中图分类号:Q942.6 文献标志码:A
植物茎尖分生组织(shoot apical meristem,SAM)是植物地上部分生长发育的基础,其中包含的干细胞(SC)通过分裂(进行自身更新并维持一定的细胞数量)和分化(指导一部分细胞输出分生组织并发育成各种器官)形成了植物地上部分的各个器官。这2种细胞行为使干细胞和分化细胞在数量上保持动态平衡[1],保证了植物生长发育过程的可塑性。SAM干细胞区是一个相对独立的结构,其中的细胞保持未分化的状态并接受来自临近细胞的信号。在基因调控和细胞信号的影响下,干细胞一部分进行分裂保持干细胞数量,而另一部分移出该干细胞区域进行分化。分子遗传学、分子生物学和模式植物拟南芥研究的不断深入使SAM干细胞基因调控途径逐渐清晰。研究发现茎尖分生组织中心标记基因WUSCHEL(WUS)和干细胞标记基因CLVATA3(CLV3)[2]之间的反馈调节机制在分生组织干细胞区确定和维持方面起决定性作用。大多数对植物地上部分生长发挥作用的基因都是通过直接或间接影响WUS/CLV3反馈抑制途径发挥作用。
2 拟南芥SAM组织中心标记基因WUS及其调控基因
WUS的表达受到众多转录因子、染色质重塑因子的调控(包括正调控和负调控),这些因子在维持WUS持续表达的同时也将其表达区域限制在组织中心。目前大多数调控因子对WUS的调控机制和途径仍不清晰,但已发现WUS启动子中存在能够保证WUS准确表达的序列[10],说明WUS表达调控过程中可能存在转录激活复合体,该复合体能够联合多个信号途径对WUS进行表达调控[11]。WUS启动子中的一个57 bp区域(位于转录起始位点上游550 bp)能够维持WUS在组织中心的正常时空表达模式。这个区域中有2个相邻的短序列在WUS的转录调控过程中发挥作用。众多调节信号相互作用后和这2个序列相互结合从而调控WUS的转录。
2.1 WUS的直接调控因子
迄今为止发现的能够与WUS启动子直接作用的基因是染色体重塑因子BRCA1-ASSOCIATED RING DOMAIN1(BARD1)和SPLAYED(SYD)。WUS表达的激活受到SPLAYED(SYD)染色质重塑因子的直接调控,SYD编码一种ATP酶,可促进DNA模板形成转录结构而启动转录[12-13]。BARD1编码的蛋白具有磷酸化依赖性,在SAM结构的维持方面发挥功能。BARD1突变使WUS只在组织中心边缘表达,破坏SAM结构。BARD1蛋白不仅与WUS启动子存在直接作用,还与SYD之间有互作关系,说明BARD1通过抑制染色质重塑过程影响WUS表达[14]。
2.2 WUS的间接调控因子
MERISTEM DEFECTIVE(MDF)编码的蛋白可能在转录调控和RNA加工过程中对WUS表达发挥正调控作用。研究证明mdf突变体表型为SAM活动停止,WUS表达量降低;MDF过表达会导致异位分生组织形成[18]。
ULTRAPETALA1(ULT1)和HANABA TARANU(HAN)是WUS的负转录调控因子。ULT1在生长发育后期对WUS表达起到负调控作用。ULT1在发育中的花器官和胚分生组织中表达,ult1表型为花序和花分生组织膨大,说明ULT1在花形成过程中对WUS表达调控起重要作用。HAN是GATA-3类转录因子,可控制表达WUS基因细胞的数目,使分生组织中心区和器官原基之间形成分界线[19]。
4 WUS和CLV3在不同植物SAM中的功能保守性
CLE基因家族是植物中最广泛存在的基因家族[23],水稻、玉米、大豆、杨树、苜蓿等甚至苔藓和藻类中都发现了CLE基因[31-32]。水稻FLORAL ORGAN NUMBER1(FON1)是CLV1同源基因,其突变体表型为分生组织的扩大和花器官数量的增多。FON2和FCP1(FON2-LIKE CLE PROTEIN1)是CLV3的同源基因,其中FON2和FON1共同发挥维持SAM和花序分生组织的功能,FCP1在SAM和RAM中发挥维持分生组织细胞分裂的功能。水稻FON2和FCP1在功能上已产生分化,分别调控不同的分生组织行为。玉米的CLV1和CLV2同源基因是THICK TASSEL DWARF1(TD1)和FASCIATED EAR2(FEA2)。玉米中这2个基因的缺失对分生组织维持和花器官数量都没有影响,表达分析显示TD1没有在分生组织中表达[26]。这说明CLE基因在单子叶植物分生组织中也发挥作用,但信号机制和功能已经发生变化。这种功能变化在双子叶植物中也同样存在:苜蓿SUPERNUMERIC NODULES(SUNN)和百脉根HYPERNOD-ULATION ABERRANT ROOT 1(HAR1)是CLV1的同源基因,其功能不是维持分生组织而是促进根瘤形成。这2个基因的突变体表型都是根瘤数量增加,分生组织没有变化[32]。
5 KNOX基因家族和植物激素对SAM活动的调控作用
SHOOT MERISTEMLESS(STM)是独立于WUS/CLV3途径在SAM干细胞维持中发挥重要功能的转录因子,编码Class I KNOX(knotted1-like homeobox)家族的蛋白[33]。STM在分生组织的各个部位表达,发挥抑制细胞分化的作用[34]。SAM中STM和WUS的作用互补:STM阻止细胞分化,WUS使一部分细胞特化为干细胞。STM和WUS的共同作用保持着SAM中干细胞增殖和器官原基形成的平衡,是维持SAM正常活动的重要保证[35]。
细胞分裂素信号可以促进A型反应调节因子ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATORS(ARRs)基因的转录,二者之间形成一个负反馈调节系统。WUS直接抑制细胞分裂素应答调控因子ARR7在SAM中的表达,以一种非常精确的方式控制细胞分裂。玉米A型反应调节因子ABPHYL1基因在叶原基基部表达,对叶片发育过程中的细胞分裂素应答起到缓冲作用。水稻LONELY GUY(LOG)基因编码产物可将失活性细胞分裂素转变为激活型细胞分裂素[38],该基因在SAM顶端干细胞部位特异性表达。拟南芥中已经克隆出LOG同源基因,已经证明该基因和LOG具有相似的表达模式[6]。
SAM的周围区域(PZ)中,干细胞和器官发生处于一种平衡状态。KNOX和促进叶器官形成的转录因子ASYMMETRIC LEAVES相互作用维持着这种平衡状态。ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1(AS1)属于MYB家族的转录因子,AS2是植物特有的LATERAL ORGAN BOUNDARY DOMAIN(LBD)基因家族成员。AS1/2在叶原基形成过程中表达,对BP、KNAT2和KNAT6表达起到抑制作用。除拟南芥外,在玉米和金鱼草中也发现了相似的基因互作模式[39]。叶原基中的表观遗传调控由GENERAL TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR GROUP E6(GTE6)实现,该蛋白直接调控AS1表达。组蛋白H3/H4的蛋白伴侣可以和AS1/2蛋白结合形成染色体重塑复合物抑制侧生器官原基中KNOX基因的表达。as1/2突变体中KNOX基因的异位表达可以在叶片中形成分生组织[34,37],因此KNOX的准确表达是影响叶正常发育的重要因素。
6 展望
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[21]Jung J H,Park C M. MIR166/165 genes exhibit dynamic expression patterns in regulating shoot apical meristem and floral development in Arabidopsis[J]. Planta,2007,225(6):1327-1338.
[22]Dodsworth S. A diverse and intricate signalling network regulates stem cell fate in the shoot apical meristem[J]. Developmental Biology,2009,336(1):1-9.
[23]Ohyama K,Shinohara H,Ogawa-Ohnishi M,et al. A glycopeptide regulating stem cell fate in Arabidopsis thaliana[J]. Nature Chemical Biology,2009,5(8):578-580.
[24]Miwa H,Kinoshita A,Fukuda H,et al. Plant meristems:CLAVATA3/ESR-related signaling in the shoot apical meristem and the root apical meristem[J]. Journal of Plant Research,2009,122(1):31-39.
[25]Sawa S,Kinoshita A,Betsuyaku S,et al. A large family of genes that share homology with CLE domain in Arabidopsis and rice[J]. Plant Signaling & Behavior,2008,3(5):337.
[26]Yamamoto E,Karakaya H C,Knap H T. Molecular characterization of two soybean homologs of Arabidopsis thaliana CLAVATA1 from the wild type and fasciation mutant[J]. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Structure and Expression,2000,1491(1):333-340.
[27]Reinhardt D,Frenz M,Mandel T,et al. Microsurgical and laser ablation analysis of interactions between the zones and layers of the tomato shoot apical meristem[J]. Development,2003,130(17):4073-4083.
[28]Stuurman J,Jggi F,Kuhlemeier C. Shoot meristem maintenance is controlled by a GRAS-gene mediated signal from differentiating cells[J]. Genes & Development,2002,16(17):2213-2218.
[29]Tan F C,Swain S M. Functional characterization of AP3,SOC1 and WUS homologues from citrus(Citrus sinensis)[J]. Physiologia Plantarum,2007,131(3):481-495.
[30]Nardmann J,Reisewitz P,Werr W. Discrete shoot and root stem cell-promoting WUS/WOX5 functions are an evolutionary innovation of angiosperms[J]. Molecular Biology and Evolution,2009,26(8):1745-1755.
[31]Hake S. The interaction of knotted1 and thick tassel dwarf1 in vegetative and reproductive meristems of maize[J]. Genetics,2009,181(4):1693-1697.
[32]Elise S,Etienne-Pascal J,de Fernanda C N,et al. The Medicago truncatula SUNN gene encodes a CLV1-like leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase that regulates nodule number and root length[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2005,58(6):809-822.
[33]Gallois J L,Woodward C,Reddy G V,et al. Combined SHOOT MERISTEMLESS and WUSCHEL trigger ectopic organogenesis in Arabidopsis[J]. Development,2002,129(13):3207-3217.
[34]Veit B. Hormone mediated regulation of the shoot apical meristem[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2009,69(4):397-408.
[35]Kurakawa T,Ueda N,Maekawa M,et al. Direct control of shoot meristem activity by a cytokinin-activating enzyme[J]. Nature,2007,445(7128):652-655.
[36]Su Y H,Liu Y B,Zhang X S. Auxin-cytokinin interaction regulates meristem development[J]. Molecular Plant,2011,4(4):616-625.
[37]Bleckmann A,Simon R. Interdomain signaling in stem cell maintenance of plant shoot meristems[J]. Molecules and Cells,2009,27(6):615-620.
[38]Byrne M E,Simorowski J,Martienssen R A. ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 reveals knox gene redundancy in Arabidopsis[J]. Development,2002,129(8):1957-1965.
[39]Byrne M E,Barley R,Curtis M,et al. Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis[J]. Nature,2000,408(6815):967-971.
[21]Jung J H,Park C M. MIR166/165 genes exhibit dynamic expression patterns in regulating shoot apical meristem and floral development in Arabidopsis[J]. Planta,2007,225(6):1327-1338.
[22]Dodsworth S. A diverse and intricate signalling network regulates stem cell fate in the shoot apical meristem[J]. Developmental Biology,2009,336(1):1-9.
[23]Ohyama K,Shinohara H,Ogawa-Ohnishi M,et al. A glycopeptide regulating stem cell fate in Arabidopsis thaliana[J]. Nature Chemical Biology,2009,5(8):578-580.
[24]Miwa H,Kinoshita A,Fukuda H,et al. Plant meristems:CLAVATA3/ESR-related signaling in the shoot apical meristem and the root apical meristem[J]. Journal of Plant Research,2009,122(1):31-39.
[25]Sawa S,Kinoshita A,Betsuyaku S,et al. A large family of genes that share homology with CLE domain in Arabidopsis and rice[J]. Plant Signaling & Behavior,2008,3(5):337.
[26]Yamamoto E,Karakaya H C,Knap H T. Molecular characterization of two soybean homologs of Arabidopsis thaliana CLAVATA1 from the wild type and fasciation mutant[J]. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Structure and Expression,2000,1491(1):333-340.
[27]Reinhardt D,Frenz M,Mandel T,et al. Microsurgical and laser ablation analysis of interactions between the zones and layers of the tomato shoot apical meristem[J]. Development,2003,130(17):4073-4083.
[28]Stuurman J,Jggi F,Kuhlemeier C. Shoot meristem maintenance is controlled by a GRAS-gene mediated signal from differentiating cells[J]. Genes & Development,2002,16(17):2213-2218.
[29]Tan F C,Swain S M. Functional characterization of AP3,SOC1 and WUS homologues from citrus(Citrus sinensis)[J]. Physiologia Plantarum,2007,131(3):481-495.
[30]Nardmann J,Reisewitz P,Werr W. Discrete shoot and root stem cell-promoting WUS/WOX5 functions are an evolutionary innovation of angiosperms[J]. Molecular Biology and Evolution,2009,26(8):1745-1755.
[31]Hake S. The interaction of knotted1 and thick tassel dwarf1 in vegetative and reproductive meristems of maize[J]. Genetics,2009,181(4):1693-1697.
[32]Elise S,Etienne-Pascal J,de Fernanda C N,et al. The Medicago truncatula SUNN gene encodes a CLV1-like leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase that regulates nodule number and root length[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2005,58(6):809-822.
[33]Gallois J L,Woodward C,Reddy G V,et al. Combined SHOOT MERISTEMLESS and WUSCHEL trigger ectopic organogenesis in Arabidopsis[J]. Development,2002,129(13):3207-3217.
[34]Veit B. Hormone mediated regulation of the shoot apical meristem[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2009,69(4):397-408.
[35]Kurakawa T,Ueda N,Maekawa M,et al. Direct control of shoot meristem activity by a cytokinin-activating enzyme[J]. Nature,2007,445(7128):652-655.
[36]Su Y H,Liu Y B,Zhang X S. Auxin-cytokinin interaction regulates meristem development[J]. Molecular Plant,2011,4(4):616-625.
[37]Bleckmann A,Simon R. Interdomain signaling in stem cell maintenance of plant shoot meristems[J]. Molecules and Cells,2009,27(6):615-620.
[38]Byrne M E,Simorowski J,Martienssen R A. ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 reveals knox gene redundancy in Arabidopsis[J]. Development,2002,129(8):1957-1965.
[39]Byrne M E,Barley R,Curtis M,et al. Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis[J]. Nature,2000,408(6815):967-971.
[21]Jung J H,Park C M. MIR166/165 genes exhibit dynamic expression patterns in regulating shoot apical meristem and floral development in Arabidopsis[J]. Planta,2007,225(6):1327-1338.
[22]Dodsworth S. A diverse and intricate signalling network regulates stem cell fate in the shoot apical meristem[J]. Developmental Biology,2009,336(1):1-9.
[23]Ohyama K,Shinohara H,Ogawa-Ohnishi M,et al. A glycopeptide regulating stem cell fate in Arabidopsis thaliana[J]. Nature Chemical Biology,2009,5(8):578-580.
[24]Miwa H,Kinoshita A,Fukuda H,et al. Plant meristems:CLAVATA3/ESR-related signaling in the shoot apical meristem and the root apical meristem[J]. Journal of Plant Research,2009,122(1):31-39.
[25]Sawa S,Kinoshita A,Betsuyaku S,et al. A large family of genes that share homology with CLE domain in Arabidopsis and rice[J]. Plant Signaling & Behavior,2008,3(5):337.
[26]Yamamoto E,Karakaya H C,Knap H T. Molecular characterization of two soybean homologs of Arabidopsis thaliana CLAVATA1 from the wild type and fasciation mutant[J]. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Gene Structure and Expression,2000,1491(1):333-340.
[27]Reinhardt D,Frenz M,Mandel T,et al. Microsurgical and laser ablation analysis of interactions between the zones and layers of the tomato shoot apical meristem[J]. Development,2003,130(17):4073-4083.
[28]Stuurman J,Jggi F,Kuhlemeier C. Shoot meristem maintenance is controlled by a GRAS-gene mediated signal from differentiating cells[J]. Genes & Development,2002,16(17):2213-2218.
[29]Tan F C,Swain S M. Functional characterization of AP3,SOC1 and WUS homologues from citrus(Citrus sinensis)[J]. Physiologia Plantarum,2007,131(3):481-495.
[30]Nardmann J,Reisewitz P,Werr W. Discrete shoot and root stem cell-promoting WUS/WOX5 functions are an evolutionary innovation of angiosperms[J]. Molecular Biology and Evolution,2009,26(8):1745-1755.
[31]Hake S. The interaction of knotted1 and thick tassel dwarf1 in vegetative and reproductive meristems of maize[J]. Genetics,2009,181(4):1693-1697.
[32]Elise S,Etienne-Pascal J,de Fernanda C N,et al. The Medicago truncatula SUNN gene encodes a CLV1-like leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase that regulates nodule number and root length[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2005,58(6):809-822.
[33]Gallois J L,Woodward C,Reddy G V,et al. Combined SHOOT MERISTEMLESS and WUSCHEL trigger ectopic organogenesis in Arabidopsis[J]. Development,2002,129(13):3207-3217.
[34]Veit B. Hormone mediated regulation of the shoot apical meristem[J]. Plant Molecular Biology,2009,69(4):397-408.
[35]Kurakawa T,Ueda N,Maekawa M,et al. Direct control of shoot meristem activity by a cytokinin-activating enzyme[J]. Nature,2007,445(7128):652-655.
[36]Su Y H,Liu Y B,Zhang X S. Auxin-cytokinin interaction regulates meristem development[J]. Molecular Plant,2011,4(4):616-625.
[37]Bleckmann A,Simon R. Interdomain signaling in stem cell maintenance of plant shoot meristems[J]. Molecules and Cells,2009,27(6):615-620.
[38]Byrne M E,Simorowski J,Martienssen R A. ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 reveals knox gene redundancy in Arabidopsis[J]. Development,2002,129(8):1957-1965.
[39]Byrne M E,Barley R,Curtis M,et al. Asymmetric leaves1 mediates leaf patterning and stem cell function in Arabidopsis[J]. Nature,2000,408(6815):967-971.