bean was intercropped or rotated with solanaceous,melons or leaf vegetable and fruit trees,the overall economic benefits would be improved[6].The influencing factors for the occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean cultivated in open field have been studied more thoroughly[4,13,14],but there are rare researches on influencing factors for the occurrence of freeze injury in facility broad bean[12].In the cultivation of facility broad bean,the incidence of freeze injury will be increased with the advanced sowing time.But what effects the facilities condition produces on broad bean and the interactions among effects of facilities conditions,film-covering time and sowing time on broad bean are not well known.The freeze injury in broad bean will directly affect the growth of broad bean population,delaying flowering,podding and harvesting,thereby affecting production efficiency of facility agriculture.For facility agriculture,the economic efficiency can be further improved by regulating the sprouting and bud differentiation.Therefore,the Tongxian No.2,a fresh broad bean cultivar,was used as material,and the effects of different filmcovering time,different sowing time and different planting density on occurrence of freeze injury and yield of facility broad bean were investigated in 2011-2013 so as to determine the optimum combination of sowing time,planting density and film-covering time for facility broad bean.This study will provide certain theoretical basis for studies on optimum and maximum-efficiency cultivation technology of broad bean,a main intercropped or rotated crop for facility agriculture.

Material and Methods

Tested cultivar

The test adopted the fresh broad bean cultivar,Tongxian No.2,which is characterized by larger grain and green skin.

Test design

The test was carried out in the three steel greenhouses with size of 6 m×45 m in the Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Riparian Region of Jiangsu Province during September,2011 to April,2013.In the three greenhouses,the last-season crop was corn.The test adopted the three-factor randomized block design.The film covering(A) was carried out on November 20th(A1),December 20th(A2) and January 20th(A3);the sowing(B)was carried out on September 15th(B1),September 30th(B2) and October 15th(B3); and the planting densities (C)included 30 000 plants/hm2(C1),45 000 plants/hm2(C2)and 60 000 plants/hm2(C3).There were three repetitions for each treatment,and a total of 81 plots (7.28 m2/plot) were designed.There was only one plant in each hole.The spacing between two adjacent rows was 0.9 m,and the length of rows was 2.6 m.

The field survey was carried out on January 25thand 26thof 2012 and 2013 respectively.The branch number(branches except the main stem) per plant,primary branch number(branches in the main stem) per plant,secondary branch number (branches in primary branches) per plant,mildlyfrozen branch number (branches of which the growing points freeze to death but there are still flower buds below the growing points) per plant and headless branch number (branches of which the growing points freeze to death and there are no flower buds below the growing points) per plant in each of the treatments were counted.A total of 10 plants were surveyed at fixed points of each of the plots.The fresh pods were harvested during April 15thto May 15th.The statistical analysis of collected data was performed using DPS V7.05.

Results and Analysis

Effects of film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean

Effect of film-covering time on occurrence of freeze injury in broad beanWith the delayed film-covering time,the total branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch (severelyfrozen) number per plant were all trended to be increased,indicating that the freeze injury was aggravated with the delayed film-covering time (Table1).The total branch number per plant showed no significant difference between A2and A3treatments (P>0.05),but it was significantly higher in A2and A3treatments compared to that of A1treatment (P <0.01).There were significant differences in effective branch number per plant between A1and A2treatments(P<0.01)or between A2and A3treatments (P<0.05),but there was no significant difference between A1and A3treatments (P>0.05).The mildly-frozen branch number per plant showed significant differences among all the three film-covering treatments(P<0.01).No significant difference was found in headless branch number per plant between A1and A2treatments(P >0.05),but the headless branch numbers per plant of A1and A2were all significantly lower than that of A3(P<0.01).Once the film covering was delayed,low temperature might promote branch differentiation,increasing the total branches per plant; on the other hand,low temperature might lead to the occurrence of freeze injury,resulting in increased mildly-frozen andheadless branches.

Table2 Effect of sowing time on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean Number/plant

Table3 Effect of planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean Number/plant

Table4 Effects of film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on yield of broad bean

Effect of sowing time on occurrence of freeze injury in broad beanWith the delayed sowing time,the total branch number per plant,effective branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant of broad bean were all trended to be decreased,indicating that the freeze injury was mild with the delayed sowing time (Table2).The total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant differed significantly among the three sowing time treatments (P <0.01).In terms of mildlyfrozen branch number per plant,B2(P<0.05)and B3(P<0.01)were all lower than B1,but there was no significant difference between B2and B3(P >0.05).No significant difference was found in headless branch number per plant between B1and B2(P>0.05),but their headless branch numbers were all higher than that of B3(P<0.01).It was suggested that early sowing ensured sufficient vegetative growth,resulting in increased total branches and effective branches.However,low temperature,brought by early sowing,might also increase the incidence of freeze injury,resulting in increased mildly-frozen branches and headless branches.

Effect of planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad beanWith the increase of planting density,the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant of broad bean were all decreased(Table3).There were significant differences in total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant among the three planting density treatments(P<0.01).The mildly-frozen branches of C1(P<0.05) and C3(P<0.01) treatments were all higher than that of C2treatment,but there was no significant difference between C1and C3treatments (P>0.05).However,no significant differences were found in headless branch number per plant among the three treatments (P>0.05).In general,the lower the planting density is,the more vigorous the growth of broad bean plants is,and the more vigorous the growth of broad bean plants is,the more branches there will be.However,planting density showed no significant effect on the occurrence of freeze injury.

Effects of film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on yield of broad bean

With the delayed film covering time,the broad bean yield showed a tendency of increase (Table4),which was consistent with total branch number per plant.The broad bean yield in A3treatment was highest(28.40 kg/plot),and it was significantly higher than those in A1and A2treatments (P<0.01).And the broad bean yield in A2treatment was significantly higher than that in A1treatment (P <0.01).It was indicated that the later the film covering is,the more branches there will be; and the more branches there are,the higher the yield is.

Considering sowing time,B2treatment (September 30th) showed the highest yield (27.77 kg/plot),which was significantly higher than those of B1and B3treatments (P<0.01).Therefore,the sowing of broad bean seeds should not be too early or too late.Under different planting densities,the variation of total branch number per plant was similar to that of yield.

Among the three planting density treatments,C3treatment (60 000 plants/hm2) showed the highest yield(27.42 kg/plot),which of significantly higher than those of the other two treatments (P<0.01).The broad bean yield was lowest in C1treatment(25.07 kg/plot).The total branch number per plant of broad bean was negatively related to planting density,but the total branch number per unit area was positively related to planting density.Therefore,within a certain range,the higher the planting density is,the higher the broad bean yield is.

Effects of two-factor interactions among film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean

Effect of interaction between filmcovering time and sowing time on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean

Among the two-factor combi-nations,A3B1showed the highest total branch number per plant,effective branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant,which were all significantly higher than those of the other combinations (P<0.01,Table5).Under the same film-covering time,the total branches and effective branches were decreased with the delayed sowing time,and this might be because that the later sowing shortened the vegetative growth period of broad bean plants,resulting in decreased total branches and effective branches.The total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant showed significant differences among A3B1,A3B2and A3B3(P<0.01).Between A2B1and A2B2combinations,total branch number per plant showed significant difference (P<0.05),but effective branch number per plant did not(P>0.05).The total branches and effective branches in A2B1and A2B2combinations were all less than those in A2B3(P<0.01).The total branches and effective branches in A1B2(P <0.05)and A1B3(P<0.01) were all more than those in A1B1,but there were no significant differences between A1B2and A1B3(P>0.05).

Table5 Effect of interaction between film-covering time and sowing time on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean Number/plant

In terms of mildly-frozen branch number per plant,no significant differences were found among A3B1,A3B2and A3B3or among A1B1,A1B2and A1B3(P >0.05); the A2B2was significantly higher than A2B1(P <0.01),and the A2B3was significantly higher than A2B2(P<0.01).

There were significant differences in headless branch number per plant among A3B1,A3B2and A3B3(P<0.01).The A3B1treatment showed the highest headless branch number per plant,which was significantly higher than those in the other treatments(P<0.01).No significant differences were found in headless branch number per plant among A1B1,A1B2and A1B3(P>0.05).Under the same sowing time,the headless branch number per plant was trended to be increased with the delayed film-covering time; under the same film-covering time,the headless branch number per plant was trended to be decreased with the delayed sowing time.

Effect of interaction between filmcovering time and planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad beanAmong A1C1,A1C2and A1C3treatments,the total branch number plant was decreased with the increase of planting density,which might by due to low planting density promoting branch differentiation (Table6).The A3C1treatment showed the most total branches,which was significantly more than those in A2C3,A1C2and A1C3treatments (P<0.01).But there were no significant differences in total branch number per plant among A2C2,A1C1,A3C3,A2C1and A3C2treatments(P >0.05).Among all the treatments,the total branches were least in A1C2and A1C3treatments,and no significant difference was found between the two treatments (P>0.05).It was indicated that the total branch number per plant was highest in the latest-film covering and lowest-planting density treatment.

Table6 Effect of interaction between film-covering time and planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean Number/plant

Table7 Effect of interaction between sowing time and planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean Number/plant

Table8 Effects of two-factor interactions among film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on yield of broad bean

The effective branch number per plant was highest in A1C1treatment,the earliest-film covering and lowestplanting density treatment,and there were no significant differences among A1C1,A2C2and A2C1(P>0.05).No significant differences were found in effective branch number per plant among A3C1,A3C2,A3C3,so were between A1C2and A2C3(P>0.05).The effective branch number per plant in A1C3treatment was lowest compared to those in other treatments.

Similar to total branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number per plant was also highest in A3C1.The mildly-frozen branches were more in A2C3,A3C2and A3C3,and there were no significant differences among them(P>0.05).Overall,with the delayed film covering time,the incidence of freeze injury was increased,and this might be because that the later the film covering is,the severer the low temperature’s effect on broad bean plants is.

The headless branches were most in A3C1,A3C2and A3C3,and their headless branches were significantly more than those in the other treatments (P <0.01).The delayed film covering weakened the effect of low temperature on broad bean plants,so the incidence of freeze injury was reduced,resulting in reduced headless branches.

Effect of interaction between sowing time and planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad beanUnder the same sowing time,the total branch number per plant was reduced with the increase of planting density; under the same planting density,the total branch number per plant was reduced with the delaying of sowing time (Table7).Among all the treatments,B1C1treatment had the highest total branch number per plant,which was significantly higher than those in the other treatments(P<0.01).There was no significant difference in total branch number per plant between B1C2and B1C3(P>0.05).

Among all the treatments,B1C1treatment had the most effective branches,which was higher than those in the other treatments (P<0.05,P<0.01).Similar to total branch number per plant,under the same sowing time,the effective branch number per plant was reduced with the increase of planting density; under the same planting density,the effective branchnumber per plant was reduced with the delaying of sowing time.

Table9 Effect of three-factor interaction among film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean Number/plant

The mildly-frozen branch number per plant in B1C3 treatment was highest,and it was significantly higher than those in the other treatments(P<0.01).

Similar to mildly-frozen branch number per plant,headless branch number per plant was also highest in B1C3treatment.There were almost no headless branches in B3C1,B3C2and B3C3treatments,and in the other treatments,headless branch number per plant showed no significantly differences(P>0.05).

Effects of two-factor interactions among film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on yield of broad bean

Under conditions of interaction between film-covering time and sowing time,the broad bean yield was highest in A3B2treatment,followed by A3B1treatment,and the yields of the two treatments were significantly higher than those in the other treatments (P<0.05,Table8).There was no significant difference in broad bean yield between A2B2and A2B3,but their yields were all higher than that of A2B1(P<0.01).The yields of A3B3,A1B1and A1B2treatments showed no significant differences (P>0.05).The yields of A1B3and A2B1were lowest.In overall,under the same film covering time,B2treatment had the highest yield; under the same sowing time,the broad bean yield was increased with the delayed film covering time.

Under the interaction between film covering time and planting density,A3C3showed the highest yield,which was significantly higher than those in the other treatments(P<0.01).Overall,under the same film-covering time,the higher the planting density is,the higher the yield is;under the same planting density,the later the film covering is,the higher the yield is.

Under the interaction between sowing time and planting density,B2C2treatment showed the highest broad bean yield,which was significantly higher than those in the other treatments(P<0.01).Under the same sowing time,yield was increased with the increase of planting density; under the same planting density,B2treatment had higher yield.

Effect of three-factor interaction among film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean

As shown in Table9,among all the treatments,A3B1C1treatment showed the highest total branch number per plant,which was close to that of A3B1C2treatment.No significant differences were found in total branch number per plant among A2B1C1,A2B1C2and A2B1C3(P>0.05).In overall,the total branch number per plant was higher in the later-film covering,earlier-sowing time and lower-planting density treatments,which might be due to longer growth period under those conditions.

The effective branch number per plant in A3B1C1treatment was highest,and it showed no significant differences compared with those of A3B1C2,A2B2C2,A2B1C2,A2B1C1and A1B1C1(P>0.05).

The A2B1C3treatment showed the highest mildly-frozen branch number per plant,which was significantly higher than those in the other treatments(P <0.01).Under film covering treatment of A3,sowing time treatments of B1,B2and B3 and planting density treatments of C1,C2and C3,the mildlyfrozen branch number per plant showed no significantly differences among all the treatments except A3B1C2(P>0.05).Under film covering treatment of A1and A2,sowing time treatments of B1,B2and B3and planting density treatments of C1,C2and C3,the mildly-frozen branch number per plant was relatively low in most of the treatments (P<0.05),which might be because that the earlier film covering weakened the effect of low temperature on broad bean plants.

The headless branches were most in A3B1C3,which had the same level with A3B1C2,A3B2C3,A3B1C1and A3B2C1(P>0.05).Among all the threefactor interaction treatments of A1and A2,B1,B2,and B3and C1,C2and C3,there were almost no headless branches.

Effect of three-factor interaction among film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on yield of broad bean

Among the three-factor combinations,A3B1C3had the highest broad bean yield (35.46 kg/plot),which was significantly higher than those of the other combinations (Table10).The high-yielding combinations were basically characterized late film covering,appropriate sowing and high planting density.Overall,under the same filmcovering time and sowing time,the yield was highest for the highest planting density;under the same film-covering time and planting density,the B2treatment showed the highest yield;under the same sowing time and planting density,the broad bean yield was increased with the delaying of film covering time.

Table10 Effect of three-factor interaction among film-covering time,sowing time and planting density on yield of broad bean


The reduced effect of freeze injury is the basis for high yield of broad bean.Therefore,in production,the effective branch number should be increased as greatly as possible,and the occurrence of mild freeze injury and generation of headless branches should be controlled.Facility conditions can reduce freeze injury to some extent,and they can promote branching differentiation and compensate the recovery of population size,but the delayed branching has great impact on economic benefits of commodities.Appropriate sowing time,reasonable planting density and optimum film-covering time are main methods to reduce freeze injury in facility agriculture.In this study,the randomized block design for three single factors(film-covering time,sowing time and planting density) was performed.In addition,the interactions between two factors(film-covering time and sowing time,film-covering time and planting density,sowing time and planting density)and among three factors(film-covering time,sowing time and planting density)were also analyzed.The effects of different facility condition on the occurrence of freeze injury in broad bean plants and broad bean yield were investigated.

The total branch number per plant,effective branch number per plant and mildly-frozen branch number per plant were all highest in A3,B1and C1treatments.With the delayed filmcovering time,the total branch number per plant,effective branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number and headless branch number per plant were all increased correspondingly.The earlier sowing time ensured sufficient vegetative growth,increasing the effective branches,so the total branches were also increased.However,due to the effect of low temperature,the mildly-frozen branches and headless branches were also increased.With the increase of planting density,the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were decreased,but the mildlyfrozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant showed no changes.The effect of filmcovering time on broad bean yield was similar to its effect on total branch number per plant.With the delaying of film-covering time,the broad bean yield was trended to be increased,so the broad bean yield was highest in the A3treatment.The effect of sowing time on broad bean yield was different from its effect on total branch number per plant.Among the three sowing time treatments,B2treatment showed the highest yield.The total branch number per plant of broad bean was negatively related to planting density.However,the total branch number per unit area was positively related to planting density.Therefore,the higher the planting density is,the higher the broad bean yield is.

Under the interaction between film-covering time and sowing time,the total branch number per plant,effective branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant were all highest in A3B1combination;under the same film-covering time,with the delayed sowing time,the total branch number per plant,effective branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant were all decreased; under the same sowing time,with the delayed film-covering time,the total branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant were increased; the broad bean yield was highest in the combinations of A3B2and A3B1.Under the interaction between film-covering time and planting density,the total branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant were highest in A3C1combination,the effective branch number per plant was highest in A1C1combination,and the yield was highest in the A3C3combination; under the same film-covering time,with the increase of planting density,the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were all trended to be decreased,but the branch number per unit area and yield was increased;under the same planting density,with the delayed film-covering time,the total branch number per plant,effective branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant were all increased,and the yield was also increased.Under the interaction between sowing time and planting density,the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were highest in B1C1combination,the mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant were highest in B1C3combination,and the yield was highest in B2C2combination;under the same sowing time,with the increase of planting density,the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were decreased,the mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant showed no changes,and the yield was increased;under the same planting density,with the delayed sowing time,the total branch number per plant,effective branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant were all decreased.

The total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were highest in the A3B1C1combination,the mildly-frozen branch number per plant was highest in the A2B1C3combination,and the headless branch number per plant and yield were highest in the A3B1C3combination (filmcovering on November 20th,sowing on September 15th,planting density of 60 000 plants/hm2); Under the same film-covering time and sowing time,with the increase of planting density,the total branch number per plant and effective branch number per plant were decreased,but the yield was increased;under the same film-covering time and planting density,with the delayed sowing time,the total branch number per plant,effective branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant were decreased,and the yield was highest in the B2treatment;under the same sowing time and planting density,with the delayed filmcovering time,the total branch number per plant,mildly-frozen branch number per plant and headless branch number per plant were all increased,and the yield was also increased.

The greenhouse cultivation of broad bean is mainly measured by economic benefits.High economic benefits require early branching,early podding and early harvesting,which require more effective branches,lighter freeze injury and less headless branches in the early period.Based on the findings,the facility greenhouse cultivation combinations of A2B2C2,A2B3C3,A1B2C3,A2B3C2and A2B3C1of broad bean are suitable for being rotated with facility melons that are harvested in late August to early October,and under these combinations,the effective branch number per plant and yield of broad bean are higher.When broad bean is intercropped with grape,the facility greenhouse cultivations of A3B3C2,A3B2C3,A3B1C1,A3B2C2and A3B1C3are more suitable.The film covering of grape in greenhouse is generally performed in late January,and the harvesting of fresh broad bean pods is completed in middle April,so the broad bean straw can be returned back to soil,which is conducive to improving grape quality.

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