The importance of Counselorsand Teachers’Collaboration in Ideological and Political Education

2014-10-21 03:03郑银凤
文艺生活·中旬刊 2014年10期


(西南交通大学,四川 成都 611756)

The importance of Counselors
and Teachers’Collaboration in Ideological and Political Education


(西南交通大学,四川 成都 611756)

Counselors and teachers play different roles in different positions in ideological and political Education.To enhance the relevance and effectiveness,collaboration of counselors and teachers should be strengthened.This will not only benefit students in their own development,but also achieve the combination of teaching and the ideological and political education.Meanwhile,it can broaden the research field.





The core of counselors’work is ideological and political Education.But due to the concept of education,educational goals and management system in college,in fact,all the things which is student-related should be the responsibility of them,such as the late, the early leaving and the skipping.Besides these,supervising physical examination,and urging the arrears of pay tuition are also included.

It is no exaggeration to say that in colleges and universities, counselors are both educators,managers,and guide,service provider. what’s more they can be the employment of their trainers,mental health counselors staff,and campus culture instructor.They also mediate disputes among students,check whether students attend class on time or their behavior in dormitory and so on.These work make counselors’work heavier and working range wider and wider.All of these leads them largely have little time and effort to carry out the ideological and political education,which is the counselors’own work.

On the other hand,there are one sided understanding in teaching for teachers to their own work.They failed to correctly understand the ideological and political education work.The vast majority of them only take care about the student's professional achievements,but little concern or even no concern about students' ideological and political quality.They think maybe the ideological and political education is counselors’duty,nothing to do with themselves .So they don’t interfere with the work of Counselors.Some teachers even take the view that their personal research and teaching is the most important.They think there is no relationship between students’personality and their own interests.

People's Republic of China Ministry of Education Order No.24 pointed out that“Counselors are the backbone of the ideological and political education,Counselors are the organizers,perpetrators and mentors of ideological and political education of college students and management of daily work.”①

They should“help students to develop good moral characters, talking with them frequently,guide them to develop good psychological quality and self-esteem,self-love,self-discipline, self-reliance of good character.Then enhance their abilities about overcoming difficulties,enduring test and bearing frustration. According to the characters an abilities,they should help the students to deal with some practical considerations,such as learning and success,choosing jobs and making friends,and healthy living,to improve their understanding and spiritual realm”②.These regulations are put forward for the role and specific duties of counselors in the ideological and political education.

CPC Central Committee and State Council on further strengthening and improving ideological and political education of the opinion pointed out that all courses have educational function,and all the teachers bear the responsibility of educating people in college school.All the teachers should take a highly responsible attitude to make examples.And through the good thought morals quality and personality to influence them imperceptibly.

Ideological and political education should be melted into all aspects in the professional learning of college.And we should penetrate it into the teaching,research and community service or the other aspects.Thoroughly excavating various courses of ideological and political education resources,and strengthen ideological and political education in the process of imparting knowledge are also important.Because these can consciously strengthen students’moral cultivation,and improve their political consciousness in the process of learning scientific and cultural knowledge.In addition,we must adhere to non-restricted area of academic research,discipline of lectures,strict discipline of education and teaching,strengthen teaching management.We firmly not allowed to scattered contrary to the Constitution and the Party's line,principles and policies of the erroneous views and comments in the classroom and textbooks."③This is their specific duties that the role of teacher in the ideological and political education of college students.While these documents do not explicitly put forward the policy that counselors and teachers should be collaborative in the process of ideological and political education,but the role of counselors and teachers should play havemade specific instructions in the process of ideological and political education.This makes“education”has been further strengthened, which is the common task of counselors and teachers.

In practice,we also found that the ideological and political education is a complex systems engineering in colleges and universities.System theory believes that the system is interconnected, organic whole composed of interaction various elements.If a good synergy among the various parts works,its overall function will be greater than the sum of the parts,or the opposite results will be occurred.

In this regard,Comrade Zemin’s conversations on education has brilliantly and rather profoundly expounded the significance of education,especially young people's ideological and political education. He clearly stated the idea of“education is a systematic project”,in which the education is not only the scientific and cultural knowledge in general education,but also refers to the ideological and political education.Therefore,for ideological and political education,any organizations and individuals are unable to bear the full content of ideological and political education,it needs to mobilize all the forces to work together.What’s more,this is the background of"Cooperative education"presenting.Cooperative education"is a new way of education.It is joints forces from all social institutions,which have impact on students,and educates them to improve the effectiveness,efficiency and effectiveness."④From the outside,for ideological and political education in college,collaborative education is joint with school, family,community.From the inside,It requires us to penetrate ideological and political education of college students into the entire process of education and teaching,and give full play to the ideological and political education of the main front,the main classroom,and the main channel.

In this process,teachers and counselors can make contact with maximum with students,so they should play their role in the ideological and political education.And synergy in the process to create join forces,especially they need to establish coordination mechanisms between counselors and teachers of ideological and political theory courses,and the coordination mechanisms between counselors and teacher.Because they are more in contact with the students,their thinking and behavior is influence more directly to them.Their ideological and political qualities and moral growth has an important guiding role for student's health.So we also need to establish a joint mechanism.

In this regard,Comrade Hu Jintao pointed out that“every university should earnestly shoulder the burdens to strengthen and improve the ideological and political education,establish the unified leadership of party committees,party and government make concerted efforts to educate people of all faculty full,all-round education,the whole process of educating people working mechanism.”

In particular,although counselors are developed in recent years, they play a key and organizational role in the ideological and political education.Their work can not be instead by teachers.At the same time,teachers also can not be instead by the counselors,because they contact with students most extensive and most closely,students can be effect easily.This enormous power can do ideological and political education work with professional teaching.

Therefore,in order to play the role of backbone effectively in the course of ideological and political education of college students,the counselors must coordinate with the teachers who have the most opportunities to communicate with students.Thus,the coordination between counselors and teachers seems necessary.More specifically,the collaboration has following meaning:

Firstly,strengthen the collaboration between counselors and teachers in the course of college ideological and political education, can help educators to broaden the research field of ideological and political education.In previous studies,the ideological and political education process,especially in the role of educators,we are more stressed what counselors should to do,and what teachers should to do separately,but rarely considered what should to do together.So,to study the counselors and teachers’collaboration,we can broaden the research field on ideological and political education.

Then,strengthen the collaboration between counselors and teachers in the ideological and political education is conducive to the organism combination between ideological and political education and specialized courses.If we permeate the ideological and political education theory into the courses,this“subtle”type of ideological and political education is also an important way to achieve the function of professional courses.

Besides,strengthen the collaboration between counselors and teachers in the course of college ideological and political education,is benefit to students in their own development.Contemporary college students do not understand themselves and society deeply,they are confused and fearful about the future with the uncertainty about the future.At this time,counselors are needed to do some daily ideological and political education and management.

At the same time,solid expertise generally,strong research capabilities,rich life experience,and more mature rational judgment are the characteristics that teachers possess.With these characteristics, they can combine the ideological education with the professional education students’development from the perspective of professional education to make guidance for them.

At last,strengthen the collaboration between counselors and teachers in the course of college ideological and political education, we can have highly individualized approaches to ideological and political education to the students.

As the main tasks of students is study,so many ideological problems are also reflected by learning problems.For example,students’professional thinking,the objectives of study,the attitude of study,the spirit of study and some other aspects in the learning process will emerge varieties of ideological problems.If counselors and teachers can collaborating with each other,playing their respective advantages, and analyzing the education problems which students reflected on learning,many problems can be solved easily.

Overall,counselors and teachers are playing different roles in different positions.They cooperate with each other,and give advice for students about their problems on study and life.By this way we can make ideological and political education of college students targeted and effective,and also enable the ideological and political edu-cation to get in-depth development.

★Project Source:This article is the 2013 Ministry of Education and Training instructor base (Southwest Jiaotong University)of research fund for the project“Research on Counselors and teachers on the ideological and political education of college students collaborative”(project number:13JDZD03)initial results.


①②People's Republic of China Ministry of Education Order No.24,http: //

③CPC Central Committee and State Council on further strengthening and improving ideological and political education of the opinion,http://www.people.

④Nan Guonong,Successful collaboration of the four pillars of education, Open Education Research,2006(05).

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