
2014-10-11 05:00韩波等
中国医学创新 2014年25期


【摘要】 目的:研究胃动素对大鼠下丘脑PVN神经元细胞电压依赖性钾电流的影响。方法:采用急性分离新生Wistar大鼠下丘脑细胞和全细胞膜片钳技术的方法,观察胃动素对大鼠下丘脑PVN神经元细胞电压依赖性钾电流的影响。结果:胃动素可抑制大鼠下丘脑PVN神经元电压依赖性钾电流,使电流由(5.406±0.86)nA降至(3.621±0.78)nA,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。步进电刺激下丘脑神经元,随着刺激电压强度的增强,钾外向电流增加,使电压-电流曲线(Ⅰ~Ⅴ曲线)右移,但不改变Ⅰ~Ⅴ曲线的形态。结论:胃动素可通过抑制大鼠下丘脑PVN神经元细胞电压依赖性钾电流,发挥其增强胃肠运动的作用。

【关键词】 胃动素; 下丘脑PVN细胞; 全细胞膜片钳技术; 电压依赖性钾电流

【Abstract】 Objective:To study the influence of motilin on the voltage-dependent K+ current of hypothalamic PVN neurons.Method:Patch clamp experiment:rat hypothalamic PVN neurons cells were acute dissociated and observed the influence of motilin on voltage-dependent K+ current of hypothalamic PVN neurons using whole-cell patch-clamp techniques.Result:Motilin could inhibit the voltage-dependent K+ current of rat hypothalamic PVN neurons.The current was decreased from (5.406±0.86)nA to (3.621±0.78)nA,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.05).Step electric stimulation of hypothalamic neurons,with stimulus voltage strength increased,outward potassium current increased,and the Ⅰ-Ⅴ curve shifted right,but the form of the Ⅰ-Ⅴ curve was not changed.Conclusion:Motilin can enhance the motility of gastrointestinal through inhibiting the voltage-dependent K+ current of hypothalamic PVN neurons.

【Key words】 Motilin; Hypothalamic PVN neurons; Whole-cell patch clamp; Voltage-dependent K+ current

First-authors address:The Peoples Hospital of Weicheng District in Weifang City,Weifang 261021,China




1 材料与方法

1.1 材料 新生1~3 d的Wistar大鼠7只,由潍坊医学院实验动物中心提供。胃动素(Sigma公司)、胰蛋白酶、蛋白酶(protease E)(solarblo公司),HEPES(sigma公司),其余均为国产分析纯。人工脑脊液(ACSF):NaCl 126 mmol/L,KCl 5 mmol/L,CaCl2 2 mmol/L,MgSO4

2 mmol/L,NaHCO3 5 mmol/L,NaH2PO4 1.5 mmol/L,endprint

Glucose 10 mmol/L(现配)。通95%O2+5%CO2混合氧,调节pH至7.4。标准细胞外液:NaCl 150 mmol/L,KCl 5 mmol/L,CaCl2 2 mmol/L,HEPES 10 mmol/L,D-Glucose 10 mmol/L,MaCl2 1 mmol/L,NaOH调节pH至7.4。电极内液:KCl 140 mmol/L,EGTA 10 mmol/L,HEPES

10 mmol/L,MaCl2 1 mmol/L,Na2ATP 4 mmol/L,用KOH调节pH至7.4。

1.2 细胞分离 根据Paxions-Watson图谱,运用酶解以及机械法消化大鼠下丘脑PVN神经元细胞。在0~4 ℃的孵育液中孵育后,取出组织,在ACSF中剪成约

1 cm3的组织块,室温静置30 min。在含0.05%胰酶的缓冲液中于32 ℃通氧消化30 min,冲洗两遍,将组织块置于含0.05%蛋白酶E的缓冲液中进行二次消化。弃去消化液,放置在含2 mL细胞外液的35 mm的培养皿中,轻轻吹打成细胞悬液,静置20 min待细胞贴壁后,即可进行膜片钳记录。为了阻断Ca2+和Na+通道,实验开始前加入CdCl2(200 ?M)和TTX(1.2 ?M)。

1.3 全细胞膜片钳记录 玻璃微电极由微电极拉制仪(PP-83,Narishige,Japan)分两步拉制,尖端直径为1~2 μm,充灌内液后电极阻抗为2~4 MΩ。运用EPC9膜片钳放大器(HEKA,Germany)进行全细胞模式的电压钳记录,当电极入液后加负压破膜,使电极内液与细胞内液相通,形成全细胞记录模式,待破膜稳定后补偿慢电容(Cs)以及局部串联电阻(Rs),随即开始进行记录,刺激频率为1 KHz,采集频率为2 KHz。实验过程中Rs<25 MΩ且电流稳定的数据被看作有效数据。所有实验均在20~25 ℃室温下进行。

1.4 给药方法 采用微量注射器快速给药(胃动素最终浓度为10-6 mol/L),观察给药前后下丘脑PVN神经元细胞电压依赖性钾电流的变化和电流-电压曲线(Ⅰ~Ⅴ曲线)的改变。每次给药实验结束后经灌流冲洗1 min再行下次加药观察。

1.5 统计学处理 所有数据结果分析均在HEKA Pulsefit 8.5和Origin 6.0软件上完成,计量资料用(x±s)表示,比较采用t检验,计数资料采用 字2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。

2 结果

2.1 胃动素对下丘脑PVN神经元细胞电压依赖性钾电流峰值的影响 待急性分离的细胞贴壁后,使用ACSF灌流冲洗,洗去未贴壁的细胞,镜下观察选取胞膜完整清晰,立体感强的细胞进行操作。在钳制电压-80 mV、刺激电压(Vt)30 mV条件下,记录给药前后下丘脑神经元细胞电压依赖性钾电流的改变。结果显示,给予胃动素(终浓度10-6 mol/L)2~3 min后,电刺激下丘脑神经元细胞,钾外向峰值电流明显降低,峰值电流由(5.406±0.86)nA降至(3.621±0.78)nA,降低了(24.01±6.39)%(P<0.05),见图1。

3 讨论





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[3] Konturek P C,Brzozowski T,Konturek S J.Gut clock:implication of circadian rhythms in the gastrointestinal tract[J].J Physiol Pharmacol,2011,62(2):139-150.

[4] Bray G A,Fisler J,York D A.Neuroendocrine control of the development of obesity:understanding gained from studies of experimental animal models[J].Front Neuroendocrinol,1990,11(1):128-181.

[5] Xu L,Gao S,Guo F,et al.Effect of motilin on gastric distension sensitive neurons in arcuate nucleus and gastric motility in rat[J].Neurogastroenterol Motil,2011,23(3):265-270.

[6] Lawrence C B,Snape A C,Baudoin F M,et al.Acute central ghrelin and GH secretagogues induce feeding and activate brain appetite centers[J].Endocrinology,2002,143(1):155-162.

[7] Fujitsuka N,Asakawa A,Amitani H,et al.Ghrelin and gastrointestinal movement[J].Methods Enzymol,2012,514(1):289-301.

[8] Boivin M,Raymond M,Riberdy L,et al.Plasma motilin variation during the interdigestive and digestive states in man[J].J Gastr Mot,1990,1(2):240-246.

[9] Jacobowitz D M,ODonohue T L,Chey WY,et al.Mapping of motiln immunoreactive neurons of the rat brain[J].Poptides,1981,2(4):479-487.

[10] Fujitsuka N,Asakawa A,Amitani H,et al.Ghrelin and gastrointestinal movement[J].Methods Enzymol,2012,514(1):289-301.

[11] Yan C L,Wang S B,Jiang Z Y.The effect of motilin in PVN of hypothalamus on the gastric motility[J].Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology,2002,18(4):317-320.


[13] Tang M,Zhang H Y,Jiang Z Y,et al.Effect of central administration of motilin on the activity of gastric-related neurons in brain stem and gastric motility of rats[J].Journal of Physiology,2000,52(5):416-420.


[15] Deortere I,Van Assdhe G,Peeters T L.Distribution and subcellular localization of motilin binding sites in the rabbit brain[J].Brain Res,1997,777(1-2):103-109.

[16] Guo F,Xu L,Sun X,et al.The paraventricular nucleus modulates thyroidal motilin release and rat gastric motility[J].J Neuroendocrinol,2011,23(9):767-77.

(收稿日期:2014-02-27) (本文编辑:欧丽)endprint

[2] Cuomo R,DAlessandro A,Andreozzi P,et al.Gastrointestinal regulation of food intake:do gut motility,enteric nerves and entero-hormones play together?[J].Minerva Endocrinol,2011,36(4):281-293.

[3] Konturek P C,Brzozowski T,Konturek S J.Gut clock:implication of circadian rhythms in the gastrointestinal tract[J].J Physiol Pharmacol,2011,62(2):139-150.

[4] Bray G A,Fisler J,York D A.Neuroendocrine control of the development of obesity:understanding gained from studies of experimental animal models[J].Front Neuroendocrinol,1990,11(1):128-181.

[5] Xu L,Gao S,Guo F,et al.Effect of motilin on gastric distension sensitive neurons in arcuate nucleus and gastric motility in rat[J].Neurogastroenterol Motil,2011,23(3):265-270.

[6] Lawrence C B,Snape A C,Baudoin F M,et al.Acute central ghrelin and GH secretagogues induce feeding and activate brain appetite centers[J].Endocrinology,2002,143(1):155-162.

[7] Fujitsuka N,Asakawa A,Amitani H,et al.Ghrelin and gastrointestinal movement[J].Methods Enzymol,2012,514(1):289-301.

[8] Boivin M,Raymond M,Riberdy L,et al.Plasma motilin variation during the interdigestive and digestive states in man[J].J Gastr Mot,1990,1(2):240-246.

[9] Jacobowitz D M,ODonohue T L,Chey WY,et al.Mapping of motiln immunoreactive neurons of the rat brain[J].Poptides,1981,2(4):479-487.

[10] Fujitsuka N,Asakawa A,Amitani H,et al.Ghrelin and gastrointestinal movement[J].Methods Enzymol,2012,514(1):289-301.

[11] Yan C L,Wang S B,Jiang Z Y.The effect of motilin in PVN of hypothalamus on the gastric motility[J].Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology,2002,18(4):317-320.


[13] Tang M,Zhang H Y,Jiang Z Y,et al.Effect of central administration of motilin on the activity of gastric-related neurons in brain stem and gastric motility of rats[J].Journal of Physiology,2000,52(5):416-420.


[15] Deortere I,Van Assdhe G,Peeters T L.Distribution and subcellular localization of motilin binding sites in the rabbit brain[J].Brain Res,1997,777(1-2):103-109.

[16] Guo F,Xu L,Sun X,et al.The paraventricular nucleus modulates thyroidal motilin release and rat gastric motility[J].J Neuroendocrinol,2011,23(9):767-77.

(收稿日期:2014-02-27) (本文编辑:欧丽)endprint

[2] Cuomo R,DAlessandro A,Andreozzi P,et al.Gastrointestinal regulation of food intake:do gut motility,enteric nerves and entero-hormones play together?[J].Minerva Endocrinol,2011,36(4):281-293.

[3] Konturek P C,Brzozowski T,Konturek S J.Gut clock:implication of circadian rhythms in the gastrointestinal tract[J].J Physiol Pharmacol,2011,62(2):139-150.

[4] Bray G A,Fisler J,York D A.Neuroendocrine control of the development of obesity:understanding gained from studies of experimental animal models[J].Front Neuroendocrinol,1990,11(1):128-181.

[5] Xu L,Gao S,Guo F,et al.Effect of motilin on gastric distension sensitive neurons in arcuate nucleus and gastric motility in rat[J].Neurogastroenterol Motil,2011,23(3):265-270.

[6] Lawrence C B,Snape A C,Baudoin F M,et al.Acute central ghrelin and GH secretagogues induce feeding and activate brain appetite centers[J].Endocrinology,2002,143(1):155-162.

[7] Fujitsuka N,Asakawa A,Amitani H,et al.Ghrelin and gastrointestinal movement[J].Methods Enzymol,2012,514(1):289-301.

[8] Boivin M,Raymond M,Riberdy L,et al.Plasma motilin variation during the interdigestive and digestive states in man[J].J Gastr Mot,1990,1(2):240-246.

[9] Jacobowitz D M,ODonohue T L,Chey WY,et al.Mapping of motiln immunoreactive neurons of the rat brain[J].Poptides,1981,2(4):479-487.

[10] Fujitsuka N,Asakawa A,Amitani H,et al.Ghrelin and gastrointestinal movement[J].Methods Enzymol,2012,514(1):289-301.

[11] Yan C L,Wang S B,Jiang Z Y.The effect of motilin in PVN of hypothalamus on the gastric motility[J].Chinese Journal of Applied Physiology,2002,18(4):317-320.


[13] Tang M,Zhang H Y,Jiang Z Y,et al.Effect of central administration of motilin on the activity of gastric-related neurons in brain stem and gastric motility of rats[J].Journal of Physiology,2000,52(5):416-420.


[15] Deortere I,Van Assdhe G,Peeters T L.Distribution and subcellular localization of motilin binding sites in the rabbit brain[J].Brain Res,1997,777(1-2):103-109.

[16] Guo F,Xu L,Sun X,et al.The paraventricular nucleus modulates thyroidal motilin release and rat gastric motility[J].J Neuroendocrinol,2011,23(9):767-77.

(收稿日期:2014-02-27) (本文编辑:欧丽)endprint
