Paolo Garraffa(意大利),向会英 译
意大利的体育法则,涉及到于2007年7月1日开始生效的意大利足球法案(以下称ICSJ)【注2】。国际体育规则,涉及到2011年8月1日开始实施的国际足联(FIFA)的纪律规则(以下称FDC)【注3】和2009年1月1日生效的世界反兴奋剂条例(以下简称WADA),(甚至包含在2013年 12月约翰内斯堡世界会议修订的,于2015年1月1日实施的WADA4.0版本)【注4】。
分析意大利的足球法规,首先,ICSJ的第2条关于“规则的承认和强制性”【注5】,强调了对法律的无知也不能逃避违反它责任的原则,也就是所谓的“不知法律也不能免除责任” (ignorantia legis non excusat),在普通法国家也被称为“不知法律不免责”(ignorantia juris non excusat)。一般法律原则在体育司法中也适用,其中包含“体育的公平公正”的原则。
一般法律原则作为一般原则在现代西方国家被用以保护人权(如合法性、罪责等原则)。ICSJ的第5条第6款是关于“不利陈述”【注6】(Detrimental Statements)是针对所属人员和俱乐部经理的,内容如下:“评估制裁实体的机构(体育司法机构)应考虑其严重性,形式和申明的客观态度等给联盟机构带来的损害”。ICSJ的第7条第3款和第4款是关于“体育犯罪和控告义务”的【注7】,体育司法机构具有权力确保当俱乐部出现“直接”(见第3款)或“严格或被指控”责任时进行制裁。就是说“这个制裁是由其所属人员在任何方式或手段情形下进行的,目的是改变竞争结果,或确保某人从结果中获益”。
值得注意的是,在2003年与2009年版本的条例衔接中,WADA所获得关于条例各方面强制性的法律意见,同样被用于起草2015年版的条例衔接。在此情况下,WADA以聘请居住在斯特拉斯堡的前欧洲人权法庭主席Jean-Paul Costa法官,就条例的各方面给出意见,尤其是关于比例原则和人权。按照他的观点,Costa突出了这些原则在国际体育规则和司法中的承认,在WADA条例中也一样【注14】。
足球在这一原则实施上,首先需要检验的是意大利体育法庭“国家体育仲裁机构”(TNAS)【注16】,与足球相关尤其是最近关于假球的案子,涉及到“Ascoli”,“Benevento” 和“Albinoleffe”俱乐部。
第1个案例是“Ascoli 俱乐部 1898温泉”案,该案引起了假球调查,涉及这家俱乐部的两名球员(Vittorio Micolucci和Vincenzo Sommese),受到刑事法庭起诉【注20】。在调查的最后,根据严格责任原则【注22】,球员所属的俱乐部被发现有责任,被纪律委员会扣了6分并罚款50000欧元【注21】。所谓的“严格责任”原则,在ICSJ的第4条第2款中指出:“出于纪律目的,俱乐部应对其经理、所属人员以及第1条第5款的行为负责【注23】”。尽管如此,俱乐部上诉到了联盟法院,依然维持原判【注24】。然后,俱乐部上诉到TNAS,TNAS于2011年12月6日做出的裁决减少了扣分(从6分到3分),并完全取消了罚款【注25】。
这个裁决有趣的地方在于:第一,由体育判决机构的行政判决(出自于联盟内部,如纪律委员会和联盟法庭),是行政程序的结果,而非民法(或刑法)程序,即使他们以审判的形式呈现。这对程序规则有重要的影响,刑事程序规定了保护辩护权(发言权,反驳权等),在体育仲裁程序中也没有【注26】。 第二,裁决体现了自治原则和自由评估,在普通刑事程序和临时刑事程序之间(也被称为是双重通道)【注27】,根据体育判决机构的权力在过去实例中进行不同的评估。最后,从最近的视角到当前的研究,对裁决的援引要求“裁决一致性”(congruity of the sanctions)。在某种程度上,“不以非关键和自动的方式,而是以公平和渐进的方式来避免不正常和不公平的结果”【注28】。这是最后的原则(裁决一致性),尤其是因为球员的行为产生的损害,与俱乐部真正利益相关的情况,【注29】。
第二个案件是关于俱乐部‘Benevento Calcio Spa’,假球的案件涉及了这家俱乐部的其中一名球员。在2011年1月(冬季)转会期间,俱乐部US Cremonese Spa将它的球员Marco Paoloni卖给了俱乐部Benevento Calcio Spa,但是在转会后没多久,该球员因为假球被刑事法庭和体育机构调查和判刑。结果俱乐部因此受到纪律委员会的处罚【注30】,根据严格责任原则,俱乐部被扣除了9分。
首先,仲裁委员会考虑到“制裁一致性”和“严格责任”原则,标准一致,因此“避免不正常和不公平的结果”【注33】。此外,它指出这是由球员个人的行动和行为引起的,在比分上没有任何优势(完全是从有情可原,而不是作为一种豁免【注34】)。相反致使根据“严格责任原则”,对俱乐部是不利的(实际情况是俱乐部被扣分【注35】) 。
最后的一个案件是倍有争议的,涉及到US Albinoleffe Srl俱乐部。这一次调查是从Cremona公共检查办公室开始,案件涉及一群球员,他们都属于被指控体育赛事欺诈的俱乐部(再一次是假球)【注36】。因此,它的材料被交到FIGC的联盟检察官办公室。这次调查,尤其是揭露了球员涉及家庭成员会议,为了调整达成官方赛事的同意,并下了很大的赌注,而这些收入超过预期。俱乐部上诉到联盟法庭,法庭部分减少了扣分(从15分到9分)和罚款(原来的(90,000欧元减半)【注37】。尽管如此,俱乐部再次上诉到TNAS,在2013年1月25日TNAS作出裁决减少了扣分(从15分到6分)【注38】。
在这个案件中,有必要关注裁决突出的几点:第一,很明显,案件中球员的行为恶劣。而仲裁机构将这些球员看成是“普通腐败案件”【注39】(common corruptive scheme)的协同作案人员。第二,同样突出的是俱乐部把自己建立在“受害人”(injured party)的位置上(根绝严格责任),受到球员行为的伤害。计算因为结果导致的损失,包括经济损失以及形象损失(相对于Bergamo俱乐部)【注40】。第三也是最后,委员会为了确定制裁意图离开“严格的数学标准”(在九场比赛被起诉的每场比赛一分)(one point per game in nine games indicted)。之后,它想要的感觉就像一个“不是象征性的,但是适当减少处罚的一审法庭”【注41】。
一个足球的典型案例涉及到一方当事人是巴西职业球员Francelino da Silva Matuzalem,另一方是国际足联FIFA。
该案件的一审判决是由位于洛桑的国际体育仲裁院(Court of Arbitration for Sport,CAS)【注43】做出的,是对于FIFA纠纷解决中心(DRC)所做决定的上诉,二审判决是由瑞士联邦法院做出的【注44】。
案件是球员由于单方面无“正当理由”终止雇佣合同引起的,是他在2007年在“保护期”【注45】之外,与乌克兰足球俱乐部Shaktar Donetsk的合约终止。作为合同违约的后果,球员得到了FIFA DRC的一审判决。而后,由于需要支付大量的赔偿金【注48】(根据当时有效的2010年版本的FIFA规则)【注49】,球员联合他所签约的俱乐部(Real Zaragoza)【注47】上诉到 CAS。
特别是FDC第8部分第64条【注50】规定:“任何人没有支付其他人(如球员、教练或者俱乐部)或FIFA的部分或全部款项,即使是被其机构或纪律委员会、FIFA或CAS的一审裁决(经济方面的决定)要求这样做的,任何人不遵守由机构、委员会、FIFA与CAS的另一个决定(非经济方面的决定):将被罚款CHF 5000;将由FIFA司法机构规定缴款和遵守决定的(非经济方面的决定)最后期限;(只是对俱乐部)将被警告和通知,如果不履行义务和在规定期限内不遵守决定,将会被扣分、降级以及禁止转会;如果俱乐部不考虑最后的时限,相关协会应要求实施制裁威胁;如果分数被扣除,这些分数将于欠款相当;禁止任何足球相关活动也可以被实施在自然人身上;根据本条,任何反对决定的上诉将被立刻提交到CAS。”
而后球员与他签约的俱乐部向CAS提起上诉,反对FIFA纪律委员会的决定,CAS于2011年6月29日做出决定【注51】,驳回了当事人的上诉请求,并确认了FIFA DCR的决定。之后,这名球员向瑞士联邦法院提起了另一上诉【注52】,通过提交除其他外,包含FIFA纪律委员会(由于他没有支付CAS裁决的损失)的制裁决定,指出这个决定与瑞士联邦国际私法法典【注53】(PILA )第190条第2款e项的公共政策不相符,裁决威胁严重违反了受瑞士民法典(ZGB)【注54】第27条保护的个人权利和对个人自由的过度限制;并违反受瑞士联邦宪法(BV)【注55】第27条保护的经济自由的规定。
瑞士联邦法庭首先强调,FIFA的制裁体系是为了保护其成员的利益,在球员因违约而赔偿损失时(球员遵守合同与国际联盟没与直接的利益关系)【注58】,对球员经济自由权利的保护是不足的,在这方面存在严重限制。法庭认为FIFA的制裁在事实上不符合为实现预期目的(即合同由球员执行),如果球员被排斥出足球比赛,则会导致他因丧失赚钱的能力而无法支付裁决的损失【注59】。 第二,当事人回顾认为【注60】为有效执行裁决而施加给运动员伤害【注61】是没有必要的,因为1958年的纽约公约(关于承认和执行仲裁裁决)已通过,并且球员居住在纽约公约国(意大利)。第三,法庭发现执行仲裁裁决的目标份量与有效性不平衡,过度(时间上和世界范围内)限制从事足球相关活动【注62】。
反兴奋剂规则也是体育制裁的重要方面【注64】。该案件一方当事人为乌克兰职业足球运动员(效力于 Shaktar Donetsk俱乐部) 为,另一方当事人为UEFA。
之后该球员再一次上诉到瑞士联邦法庭【注68】,要求搁置CAS的裁决(在此他的上诉被驳回),因为违反瑞士联邦国际私法法典PILA第190条第2款d项(被听证的权利)和e项(不符合“实体的”公共政策)。瑞士联邦法庭—第一民法庭【注69】驳回了球员的上诉,根据反兴奋剂条例,除非证明【注70】其 与公共政策不相符。
“违反公共政策只有当它无视基本的法律原则,并因此基于瑞士主流观点的任何法律秩序的基础,与本质和广泛被认可的价值明显不相容”【注74】。 在这些原则中,联邦法庭提醒:“合同的神圣性(契约严守原则),禁止滥用权利,诚实信用原则,禁止无补偿的征收,禁止歧视,保护弱势群体,禁止过度或无法衡量的承诺,当它构成明显的和严重的侵犯隐私”【注75】。关于反兴奋剂规则,高等法庭提醒,已经裁定在阳性兴奋剂测试(即使运动员证明相反)出现推定违反反兴奋剂规则,并不违背公共政策(球员被给予解释可能性,这些违禁物质如何进入他或她的体内以及这样的物质并不是为了提高赛场表现)【注76】。
【注1】 we will soon verify that - according to the italian sporting legislation - supporters are considered to be amongst the“stakeholders” of the ‘sporting family’ (as for the club’s liability pro fi les is included the one related to their supporters’ behaviours and acts);
【注2】 see ‘Codice di Giustizia Sportiva’, 2007, available on-line, at the ‘institutional’ website (www. fi, to the following URL:http://www. fi;
【注3】 see FIFA Disciplinary Code, 2011, available on-line, at the ‘institutional’ website (www. fi, to the following URL:;
【注4】 see WADA Code, 2009, available on-line, at the ‘institutional’website (, to the following URL:;
【注5】 in italian: “Applicabilità e Conoscenza (delle regole)”;
【注6】 in italian: “Dichiarazioni Lesive”;
【注7】 in italian: “Illecito Sportivo e Obbligo di Denuncia”;
【注8】 in italian: “Esimenti e Circostanze Attenuanti”;
【注9】 in italian: “Poteri Disciplinari”;
【注10】 so page 1 of the Code;
【注11】 so page 5 of the Code;
【注12】 the new WADA Code (version 4.0) which will come into force on January 1st 2015, is available to the following URL:;
【注13】 see the Art. 10.10 (“Financial Consequences”) of the WADC draft 2015 (version 4.0), which states that: “Anti-Doping Organizations may, in their own rues, provide for appropriate recovery of costs on account of anti-doping rule violations.However, Anti-Doping Organizations may only impose financial sanctions in cases where the maximum period of Ineligibility otherwise applicable has already been imposed. Recovery of costs or financial sanction may only be imposed where the principle of proportionality is satisfied. No recovery of costs or financial sanction may be considered as a basis for reducing the Ineligibility or other sanction which would otherwise be applicable under the Code.”;
【注14】 the “Legal opinion regarding the draft 3.0 revision of the World Anti-Doping Code”, authored by judge Costa, is available online to the following URL: needs to be pointed that, according to this legal opinion, regarding the proportionality of the sanction’s principle, “the CAS itself has for a long time accepted that anti-doping sports sanctions must respect this principle” (so page 8), so that it can be concluded: “the internationally recognized principles of law encompass the notions of proportionality of sanctions and prohibition of excessively severe sanctions” (so page 9, with relation to the Strasbourg Court’s interpretation of art. 5 of the Convention for Human Rights - about the right to liberty - and the length of the period of detection, in case of grant for conditional release);
【注15 】 for the sporting offences committed to their advantage by people who are not belonging to their circle of af fi liates;
【注16】 literally: “Tribunale Nazionale Arbitrale dello Sport” (italian);
【注17】 literally: “Commissione Disciplinare” (italian);
【注18】 literally: “Corte di Giustizia Federale” (italian);
【注19】 its seat, in particular, is located in the ‘CONI’ (Italian Olympic Committee) structure. This body will be replaced by the ‘College of Guarantee for Sport’ (in Italian: ‘Collegio di Garanzia dello Sport’) which will come into force on 1st July 2014, with different(and wider) powers;
【注20】 as match- fixing is considered also a criminal offence according to the italian law (in particular, law n. 401 of 1989);
【注21】 the full decision is available on-line at the ‘FIGC’ institutional website (www. fi, official Communicate n. 13/CDD, of August 9, 2011;
【注22】 provided by the italian ICSJ on art. 7 (“Illecito Sportivo”);
【注23】 for such subjects are intended the “partners and not, who -directly or indirectly - control the club, and all those who perform activities inside or in the club’s interest, as well as any other activity which is relevant in the federal organization” (so art. 1,para. 5, of the ICSJ. No-official translation);
【注24】 the full decision is available on-line at the ‘FIGC’ institutional website (www. fi, official Communicate n. 30/CGF, of August 19, 2011;
【注25】 the full decision is available on-line at the ‘CONI’ (Italian Olympic Committee) institutional website (, to the following URL:à-istituzionali/tribunalenazionale-di-arbitrato-per-lo-sport.html (official Communicate of December 6, 2011);
【注26】 so point 3 of the decision. This circumstance represents, most likely, an important loophole in the sporting arbitral procedural rules (currently in force);
【注27】 so point 6 of the decision;
【注28】 so point 13 of the cited decision;
【注29】 so (once again) point 13 of the cited decision (last part);
【注30】【注 】 the full decision is available on-line at the ‘FIGC’institutional website (www. fi, official Communicate n. 13/CDD, of August 9, 2011;
【注31】 the full decision is available on-line at the ‘FIGC’ institutional website (www. fi, official Communicate n. 43/CGF, of August 19, 2011;
【注32】 the full decision is available on-line at the ‘CONI’ (Italian Olympic Committee) institutional website (, to the following URL:à-istituzionali/tribunalenazionale-di-arbitrato-per-lo-sport/16847-tnas-_udienze_arbitrali_cremonese_- fi gc_e_benevento_- fi gc.html (official Communicate of January 20, 2012);
【注33】 so point 5 of the decision;
【注34】 so point 5 of the decision (this reasoning, actually, does not convince that much, as players could - for instance - agree to draw,within a certain number of goals as well, as it is possible to bet both on the outcome, and on the number of goals) ;
【注35】 so point 5 of the decision (again), in which it is pointed out“the condition of clearly established and indisputable unwitting victim of the club”;
【注36】 we remind that fraud in sporting events (match- fixing) is considered a criminal offence according to the italian law as well(law n. 401 of December 1989);
【注37】 the full decision is available on-line at the ‘FIGC’ institutional website (www. fi, official Communicate n. 101/CDN, of June 18, 2012;
【注38】 the full decision is available on-line at the ‘FIGC’ institutional website (www. fi, official Communicate n. 33/CGF, of August 27, 2012;
【注39】 so point 11 of the decision;
【注40】 so point 13 of the decision;
【注41】 so point 14 of the decision;
【注42】 one wonders how much it was due to a specific procedural choice (of the case), or just to an oversight;
【注43】 CAS 2008/A/1518-1519-1520, available on-line at the CAS official website (, to the following URL:;
【注44】 Judgment no. 4Aˍ558/2011, of March 27, 2012, published on the Swiss Federal Tribunal official website (, to the following URL:;
【注45】 see Art. 17 (“Consequences of terminating contract without just cause”) of the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (hereinafter: FIFA RSTP), 2012 Edition, para. 3 & 4;
【注46】 see art. 14 (“Terminating contract with just cause”) of FIFA RSTP, 2012 Edition, which reads as follows: “A contract may be terminated by either party without consequences of any kind (either payment of compensation or imposition of sporting sanctions) in the case of just cause”;
【注47】 as according to the art. 17, para. 2, of FIFA RSTP(«Consequences of Terminating a Contract Without Just Cause»):«If a professional is required to pay compensation, the professional and his new club shall be jointly and severally liable for its payment»;
【注48】 in particular, 11,858.934 Euros, with annual interest of 5%from July 5, 2007 (in these terms, CAS 1518-1519-1520/A/2008,all awards available on the CAS website;
【注49】 as mentioned before (see footnotes 46 and 47), FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players provide a section- Section IV - dedicated to the “Maintenance of Contractual Stability between Professionals and Clubs”, whose art. 17(“Consequences of terminating a contract without just cause”)prohibits the unilateral termination of the contract (unless it is not supported by “just cause”, so art. 14, or by “sporting just cause”,so art. 15), providing in such case financial and sporting sanctions(as for the clubs, as for the players);
【注50】 FIFA Disciplinary Code, 2011 Edition, is available online at the FIFA “institutional” website (www. fi, to the following URL: http://www. fi fi fa/organisation/footballgovernance/disciplinarycode.html (English version),
and the FIGC “institutional” website as well, to the following URL:http:/ (Italian version);
【注51】 CAS 2010/A/2261, Real Zaragoza Sad vs. FIFA; CAS 2010/A/2263, Matuzalem Francelino da Silva vs. FIFA available on-line at the CAS official website (;
【注52】 as FIFA, as a matter of fact, is an association governed by the Swiss private law, having its seat in Switzerland (Zurich);
【注53】 The Swiss Federal Code on Private International Law (PILA),approved 18 December 1987, is available on-line to the following URLs: (Italian version); (German version); (French version); and (English version);
【注54】 The Swiss Civil Code (ZGB), approved on 10 December 1907, is available on-line to the following URLs: (English version); (Italian); (German version); and (French version);
【注55】 approved on April 18, 1999, the Swiss Federal Constitution is available on-line to the following URLs: (German version); (French version); (Italian version); (English version);
【注56】 so Roy Levy (2012),“Swiss Federal Tribunal overrules CAS award in a landmark decision: FIFA vs. Matuzalem”, in International Sports Law Journal (ISLJ), year 2012, vol. 3/4, pp.35-38; Andrea Marco Steingruber (2012), “De facto unlimited prohibition to work as a football player as a violation of public policy”, Op. cit. (ISLJ), year 2012, vol. 3/4, pp. 39-44; Paolo Garraffa (2012), “The Matuzalem-Affaire: ending of the sporting justice?”, Op. cit. (ISLJ), year 2012, vol. 3/4, pp. 44-48; Patrick Rohn and Hansjörg Stutzer (2012), “Landmark decision of the Federal Supreme Court on Public Policy”, in Arbitration Newsletter Switzerland, pp. 1-4, March 30, 2012; Philip Landolt(2012), “Annulment of Swiss International Arbitration Awards for incompatibility with Swiss public policy: fi rst annulment in over twenty years”, in MEALEY’S International Arbitration Report,pp. 1-5, vol. 27 (#4 April 2012); Nathalie Voser and Anya George(2012), “Landmark ruling of Swiss Supreme Court setting aside CAS award for violation of substantive public policy”, in Practical Law Arbitration, year 2012, Resource ID: 1-519-2649, pp. 1-4 (2 May 2012);
【注57】 so page 5 of the decision;
【注58】 see point. 4.3.4 of the cited decision;
【注59】 see para. 4.3.4 of the judgment, (the Swiss Federal Court underlines that if the player “rightly says that he cannot pay the whole amount anyway”, then “the adequacy of the sanction to achieve its direct purpose - namely the payment of the damages -is questionable”. So lines 15-16 of the judgment);
【注60】 the New York “Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of foreign Arbitral Awards” of 1958 is available online to the following URL:;
【注61】 since “the Federation sanction under dispute… is in a service of private enforcement of the decision granting damages” (see para. 4.3.4 of the judgment);
【注62】 see para. 4.3.4 of the judgment (lines 25-26), which reads as follows: “The abstract goal of enforcing compliance by football players with their duties to their employees is clearly of less weight as the occupational ban against the Appellant, unlimited in time and worldwide for any activities in connexion with football”;
【注63】 due to the brevity of their career as well;
【注64】 even if - once again - on issues related to football;
【注65】 Furosemide (a diuretic that can mask the presence of other drugs) is a substance “prohibited at all times (in and outof-competition)” according to section S5 of the 2011 WADA Prohibited list, in combination with Article 4 of the UEFA Anti-Doping Regulations (UEFA ADR), Edition 2011;
【注66】 with decision dated 16 March 2012;
【注67】 CAS 2012/A/2759, Oleksandr Rybka vs. UEFA, available online at the CAS official website ( to the following URL: fi les/document/6116/5048/0/Award20275920_FINAL_internet.pdf;
【注68】 as even UEFA, as a matter of fact, is an association governed by the Swiss private law, having its seat in Switzerland (Nyon);
【注69】 judgment no. 4Aˍ522/2012, of March 21, 2013, published on the Swiss Federal Tribunal official website (, and available on-line to the following URLs: fi les/21%20mars%202013%204A%20522%202012.pdf (English version); and (German version);
【注70】 the burden of proof (“to rebut a presumption or establish speci fi ed facts or circumstances”) is upon the athlete (or ‘other person’, so art. 3.1 - “Burdens and Standards of proof” - of WADA Code);
【注71】 see point 3.1 of the decision which recalls, as case law examples, the right of the parties to express their views as to all facts important to the judgment, the right to present their legal arguments, the right to prove their factual allegations important for the decision with suitable means proposed in a timely manner and in the prescribed format, and the right to participate in the hearing and to access the record;
【注72】 art. 182 (“General Rule”), Section VI (“Procedure”), of Swiss PILA, on para. 3 provides that: “Irrespective of the procedure chosen, the arbitral tribunal shall accord equal treatment to the parties and their right to be heard in and adversarial proceeding”;
【注73】 see point 3.2.2 of the decision;
【注74】 see point 4.2.2 of the decision;
【注75】 see point 4.2.2 of the decision (lines 18-22);
【注76】 see judgments n. 4P_105/2006, from August 4, 2006, and n.5P_83/1999, from March 31, 1999, each of them recalled at point 4.2.2 of the decision;
【注77】 see point 4.2.2 of the decision (page 8, lines 6-7);
【注78】 so Nathalie Voser and Aileen Truttmann (2012), “Swiss Supreme Court con fi rms restrictive approach towards public policy issues in sporting disciplinary cases”, in Practical Law Arbitration, year 2012, Resource ID: 4-527-1065, pp. 1-3 (1 May 2013);
【注79】 or its ultimate purpose, which is “to play fair”;
【注80】 this is the case of match- fixing - aimed to protect the unpredictability of the outcome - and of doping second offence,aimed to protect the ‘may the best man win!’ rule;
【注81】 so Roy Levy (2012),“Swiss Federal Tribunal overrules CAS award in a landmark decision: FIFA vs. Matuzalem”, Op. Cit.,according to whom not all lifelong bans in sports are in violation of the public order (as they infringe the personality rights of the player/athlete), especially those which are given for doping abuses or match- fixing cases, where the proper functioning of the sport is at stake (so page 38);
【注82】 as to say: “desperate cases require desperate remedies”;
【注83】 so Herman Ram, CEO of Anti-Doping Authority of the Netherlands, (2012) “Proportionality and the application of the World Anti-Doping Code”, in International Sports Law Journal(ISLJ), year 2012, vol. 3/4, pp. 8-11 (in particular: page 8,Introduction);
【注84】 e.g. ensuring a necessary, different treatment (in sanctions)between athletes in sports with a short (e.g. gymnastics) and long(e.g. shooting) career;