∷汤宝莉 讲评
“书中自有颜如玉”。Ruby Sparks正是那位从书中走出来的女子。
被称为“天才作家”的Calvin正饱受“江郎才尽”的煎熬,梦中出现的女子Ruby Sparks却给了他创作的灵感。Calvin醒来发现梦中女子竟然出现在他的现实生活中,更令人难以置信的是,Calvin竟然可以通过书写虚构的Ruby来改变现实生活中的Ruby。随着二人热恋激情的退却,日常相处的磕绊也随之浮现。两个人都渴望拥有属于自己的空间,但是距离感又让Calvin觉得失去了对Ruby的控制。于是,Calvin根据自己的意愿“创作”Ruby的喜怒哀乐。尽管这样,两人还是不欢而散。终于,Calvin明白了Ruby不是他任意创作的作品。影片结束时,Calvin将自己的新书递给心理医生,说Ruby的故事都是他想象出来的;Calvin在公园里遛狗的时候巧遇了一位和Ruby一样的女孩,真实的故事也许就此开始。
爱情是什么?电影中给出的答案是:“I like him just the way he is.”“She was no longer his creation. She was free.”
Harry: I have to say, that’s the best meat loaf I’ve ever had.
Ruby: Thank you. It’s a family recipe. I can’t really take credit.
Harry: So your… your family’s in Ohio?
Ruby: Yeah. Actually, my parents died when I was a baby in an accident and I got moved around a lot. I guess that habit stuck. I’ve lived in nine cities in six years, so…
Harry: Nine?Ruby: Yeah.
Harry: Wow, that’s a lot of cities.
Ruby: I’m so sorry. I’m totally monopolizing this conversation.
Harry: No. This is fascinating. Please keep going. Please.
Ruby: What nice boys. Your mom must be so proud. It’s hard to raise a decent guy.
Harry: Oh, I think a person would have to do something pretty amazing to produce a good woman.
Calvin: Okay. Great. Uh, you guys like each other. I think Harry has to go now. Right, buddy?
Ruby: He can be such a control freak, right?
Ruby做了好吃的肉馅糕招待Harry。祖传秘方,她不敢居功。credit,这里取“赞扬,认可”之意,如:I can’t take all the credit for the show’s success—It was a team effort.(演出成功不是我一个人的功劳,是集体努力的结果。)
Ruby还谈论了她的家人和以前的漂泊生活。但是现在遇到了Calvin,这种生活要结束了:the habit stuck. 四处搬家的生活似乎成了一种习惯,所以这里Ruby用了habit这个词。stuck是stick的过去式,这里取“长久保留”之意,不要与我们常用的stick to(坚持)混淆。
monopolize the conversation,指Ruby一个人在喋喋不休。monopolize指“垄断,独占”,大词小用,是Ruby夸张的幽默用法。
It’s hard to raise a decent guy,“养个好儿子太不容易了”。decent也算是good一词的近义词,如:a decent job/dress/guy(体面/像样的工作/裙子/小伙子)。
Harry一直听得津津有味,因为Ruby所说的这一切正是刚刚兄弟两人在楼上时Calvin敲进打字机的内容。“一个人得有多大本事才能创造出一个好女人。”Harry的话一语双关,因为Ruby正是Calvin的作品——the creation。眼看Harry要说漏嘴,Calvin下了逐客令。a control freak,“控制狂”,此刻这似乎是一个戏称,但接下来的剧情却严肃地证明了这一点:他用自己的文学创作来塑造Ruby。文学是想象力的产物,但是你想象中的恋人却并不是你身边活生生的那个人。理想情人,也许只能是个不真实的美梦。
Lila: Never mind. I don’t know why I thought maybe you’d be happy for me.
Calvin: How was I anything but supportive? I read every draft you gave me and I took you into my writer’s group. I introduced you to Langdon.
Lila: Begrudgingly.
Calvin: What? I literally can’t hear you.
Lila: Begrudgingly. You weren’t curious about me.You never were. You just had this image of who I was.And anything I did that contradicted it, you just ignored.
Calvin: What image? The one you left me as soon as I wasn’t successful?
Lila: You think I gave a shit if you were famous? All that I wanted was for you, I don’t know, to care about me.
Calvin: Care about you? You left weeks after my father died. Do you really want to talk about caring?
Lila: Oh, God.
Calvin: Do you know what people say?
Lila: You were impenetrable.
Calvin: They say “how would you love a person like that”.
Lila: I tried to help. You refused to let me in.Calvin: And I say, “I have no clue.”
Lila: The only person that you wanted to be in a relationship with was you, so I let you do that.
Calvin: You really let yourself off the hook, don’t you?Lila: Goodbye, Cal.
Calvin: Goodbye. Have a great life.
当年Calvin的父亲刚刚去世,而他由于没有新作品问世也面临着过气的危险,Lila却在那个时候选择离开。而如今Lila已经出版了自己的小说,这更让Calvin气愤,因为是他给Lila的稿子提建议,介绍她进入了作家圈子。anything but,意为“绝不,一点也不”,如:He was anything but diligent.(他一点也不勤奋。)He never did anything but blunder.(除了蠢事他什么都干过。)因此Calvin口中的“How was I anything but supportive?”意为“我怎么可能支持你呢?”
begrudgingly意为“不情愿地”,近义词有 unwillingly和 reluctantly。
literally这里用来强调“(事实可能令人惊讶)真正地,确实地”,如:I literally crawled to the top of the hill.(我真的是爬到山顶上的。)
口语中常用I don’t give a shit about sth.,意为“我根本不在乎……”,语气较粗俗。
impenetrable指“让人难以理解的”,该词源自动词penetrate(穿透;领悟),如:The knife penetrated into his chest.(刀子刺入了他的胸膛。)None of my advice seems to have penetrated his thick skull.(他那木头脑袋似乎一点也听不进去我的忠告。)
let sb. in这里喻指“让某人进入内心世界”。
be in a relationship with sb. 通常指“与某人有恋爱关系,交往”。
hook“鱼钩”,let sb. off the hook 喻指“让某人摆脱困境、麻烦,放过某人”,如:The teacher let him off the hook with a warning this time.(这次老师放过他,只给了他一个警告。)片中的句子可以翻译成“你真是要把自己撇得一干二净”。
爱情是盲目而自私的。因为盲目,让你来不及看清对方,也迷失了自己;因为自私,让你总是希望对方能成为你想要的样子,也许Lila点破了所有的人:你唯一想恋爱的对象是自己。因为自我的膨胀,让我们在爱情中迷失,忘记了最初我们爱的就是她/他原本的样子。I like him just the way he is.