[摘要] 目的 评价Providence夜用型支具治疗青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(AIS)的临床效果。 方法 选取采用Providence夜用型支具治疗的19例AIS女性患者为P组,采用Boston全天佩戴型支具治疗19例的AIS患者为B组,随访18个月,每6个月复查1次,去除支具摄站立位全脊柱正侧位X线片。 结果 P组治疗前后Cobb角分别为(29.8±4.1)°和(18.5±2.1)°,B组治疗前后Cobb角分别为(30.5±4.0)°和(20.1±2.3)°,两组治疗前后的Cobb角比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。P组与B组的矫正率分别为37.9%和34.1%,两组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。P组的依从性、合并症、心理状况和社会适应情况均优于B组。 结论 Providence夜用型支具治疗Cobb角<35°的腰段、胸腰段的AIS可取得满意效果,依从性好,正确的临床应用能有效避免手术治疗。
[关键词] Providence夜用型支具;支具治疗;青少年特发性脊柱侧凸
[中图分类号] R454[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)06(b)-0026-03
Effective analysis of Providence night brace in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
ZHAO Zi-ping LAN Hai-feng FENG jian-zhong WANG Zhi-guo WU Dong-dong
Department of Orthopedics,Liwan Hospital of Guangzhou Medical College,Guangzhou510170,China
[Abstract] Objective To evaluate clinical effect of Providence night brace in the treatement of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis. Methods 19 cases of female patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis treated with Providence nighttime brace were selected as group P,19 cases of matched patients treated with the Boston full-time brace were selected as group B.All cases were followed-up for 18 months.At every visit per six months,patients were taken the standing X radiographs of the spine without the brace. Results The average Cobb angle of group P was(29.8±4.1)° and(18.5±2.1)° before and after treatment respectively,the average Cobb angle of group B was (30.5±4.0)° and (20.1±2.3)° before and after treatment respectively.Cobb angle in two groups before and after treatment was compared,with statistical difference(P<0.05).The corrective rate of group P and group B was 37.9% and 34.1% respectively,with no statistical difference(P>0.05).Compliance,complication,mental health and social adaptation in group P was better than that in group B. Conclusion Providence night brace in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with curves less than 35° in lumbar and thoracolumbar cases,it has good compliance and the correct clinical application can effectively avoid the operation treatment.
[Key words] Providence night brace;Brace treatment;Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis
支具治疗是唯一能够有效防止青少年特发性脊柱侧凸(adolescent idiopathic scoliosis,AIS)进展的非手术方法[1],但依从性差是目前传统全天佩戴型支具治疗AIS公认的难题。为了减少治疗中的负面因素,目前已经发展了低轮廓支具和间断佩戴型支具,但是依从性差仍是传统支具佩戴过程中常见的问题。到目前为止,使用夜用型支具是解决这一问题的好办法。有研究表明,Providence夜用型支具能有效矫正Cobb角<35°的腰段及胸腰段的AIS,同时其依从性明显好于传统支具,目前已成功应用于临床[2],但在国内尚未普及应用,相关报道亦很少。本研究选取使用Providence夜用型支具治疗AIS女性患儿19例为研究对象,因为Boston支具应用多年[3],疗效肯定,故选用Boston支具治疗19例患儿作为对比,随访18个月,观察和比较治疗效果。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
初次佩戴合适后,对患者进行支具佩戴知识的健康教育,让患者每天坚持0:00~2:00平卧位佩戴支具(最少2 h),6周后检查舒适性。让对照组患者佩戴Boston支具,23 h/d。所有患者均门诊随诊,每6个月复诊1次,如果过程中出现生长发育导致支具不合适,重新设计制作一个新的支具;每次随访,均取下支具拍摄全脊柱正侧位片,同时观察患者的依从性、佩戴区域皮肤情况、脊柱畸形矫正情况、患者心理状况和社会适应情况等。支具持续佩戴至生长发育停止及Risser征4度以上,如果侧凸进展>5°或患儿实施手术则视为治疗失败。随访时间为18个月。
1.3 统计学处理
采用SPSS 10.0统计软件对数据进行分析和处理,计量资料以x±s表示,采用t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 两组治疗前后Cobb角的比较
2.2 两组的X线片情况
2.3 两组的支具佩戴及并发症情况
P组患儿均能按要求佩戴>2.0 h/d,B组患儿的佩戴时间均未达到要求的23.0 h/d,平均佩戴时间为16.1 h/d;P组患儿未出现皮肤并发症,B组患儿有2例出现局部压迫过紧引起皮肤红肿水泡,调整后消失;治疗期间心理调查问卷P组患儿治疗期间未出现心理问题,能配合治疗,B组患者有13例(68%)诉心理压力大,对佩戴支具产生抗拒。
3 讨论
特发性脊柱侧弯是最常见的结构性脊柱侧弯,其中约80%为AIS,发病率为0.75%~3.00%[4-7]。支具治疗是治疗AIS的重要方法,能矫正轻中度的脊柱侧凸,改变脊柱侧凸的自然发展历史[4]。有研究证实,全天型和间断型支具治疗可有效控制脊椎侧弯,但是治疗效果取决于佩戴的依从性[3,8-10],由于不能长时间监督患儿佩戴支具,所以患儿依从性低,治疗效果不能达到最佳。据美国脊柱学会统计仅为20%,部分医院发现,如果处方要求每天穿戴矫形支具23 h,患者实际上每天穿戴不到16 h,在脊椎侧弯矫治治疗中心很难达到18 h,患者每天穿戴矫治护具无法从事运动、跳舞、社交聚会等多种活动,给其带来心理上的不适与伤害,对于间断型支具同样具有以上缺点[11]。
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[8]Green NE.Part-time bracing of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,1986,68(5):738-742.
[9]Peltonen J,Poussa M,Ylikoski M.Three-year results of bracing in scoliosis[J].Acta Orthop Scand,1988,59(5):487-490.
[10]Rowe DE,Bernstein SM,Riddick MF,et al.A meta-analysis of the efficacy of non-operative treatment for idiopathic scoliosis[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,1997,79(5):664-674.
[11]Takemisu M,Bowen R,Rahman T,et al.Compliance monitoring of brace treatment for patients with idiopathic scoliosis[J].Spine(Phila Pa 1976),2004,29(18):2070-2074.
[12]Janicki JA,Poe-Kochert C,Armstrong DG,et al.A comparison of the thoracolumbosacral orthoses and providence orthosis in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: results using the new SRS inclusion and assessment criteria for bracing studies[J].J Pediatr Orthop,2007,27(4):369-374.
[13]Yrjönen T,Ylikoski M,Schlenzka D,et al.Effectiveness of the Providence nighttimebracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis:a comparative study of 36 female patients[J].Eur Spine J,2006,15(7):1139-1143.
[8]Green NE.Part-time bracing of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,1986,68(5):738-742.
[9]Peltonen J,Poussa M,Ylikoski M.Three-year results of bracing in scoliosis[J].Acta Orthop Scand,1988,59(5):487-490.
[10]Rowe DE,Bernstein SM,Riddick MF,et al.A meta-analysis of the efficacy of non-operative treatment for idiopathic scoliosis[J].J Bone Joint Surg Am,1997,79(5):664-674.
[11]Takemisu M,Bowen R,Rahman T,et al.Compliance monitoring of brace treatment for patients with idiopathic scoliosis[J].Spine(Phila Pa 1976),2004,29(18):2070-2074.
[12]Janicki JA,Poe-Kochert C,Armstrong DG,et al.A comparison of the thoracolumbosacral orthoses and providence orthosis in the treatment of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: results using the new SRS inclusion and assessment criteria for bracing studies[J].J Pediatr Orthop,2007,27(4):369-374.
[13]Yrjönen T,Ylikoski M,Schlenzka D,et al.Effectiveness of the Providence nighttimebracing in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis:a comparative study of 36 female patients[J].Eur Spine J,2006,15(7):1139-1143.