
2014-12-25 11:45高琦改写
英语学习(上半月) 2014年9期

∷高琦 改写

改写自“How Data Visualization Answered One of Retail’s Most Vexing Questions”一文


如今,想要了解购买行为是一件再简单不过的事儿了。随着网络购物的逐渐普及与流行,记录和分析数据的技术发展(advances in tracking and analytics)使得零售商们能更好地了解每一个顾客的购买行为,收集和分析成千上百的数据点(data point1. data point: 数据点,在此处是指单次购买行为的相关数据。),预测最受欢迎的产品和最新的潮流风向。

然而,实体店无法享受这些网络数据带来的优势。纽约大学斯特恩商学院副教授Sam Hui说道:“Retailers are all using scanner data to track what happened at the point of sale. But they have no idea what’s really happening at a point-of-purchase decision.”实体店通过顾客付账时的条码扫描而获得的数据并不能告诉他们是什么因素决定了顾客的购买行为。

厌倦了自己处于下风的地位,实体零售店(brickand-mortar store)开始奋起反击。他们的利器就是:location analytics (基于地理信息的商业分析)。

以Alex and Ani和Belk这两家实体店为例(Alex and Ani是美国一家珠宝设计和销售实体店;Belk则是一家连锁百货商场),他们都开始与软件公司Prism Skylabs合作,利用实体店中现有和新装的监控摄像机(security cameras),追踪和记录店内顾客(in-store customers)的行为,分析顾客的行为模式。

虽然同叫“Prism”,但别误会,Prism Skylabs可跟美国的“棱镜门”没什么关系。公司副总裁Cliff Crosbie解释道:“We’re not really looking at any individual; we’re looking at what a group of people over a period of time do. That’s the really big thing: Identifying what a volume of people do over a period of time, and how you read that information.”

Prism从各种角度获取购买行为中最基础、最简单的因素:What parts of the retailer’s store are busy, and where customers particularly shop. So, if there’s a promotion on, when do people stop there and what do they do? 而且,Prism还可以追踪和记录任何一天或某一段时间在实体店内所发生的所有事情。

Prism把收集到的顾客行动轨迹转化成可视的“热图”(heat map)——a graphical representation of data where an individual is represented as colors, red or green,in a black background. 去年假期旺季时,Alex and Ani使用了一个试点软件程序(pilot program),这个程序能记录三周中店内顾客的行动轨迹。热图中红点最集中的地方就是顾客最经常逗留之处(the most frequently it is trafficked)。

Alex and Ani的技术总监Joe Lezon表示,这次实验结果不仅出乎他们的意料,而且给未来的业务调整提供了建设性的意见。他说道:“We now know that there was a certain area in our store people went to more often. We also realized that 98% of the people turned right when they first entered the store.”基于程序的发现,Lezon将联合产品总监(head of merchandising)和销售总监(head of sales operations)对店内产品的摆设和陈列进行调整。

举例来说,滞销产品被转移到人流量大的地方(a more trafficked location)之后,该产品的销量便会在短时间内骤增。而且,店内畅销产品被转移地点后,Lezon和他的团队也能观察消费者是如何“重新”找到畅销品的。

Alex and Ani的Lezon和Belk的创意副总监Greg Yin都认为“热图”非常有益于最大化员工价值(maximize the value of staffing)——making sure customers have a salesperson to assist them, easing the burden of the busiest times on sales associates2. sales associate: 售货员,营业员。. Yin对数据收集和可视化赞不绝口,说道:“Now we can move as our customer moves.”

当然,顾客隐私是一个无法回避的问题。Prism承诺,它一点儿都不像那些网络追踪程序,它可以保证顾客的匿名性。Yin解释道:“We’ve had cameras in stores for years. But the nice thing about Prism is that it’s anonymizing. There’s no personal data being reflected because it’s all aggregated3. aggregated: 整合为一体的。.” 当然,如果想要成功地利用“基于地理信息的商业分析”,那么一定程度的“personalization”是必需的,店家与顾客之间的平等互换(give-and-take)也是必需的。顾客想要得到个性化的服务,就必须牺牲一定程度的个人隐私。相关市场调研发现,只要能提供对应的服务和优惠,许多顾客是愿意这么做的。

但是,与电商不同,实体店与顾客之间的“平等互换”(bartering)会涉及到法律没有明确的灰色地带(gray area):“We have to understand that the online customer is different with the in-store customer, and that the expectations might be different. When you get into facial recognition, trying to assess out the demographics of a customer coming into your store,4. facial recognition: 面部识别;assess out: 评估,评定;demographics: 人口特征(尤指年龄、性别、家庭人数、家庭收入、受教育情况等)。then you’re getting into a little bit more of a gray area.”

在美国,随着网络安全和隐私意识的普及与加强,人们对有可能泄露个人信息的行为更加谨慎小心。皮尤研究中心在2013年的一项研究发现:64% of American adults cleared their cookies and browser history to become less visible online.5. cookie: 指某些网站为了辨别用户身份而存储在用户本地终端的数据;browser history:(网络)浏览记录。Prism Skylabs也发现,越来越多的顾客进店时会主动将他们的手机与店内无线网络断开。鉴于此,Prism Skylabs去除了顾客的面部识别信息,仅记录和追踪与购物体验相关的信息。这被Crosbie称为“the right thing to do”,尤其是在实体店正如履薄冰般尝试运用地理位置分析这一新技术之际,这样能使实体店在受益的同时减轻受责难的压力。

那么,What’s next? 使用了Prism的试点软件程序后,两家店内的人流确实有所增多。Yin表示,下一步就要思考如何将这些人流转化为实际的销售利润,这对实体店来说才是真正重要的事情。他每天想的问题是:How do we drive business? How do we provide a great customer experience? How do we best equip our associates?

对实体店零售来说,21世纪是一个极具挑战的时代,所有的新技术都开始在商业上有所应用——无论是移动技术、社交网络,还是数据分析工具,这些技术都在收集顾客的信息,从而更好地了解顾客的购买行为。Joe Lezon的最终目标是:the coupling of data based on a customer’s online and in-store experience,无论顾客是在网络上还是在实体店中购买,都能享受到个性化的、量身订制的高端服务。具体说来就是“You walk into my store, I know who you are. I know why you’re there: Your daughter’s birthday is next week and you want to buy her a gift. At the same time, I know what you’ve purchased in the past so I can actually help direct you to the right products.”这就是所谓的为客房打造360度档案(360-degree view)。

