The Showman

2014-12-20 01:56:08李麦逊
英语学习(上半月) 2014年3期

∷李麦逊 译

When musicianship falters1. falter: 出错,衰落。, an otherwise disastrous performance can be salvaged by showmanship. The Danish pianist Borge Rosenbaum2. Borge Rosenbaum: 伯格·罗森宝恩(1909—2000),丹麦著名钢琴家。他演出的《音乐喜剧》曾经在百老汇创造了849场的空前纪录。was a fine musician and a natural showman.

He was born January 3rd, 1909 and began his professional career at thirteen. For twelve years he performed with most of the major orchestras in Europe. He had a delicate touch,3. delicate: 细微的,敏锐的;touch: 风格,特长。but the poised young pianist also had a quick wit that was not to be suppressed.

One night Rosenbaum was performing with the Copenhagen Philharmonic4. Philharmonic: 爱乐乐团。. The piece was the big, romanticSecond Piano Concerto ofSergei Rachmaninoff and Rosenbaum was playing with his usual sensitivity, but something was making the audience laugh.Confused and nervous, the conductor stepped up the tempo5. tempo: 节奏。. The orchestra played faster and faster until they had left Rosenbaum a full three pages behind.

Rosenbaum had been responsible for the problem in the first place. The audience had been reacting to his expressive eyebrows as he played Rachmaninoff’s soaring melodies.6. soar: 吼叫的;melody: 旋律。The pianist launched into a cadenza, a virtuoso cascade of notes that signaled the end of the movement.7. launch into: 投入;cadenza: (乐曲接近结尾的)装饰奏;virtuoso: 大师的,精湛的;cascade: 一连串。But suddenly,to everyone’s astonishment, Rosenbaum broke off in the middle of the cadenza, left the piano, walked to the conductor’s podium8. podium: 指挥台。, and turned the score back three pages. Then he bowed to the orchestra, winked at the audience, and somberly9. somberly: 严肃地。finished the concerto.

He had already made a reputation for himself as one of Denmark’s finest pianists. Now he became known as one of Europe’s great comedians. But in 1940 when the German occupation of Denmark forced him to emigrate to the United States, he had to make a name for himself all over again. And the name Borge Rosenbaum picked was Victor Borge. For nearly sixty years Borge—and his eyebrows—toured the world, entertaining people with classical music.






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