Speak for the Speechless

2014-12-14 02:12ByAmirahAhmad
英语学习(上半月) 2014年6期

By Amirah Ahmad


There’s always that one student who never speaks. They constantly gaze down at the desk or their work, afraid to avert1. avert: 避免,防止。their eyes else. Occasionally, they’ll glance your way but only to look back down again. It is clear from their body language that the student is uncomfortable, but there’s no way in making him feel at home. The timidity and the vulnerability in his eyes say all that needs to be said.2. timidity: 胆小,羞怯;vulnerability:脆弱。

Though this student is an extreme example of an introvert, there are still students like the aforementioned student.3. introvert: 内向的人; aforementioned:上述的,前面提及的。I know that one of his kind lurk4. lurk: 潜伏,潜藏。in the shadows of each of the world’s classrooms.

In some countries, this little boy may swift through life successful,wealthy, and content with his life. However, the introvert cannot find solace in America where the extroverts roam the land, talking, shouting,and laughing for the world to hear.5. 然而,内向的人在美国就无法找到慰藉,因为在美国外向的人遍地都是,他们到处交谈、喧嚣、欢笑给世界听。solace: 安慰,慰藉;extrovert:性格外向者,爱社交者;roam: 闲逛,漫步。

America is a nation of those who peak freely. In fact, one of the most prized clauses of our Constitution is the freedom of speech.6. prized: 非常重要的,珍贵的;clause:(法律文件的)条款;Constitution: 宪法。There is nothing we love more than the right to speak as we please, so much so that the burning of the American flag is a protected speech. Though it is looked down upon, the ashes of an American flag will not elicit7. elicit: 引起,引出。a punishment of any kind. It’s legal.

What seems to not be legal,however, is shyness. In a nation centralized around discussion,those who fear of speaking will not get by8. get by: 过得去,勉强应付。.

In my high school, for example, teachers often hold Socratic Seminars9. Socratic Seminar: 苏格拉底式问题研讨法,一种基于文本的,对开放式问题进行的合作式智力讨论。of class discussion where students are expected to voice their opinions. Stressing the fact that what is said does not have to be correct, teachers encourage students to speak up. Most of the grades in my classes, in fact, rely heavily on participation.

Personally, I dislike public speaking. Class discussions where students mention repeated points over and over again is not my forte10. forte: 长处,特长。, but I must force myself to raise my voice. If I don’t, often times there are other people talking for me. Just the other day, my English teacher announced to the class that I had won 3rd place at my Speech District competition. After the applause and the recognition, he jokingly said he would call on me to answer his questions more often. All of a sudden,my heart dropped. Was I really being forced to speak in front of the class?

This meant I could not slip by in class by listening to my peers as I doodle on some loose-leaf paper.11. slip by:(时间)悄然逝去,不知不觉地过去;doodle on:在……涂鸦,乱画;loose-leaf paper: 活页纸。This meant I could not drift off to sleep, the words of the other students lulling me deeper into my daydreams.12. drift off to sleep: 渐渐入睡,进入梦乡;lull: 使(某人)入睡。This meant I actually had to be on top of my game.

Despite my surprise and disappointment, however, I realized something else. Speaking stimulates the mind, enhances one’s thoughts, and establishes a sense of confidence that wouldn’t otherwise have been instigated13. instigate: 促成,发起。. It may be uncomfortable and it may be embarrassing, but it’s all worthwhile in the end.

Although I stress the importance of social confidence, it is not unheard of to see introverts excel at14. excel at: 擅长,胜过他人。various activities. In college,for example, they would be studying rather than spending the day with friends. They would be seen in a library rather than at a social event. Although these types of students lack the outgoing personality,they do not always lack the motivation and desire to succeed. Often times,the introverts will gather to gradually culminate15. culminate: 达到顶点,告终。into a friend group. Their happiness is derived from what brings them pleasure, and if they are content without speaking their mind, so be it.16. 他们的快乐来源于能给他们带来愉悦的事物,而如果他们无需说出所想就心满意足,那就由着他们吧。derive: 取得,得到。

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