
2014-10-10 01:35:12王双九
经济研究导刊 2014年22期


摘 要:中国进入世界贸易组织以后,国外将逐步降低对中国设置的贸易壁垒的门槛,进口许可及进口配额等传统的非贸易壁垒也会有所减少,但这并不是说中国的商品就能在国际市场上顺利流通。实际上以技术为中心的新型贸易壁垒正在增加,并将会成为阻碍中国未来国际贸易的最大障碍。而中国缺乏对这一新型贸易壁垒体系的理解,因此当前了解新贸易壁垒的内容意义重大,它有助于中国采取及时、恰当的措施解决新贸易壁垒带来的问题,以适应中国国际贸易的可持续发展。


中图分类号:F74 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-291X(2014)22-0246-02

1.The concept of new trade barriers

The so-called new trade barriers,as opposed to traditional trade barriers,refer to new non-tariff barriers that are at the core of the technical barriers,including green barriers and social barriers and impeding the free flow of international commodities.Traditional trade barriers mean both tariff barriers and traditional non-tariff barriers,such as high tariffs,quotas,licensing,anti-dumping and countervailing.The fundamental characteristics between traditional trade barriers and new trade barriers are that the former restricts mainly from the volume and price of the commodity,embodying more in the goods and commercial interests,while the latter tends to focus on things outside the volume and price of commodities and commercial interests,considering more about human health,safety and environmental impacts and embodying more in social and environmental interests.So if our country wants to avoid the new trade barriers,it must concern more about all kinds of products standards of health,safety and environment.

2.Countermeasures from our government

2.1 Establishing the sustainable development strategy

The sustainable development strategy has become a basic strategy in our country.So the export trade must comply with this strategy.According to the requirements of this strategy,the Foreign Trade Department should also establish the sustainable development strategy of export and the evaluation and quotas system of the sustainable development,encourage to export the products that are good for environment and support them with credits,establish some demonstrating sections in the developing district along the sea and set some typical examples for demonstrating some enterprises contribution to the sustainable development.

2.2 Establishing unified and normative system of authentications

Though most of authentications are unconstrained,they are now playing a more and more important role in international trades.Product authentication,management system authentication and environment authentication are the green lights by which enterprises can enter the international markets.And the reason why so many Chinese products can not enter the international markets is the lack of these authentications.So our government must found the unified and normative authentication system and mutual recognized mechanism both home and abroad.Mutual recognized authentication can eliminate the new trade barriers best.

2.3Establishing the warning mechanism of new trade barriers

Establishing the warning mechanism is very significant for our foreign trades healthy development,because the international organization for standardization (ISO),each government and their organizations for standardization often mend their technical rules and standards.If an enterprise can not get relevant information smoothly and follow the changed rules and standards to produce the goods,when they export,they may meet the trade barrier.So suggest that some departments of government should found the warning mechanism of new trade barriers as soon as possible and establish the information center and database of foreign new trade barriers,meanwhile,study carefully the effect of new trade barriers on our main exports and take timely measures to deal with them,and create nicer export environment for our country.On the side of capturing the information about foreign new trade barriers,each member in WTO and other organizations like the trade counselor should be utilized to get some related information on technical standards and rules.Our country also can found some databases and websites to offer more services for the enterprises.

2.4 Utilizing some trade medium organizations like the guild and the chamber of commerce

Because the function of the guild and the chamber of commerce is not sometimes substituted by the government and enterprises,they should build up the service concept for enterprises and take active actions in dealing with the new trade barriers.

2.5 Enhancing the work of publicizing and popularizing the knowledge of new trade barriers

Many enterprises still have not a clear knowledge of new trade barriers now,so our country should strengthen the research into new trade barriers,the training of talents and the publicity of the knowledge of new trade barriers.Let export enterprises pay more and more attention to the new trade barriers and take active measures to solve them.

3.Countermeasures from enterprises

3.1The export enterprises should implement the strategy of sustainable development

Enterprises can improve the skill level and the work condition of staff and stress on environmental protection,so that they not only save the materials and improve the efficiency of work,but also will increase the enterprises competition from all-round sides and radically break through new trade barriers

3.2 Enterprises should improve the level of enterprise management and the cost of environment protection

The enterprises organization structure,strategy management and operation management must adapt the requirement of both the era of science and technology and the era of environment protection.Enterprises should integrate the management standards of ISO9000 and ISO1400 with the enterprises actual situation so as to create a special method of management that is fit for the enterprises themselves.

Enterprises also can set up some environment protection organizations,train a group of skilled personnel,and explore and develop green products to enhance green marketing.Green management is a good way for enterprises to win the competition in products environment protection.

3.3 Export products from our country should apply for and obtain some authentications

Export enterprises should get authentications of environment symbol,security standard,sanitation standard or social accountability that export markets need,and especially pay attention to the import countries requirement of product authentications.The enterprises must supply their products according to the importers requirement.Because of the nonconformity of some authentications of our countries enterprises,they bear a heavy loss.

3.4 Enterprises should know their competitors better

Enterprises should collect some information from other enterprises and find the problems in time and take steps to solve them.Our country has a saying:Know the enemy and know yourself,and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.So enterprises on one hand improve your own skills and on another hand should keep an eye on other enterprises.If so,the enterprises can keep up with or surpass others.

3.5 Enterprises should popularize the knowledge of new trade barriers among the staff

Workers play an important role in producing,processing,packaging and delivering the products.So if workers know have a clear knowledge of new trade barriers,they can pay more attention to them during their work.Then the qualities of products are better.Meanwhile,enterprises managers should care about their workers and their health.This is an indirect effect on enterprises product qualities.


[1] 王关富.国际经济导论[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2002.

[2] 王沅沅.国际贸易实务[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2002.

[3] 华广敏.后危机时代新贸易保护主义的特征和中国的应对策略[J].商业时代,2011,(7).

Abstract:After Chinas entry into the WTO,foreign countries will continue to gradually lower the threshold of tariff barriers and import licensing,import quotas and other traditional non-tariff barriers to our country exports.But that does not mean that Chinese goods in the international market can flow smoothly.Indeed new trade barriers at the core of technology are increasing,and will become the greatest obstacle to the future development of Chinas foreign trade.Our country still lacks the understanding of the system.Therefore,it is very significant to understand the content of new trade barriers so as to take measures to solve them for the sustainable development of Chinas foreign trade.

Key words:measure;sustainable development;new trade barriers;standards

[责任编辑 王晓燕]

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