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在不考虑国家间税率差异的前提下,关于转移定价的经济分析包括Hirshleifer[2]以及Eden[3]等,他们证明了当中间产品存在不完全竞争市场时,使得集团利润最大化的最优转移价格应该等于中间产品的边际成本。慕银平等[4]分析了不对称竞争条件下企业集团的转移定价决策问题, 得出存在上游竞争的条件下, 转移价格大于边际成本; 存在下游竞争的条件下, 转移价格的大小取决于各下游企业最终产品的相互替代程度。张福利等[5]证明了中间产品转移价格取决于上游子公司和竞争子公司的不对称程度。胡荣搓和陈绍刚[6]在最终产品市场存在Stackelberg竞争情形下,对集团采用差别定价及统一定价下转移价格和最大利润进行了比较。不考虑税收差异因素的转移定价问题的最新进展参见Leng和Parlar[7]及所引用的文献。
现实中,许多企业集团在不同国家建立子公司,如福特汽车Struandale发动机厂位于南非(上游子公司),它为全球其它的福特流水线工厂(下游子公司)提供Duratorq TDCi柴油发动机,最终生产成福特皮卡敞篷小型载货卡车。因此,不同国家的税率差异必将影响集团的最终收益。此时,转移定价策略不仅可以作为附属子公司的激励机制,还可以使得集团的纳税最小化[8]。Zhao[9]考虑下游市场存在寡头竞争对手,并且在竞争为垂直一体化企业及仅生产最终产品条件下,研究了最优的转移价格策略。关于考虑税收因素的转移定价问题最新研究成果参见Rossing[10]。
正当我们为投资率偏高、消费率偏低而苦恼,千方百计要走向消费导向型经济之际,一些发达国家却在想方设法要从消费导向型经济(Consumption Led Economy)转向投资导向型经济(Investment Led Economy)。参阅Skilling[40]。在我们看来,正是过去这种“三驾马车”的“失衡”,支撑了长达三十余年的高速经济增长;换言之,在过去创新能力不足的情况下,支撑这种长期高速增长的“三驾马车”“失衡”,实质上是一种宏观动态结构性均衡,或者说这种“三驾马车”的比例关系恰与那种长期高速增长相匹配。展望未来,中国经济发展阶段进入一个新的历史时期,经济增长战略从高速增长转向中高速增长,经济增长方式从依靠劳动力、资本和自然资源的投入驱动转变到依靠知识、管理和创新驱动经济增长[41]以及社会物质财富已积累到一定程度前提下,伴随着政府公共服务水平的不断提高、居民收入日益增加以及居民消费理念和消费行为的转变,“三驾马车”的“失衡”明显改观将是一个自然的结果。参考文献:
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The Paradox of the Troika Imbalance for Chinese Economic Growth
Guo Qingwang
China Financial Policy Research Center and School of Finance, Renmin University of China,100872
Abstract:China has maintained rapid economic growth over the past three decades,which attracts attentions from the world. In the mean time, the imbalance among the troika for economic growth, investment, consumption and net exports, has also been criticized. Noticing the stage of social and economic development in China and using annual data from 1970 to 2010 for a panel of 112 economies, this paper shows that Chinas consumption demand is not weak, economic growth is not export-oriented. We also show that although the rapid economic growth over the recent 20 years in China is mainly driven by investment, it is not necessarily indicating excessive investment. Our findings also imply that, the troika imbalance supporting Chinese long-term high growth, is essentially a macro dynamic structural equilibrium. Looking to the future, with the entering to a new historical period of China's economic development stage, particularly under the economic growth strategy of moderating growth rate and switching to innovation-driven growth, the troika imbalance will be improved significantly.
Key words:Rapid Economic Growth;the Troika Imbalance;International Comparative Analysis
[38]Ma, G. ,Yi,W. Chinas High Saving Rate: Myth and Reality[R]. Bank for International Settlements Working Paper,No.312,2010.
[39]Solow, R. M. Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function[J].The Review of Economics and Statistics,1957,39(3).
[40]Skilling, D. Home Is where the Money Is: The Economic Importance of Savings[R].The New Zealand Institute Discussion Paper, No.1,2005.
The Paradox of the Troika Imbalance for Chinese Economic Growth
Guo Qingwang
China Financial Policy Research Center and School of Finance, Renmin University of China,100872
Abstract:China has maintained rapid economic growth over the past three decades,which attracts attentions from the world. In the mean time, the imbalance among the troika for economic growth, investment, consumption and net exports, has also been criticized. Noticing the stage of social and economic development in China and using annual data from 1970 to 2010 for a panel of 112 economies, this paper shows that Chinas consumption demand is not weak, economic growth is not export-oriented. We also show that although the rapid economic growth over the recent 20 years in China is mainly driven by investment, it is not necessarily indicating excessive investment. Our findings also imply that, the troika imbalance supporting Chinese long-term high growth, is essentially a macro dynamic structural equilibrium. Looking to the future, with the entering to a new historical period of China's economic development stage, particularly under the economic growth strategy of moderating growth rate and switching to innovation-driven growth, the troika imbalance will be improved significantly.
Key words:Rapid Economic Growth;the Troika Imbalance;International Comparative Analysis