中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2014)22-005-01
Today, as the English position in the world is getting more and more stable, we need English urgently in order to go into the world. Like any other language, English consists of speech sound, grammatical structure and vocabulary. To learn English well, the very essential is to enlarge (his/her) vocabulary. In other words, if language structure makes up the skeleton of language, then it is vocabulary that provides the vital organs and the flesh. An ability to manipulate grammatical structure does not have any potential for expressing meaning unless words are used. English linguist,O.Wilkin(1972) said, “Without grammar, very little can be conveyed, but without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.” And British lexicologist Michael Mccarthy (1990) also said, “No matter how well the student learn grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of language are mastered, without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication on a language just can not happen in any meaningful way”. Even though we had mastered a lot of words, if we do not know of their usages clearly, it is likely that we will make some mistakes and misunderstandings. The vocabulary of a language consists of different kinds of words, which maybe placed in different groups by different criteria. According to the lexical meaning and grammatical function of words, words can be classified into two kinds: full words and form words. As full words, English adjectives are as important as adjectives in other languages. They are a big word class next to nouns, so its role and function are obvious and important in English learning. Peoples mastery of English adjectives still remains on the level of word-formation and syntactic function rather than semantic level .Classifying English adjectives semantically can help English learners better understand and grasp English adjectives.
1. Definition of Static Adjectives
From the definition of Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, the 6th Edition, adjective is a word class that describes a person or thing. For example, “big”, “red” and “clever” in “a big house”, “red wine” and “a clever idea”. English adjectives describe characteristics of people or things. The characteristics involve external and internal ones. The external traits, also named natural characteristics can express scale, shape, color, appearance, etc of people or things. We call this kind of adjectives which express the external traits static adjectives (Wang Fengxin, 1991).
From the above and the explanation in the dictionary, we can say that English static adjectives refer to the words which express the inherent or permanent characteristics of people or things.
2 Semantic Features of Static Adjectives
2.1 Definition of Semantic Features
“The analysis of word senses is often seen as a process of breaking down the sense of a word into its minimal components which known as semantic features or sense components” (Leech, 1981: 84).
“The meaning of a word is made up of a set of abstracted characteristics, known as semantic features, which distinguish this word from other words”(Tang Hongjuan, 2003:94).
2.2 Four Main Semantic Features of Static Adjectives
According to the definition of static adjectives and semantic sense, English static adjectives have four main semantic features.
Stability: From the semantic sense, compared with dynamic adjectives which contain temporary status, certain intentions, attempt or emotional changes of people or things, static adjectives express some sort of status or relative stability in a permanent characteristics of people or things without a sense of peoples own will, such as: small, big, red, young, short, tall, round and so on. When we use them to describe something, we can find that they reflect the natural features of things.
Strengthening the significance of some features: When we use adjectives, we often neglect this feature of static adjectives. We know they emphasize something, we do not consider their parts of speech, such as very, perfect, simple, definite, real, etc.
Description: According to the usage of the English static adjectives, this is an important feature of it. Pretty, clear, dirty, heavy, ugly, strong, weak, etc. They describe the natural feature of things.
Features with evaluation, will, necessity: such as difficult, easy, important, etc.
Of course, the usages of English static adjectives have many other aspects. Here, this paper has just listed some in common use. It will help the English learners understand the static adjectives better.
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