达林泰 长龄 鄂丽华等
[摘 要] 目的:通过解析组织学分化度浸润模式(Mode of invasion, Y-K分类)与临床病理学参数之间关联,探索舌鳞状细胞癌最重要的淋巴结转移相关因子。方法:选择舌鳞状细胞癌75例手术切除标本进行Hematoxylin-Eosin (H-E)染色,解析其分化度(WHO分类)和浸润模式与其它临床病例参数之间的关系。结果:分化度与性别(P<0.039)和肿瘤浸润模式相关(P<0.012),而与年龄、临床分期和淋巴结转移无相关。肿瘤浸润模式与分化度(P<0.025)和淋巴结转移(P<0.011)相关,与性别、年龄、临床分期无相关。在68例临床分期Ⅰ和Ⅱ期病例中,淋巴结转移与肿瘤浸润模式有显著性差异(P<0.018),与其它临床病理因子无相关。结论:本研究提示对于舌鳞状细胞癌个例,浸润模式具有预测淋巴结转移的潜在可能,即从术前病理的浸润模式来判断肿瘤的恶性程度。
[关键词] 浸润模式(Y-K分类);舌鳞状细胞癌;淋巴结转移
中图分类号:R749.86 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2095-5200(2014)05-033-05
[Abstract] Objective: To investigate the most important metastatic and prognostic factor in squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the tongue by means of analyzing the relationship between histologic grading of mode of invasion and other clinicopathological parameters. Methods: A total of 75 cases with SCCs of the tongue were studied by histological method with Hematoxylin-Eosin (H-E) stained. Relationship between differentiation (WHO grading) and mode of invasion (Y-K grading) with other clinicopathological parameters was analyzed. Results: Differentiation has correlation with gender and mode of invasion, but it has no correlation with age, clinical stage and lymph node metastasis. The mode of invasion was associated with lymph node metastasis (P<0.011) and differentiation (P<0.025), but it was not correlated with gender, age and clinical stage. Among 68 cases with SCC of the tongue in stage Ⅰ and Ⅱ, there were significant difference (P<0.018) between mode of invasion and lymph node metastasis and but it was not associated with other parameters. Conclusion: This study indicates that the mode of invasion is a useful factor in predicting cervical lymph node metastasis and prognosis in SCC of the tongue. The application of diagnosis by the mode of invasion before surgery in the treatment of tongue SCC.
[Key words] Mode of invasion (Y-K grad);Tongue squamous cell carcinoma;Lymph node metastasis
舌鳞状细胞癌是口腔颌面部常见恶性肿瘤,淋巴结转移率较高,约20%~50%[1-3],淋巴结转移是最重要的预后影响因子[4]。近年来分子生物学领域的口腔癌基础研究已获得了显著成绩,但由于癌症的发生发展过程非常复杂,目前病理组织学仍是所有临床诊断与实验研究的基础。若根据口腔癌患者初诊时组织病理学表现,客观地判断其组织学恶性度,预测肿瘤的生物学特性以及预后,将对口腔癌个体化诊断与治疗具有重大意义。口腔癌的组织学恶性度的经典评价方法有Jakobsson分类、Willen分类、Annerroth分类和浸润模式(mode of invasion,Y-K分类)等。浸润模式是采取Jakobsson分类所属浸润模式精髓,在临床实践中改进而形成的一种实用性较强的组织学恶性度评价法,它以肿瘤浸润前沿(invasive front)形态为焦点,根据肿瘤浸润前沿癌细胞的浸润形态来评价组织学恶性度。近来逐渐证实浸润模式与口腔癌淋巴结转移与预后有密切相关。本研究以75例舌鳞状细胞癌病例为研究对象,解析浸润模式与其它临床病理参数之间的关联,探索舌鳞状细胞癌淋巴结转移最重要的关联因子。
1 材料和方法
1.1 临床资料
1.2 研究方法
取舌癌手术切除标本,多聚甲醛固定石蜡包埋,在最大肿瘤切断面,4mm切片,Hematoxylin-Eosin (H-E)染色,进行舌癌浸润模式(Y-K分类)诊断,分析其与患者性别、年龄、临床分期、分化度(WHO分类)以及淋巴结转移等临床病理学参数之间的关系。
1.3 统计学处理
2 结果
2.1 舌鳞状细胞癌组织病理学分析结果
全舌癌病例应用“(WHO)International histological classification of tumours, No4, histological typing of oral and oropharyngeal tumours, Geneva, 1971”的诊断标准进行病理学分化度诊断,其结果如表1所示:75例舌鳞状细胞癌中高分化31(42%)例,中分化37(49%)例,低分化7(9%)例。
应用“Histological grading of mode of invasion (Yamamoto & Kohama 1983) ”(图1)进行肿瘤浸润模式(Y-K分类)诊断,结果如表1所示,在 75例舌鳞状细胞癌中浸润模式1型3(4%)例、2型17(23%)例、3型34(45%)例、4C型20(27%)例,4D型1(1%)例(图2)。
2.2 WHO分化度、肿瘤浸润模式(Y-K分类)与临床病理学参数之间的关联
3 讨论
1983年日本学者Yamamoto和Kohama把癌浸润前沿(borderline)的浸润模式因子作为焦点,从Jakopsson分类[8]中采取了精髓,形成浸润模式(Y-K分类, Mode of invasion)。该分类把最弱的癌浸润像为浸润模式1型(YK-1);最强的浸润像作为4型(YK-4),并且把4型分成条索样浸润的4C型和弥漫状浸润的4D型。如图1所示,浸润模式分类的鉴别要点,1型:肿瘤浸润前沿(borderline)界限明确; 2型(YK-2):肿瘤浸润前沿轻度杂乱;3型(YK-3):肿瘤浸润前沿界限不明确,呈现大小不同的肿瘤细胞团块;4C型:又称条索状浸润型,肿瘤前缘界限不明确,肿瘤细胞呈条索状浸润;4D型:又称弥散状浸润型,肿瘤前缘界限不明确,肿瘤细胞呈弥散状浸润。口腔癌的浸润模式相当于消化道癌(食道癌、胃癌、大肠癌)的浸润增殖模式(INF: NFa, INFb, INFc),YK-1是口腔癌特有的高分化鳞状细胞癌分型,YK-2相当于NFa,YK-3相当于INFb,YK-4相当于INFc。Yamamoto等最初报道,在口腔癌多个临床参数与浸润模式有相关,预后、淋巴结转移、局部复发等发生于浸润模式4型病例远多于1、2和3型[12]。在舌癌方面,以往也有报道浸润模式与个别临床病理参数之间有相关[13]。
近年来有很多口腔癌浸润模式与分子生物学领域的癌浸润、转移、预后的相关报道,在口腔鳞状细胞癌中细胞粘接因子β-catenin和E-cadherin表达与其浸润模式呈负相关关系[19],肿瘤抑制因子Maspin(Mammary Serine Protease Inhibitor)表达与预后呈正相关关系[20-21],与浸润程度呈负相关关系[22]。作者也曾经发表过浸润模式与Cellular inhibitor-of-apoptosis protein 1 (cIAP-1)呈正相关关系[23]。
关于浸润模式(Y-K分类)与淋巴结转移率以及预后的关系,Yamamoto等进行了一系列研究,其结果显示浸润模式1、2型的初次转移率为5%左右,而3型为26.7%,4C型为 61.1%,4D型为75%;在回顾性研究中,后期转移率4C型为 45.5%,4D型为100%[16-18]。本研究结果证实,浸润模式4型和3型的淋巴结转移率明显高于2型和1型,具有统计学意义。另一方,分化度与淋巴结转移和临床分期无相关。
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[13] Yamamoto E, Sunakawa H, Kohama G. Clinical course of diffuse invasive carcinoma of the tongue excised after Bleomycin treatment[J].J Maxillofac Surg,1983,11:269-274.
[14] Hiratsuka H, Miyakawa A, Nakamori K, et al. Multivariate analysis of occult lymph node metastasis as a prognostic indicatorfor patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral Cavity[J].Cancer,1997,80:351-356.
[15] Kurokawa H, Yamashita Y, Takeda S, et al. Risk factors for late cervical lymph node metastases in patients with stage I or II carcinoma of the tongue[J]. Head Neck,2002,24:731-736.
[16] Yamamoto E, Miyakawa A., et al. Mode of invasion and metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral carvity[J].Head Neck Surg,1984,6:938-947.
[17] Yamamoto E, Miyakawa A., et al. 口腔粘膜癌切除後の後発転移に関する検討[J].癌の臨床,1989,35:815-824.
[18] Yamamoto E , Kawashiri S, Kato K, et al.Biological characteristics of the most invasive squamous cell carcinoma (Grade 4D) of the oral carvity[J].Journal of Japan Society for Oral Tumors,2009,21(3):131-169.
[19] Kitahara H, Kawashiri S., et al. Immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and β-catenin correlates with the invasion, metastasis and prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma[J].Oral Surg,2008,(1):28-34.
[20] Iezzi G, Plattelli A.,et al. Maspin expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma[J]. J Craniofac Surg,2007,18: 1039-1043.
[21] Marioni G, Gaio E., et al. MASPIN subcellular localization and expression in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma[J]. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol[J].2008,265:97-104.
[22] Yoshizawa K, Nozaki S., et al. Loss of maspin is a negative prognostic factor for invasive and metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma[J]. J Oral Pathol Med, 2009,38:535-539.
[23] S. Qi, S. Mogi, H. Tsuda, et al. Expression of cIAP-1 Correlates with Nodal Metastasisin Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue[J]. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2008,37: 1047-1053.
[24] Kawashiri S, Tanaka A., et al. Significance of stromal desmoplasia and myofibroblast appearance at the invasive front in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity[J].Head Neck.2009,31(10):1346-1353.
[25] 宮田就弘,口腔扁平上皮癌における自己分泌型運動促進因子発現に関する研究第1報:各細胞株の運動能及び浸潤の検討[J].金大十全医学誌,2002,111:106-113.
[26] 原田博紀,熊本茂宏.ヒト扁平上皮癌細胞の浸潤様式に関与する運動促進因子の解析[J].口腔組織培養学会雑誌,1997,6:17-28.
[27] Kawashiri S, Kojima k, et al., Effect of chemotherapy on invasive and metastasis of oral cavity cancer in mice[J].Head Neck,2001,23:764-771.
[28] Oguchi N, Kawashiri S, et al., Effect of fibroblast growth inhibitor on proliferation and metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma[J]. Oral Onclo,2003, 39:240-247.endprint
[13] Yamamoto E, Sunakawa H, Kohama G. Clinical course of diffuse invasive carcinoma of the tongue excised after Bleomycin treatment[J].J Maxillofac Surg,1983,11:269-274.
[14] Hiratsuka H, Miyakawa A, Nakamori K, et al. Multivariate analysis of occult lymph node metastasis as a prognostic indicatorfor patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral Cavity[J].Cancer,1997,80:351-356.
[15] Kurokawa H, Yamashita Y, Takeda S, et al. Risk factors for late cervical lymph node metastases in patients with stage I or II carcinoma of the tongue[J]. Head Neck,2002,24:731-736.
[16] Yamamoto E, Miyakawa A., et al. Mode of invasion and metastasis in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral carvity[J].Head Neck Surg,1984,6:938-947.
[17] Yamamoto E, Miyakawa A., et al. 口腔粘膜癌切除後の後発転移に関する検討[J].癌の臨床,1989,35:815-824.
[18] Yamamoto E , Kawashiri S, Kato K, et al.Biological characteristics of the most invasive squamous cell carcinoma (Grade 4D) of the oral carvity[J].Journal of Japan Society for Oral Tumors,2009,21(3):131-169.
[19] Kitahara H, Kawashiri S., et al. Immunohistochemical expression of E-cadherin and β-catenin correlates with the invasion, metastasis and prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma[J].Oral Surg,2008,(1):28-34.
[20] Iezzi G, Plattelli A.,et al. Maspin expression in oral squamous cell carcinoma[J]. J Craniofac Surg,2007,18: 1039-1043.
[21] Marioni G, Gaio E., et al. MASPIN subcellular localization and expression in oral cavity squamous cell carcinoma[J]. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol[J].2008,265:97-104.
[22] Yoshizawa K, Nozaki S., et al. Loss of maspin is a negative prognostic factor for invasive and metastasis in oral squamous cell carcinoma[J]. J Oral Pathol Med, 2009,38:535-539.
[23] S. Qi, S. Mogi, H. Tsuda, et al. Expression of cIAP-1 Correlates with Nodal Metastasisin Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Tongue[J]. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg, 2008,37: 1047-1053.
[24] Kawashiri S, Tanaka A., et al. Significance of stromal desmoplasia and myofibroblast appearance at the invasive front in squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity[J].Head Neck.2009,31(10):1346-1353.
[25] 宮田就弘,口腔扁平上皮癌における自己分泌型運動促進因子発現に関する研究第1報:各細胞株の運動能及び浸潤の検討[J].金大十全医学誌,2002,111:106-113.
[26] 原田博紀,熊本茂宏.ヒト扁平上皮癌細胞の浸潤様式に関与する運動促進因子の解析[J].口腔組織培養学会雑誌,1997,6:17-28.
[27] Kawashiri S, Kojima k, et al., Effect of chemotherapy on invasive and metastasis of oral cavity cancer in mice[J].Head Neck,2001,23:764-771.
[28] Oguchi N, Kawashiri S, et al., Effect of fibroblast growth inhibitor on proliferation and metastasis of oral squamous cell carcinoma[J]. Oral Onclo,2003, 39:240-247.endprint