唐莉 叶旭彬 吴雪薇
[摘要] 目的 探讨年轻妇女卵巢上皮癌的临床特点、治疗、生存率及预后因素分析。 方法 回顾行分析1990年1月~2012年12月我院收治的62例年龄≤40岁的卵巢上皮癌患者的临床资料。生存率用寿命表法计算。利用Cox模型分析比较影响预后的因素。 结果 62例患者确诊为卵巢上皮癌中位年龄(31.3±1.6)岁。临床表现自扪及腹部包块或体检发现腹部包块17例、腹痛、腹胀各12例,肿物最大径线平均为(13.15±2.17)cm,57例可行满意细胞减灭术,手术病理分期Ⅰ期37例,占59.67%;Ⅱ期7例,占11.29%;Ⅲ期13例,占20.96%;Ⅳ期5例,占8.06%。病理分化程度以浆液性囊腺癌(35例,56.45%)和黏液性囊腺癌(18例,29.03%)为最多。病理分化程度高分化38例(61.2%)、中分化15例(24.2%)、低分化9例(14.5%)。59例术前或术后进行了以铂或紫杉醇类为基础的化疗。12例保守手术中(均为Ⅰa,G1期患者),10例无瘤生存(83.34%)。按寿命表法计算的3年生存率为86.7%,5年生存率为78.3%。结论 40岁以下妇女卵巢上皮性癌患者,肿瘤体积大,单侧多见,手术病理分期早,病理分化程度好,以浆液性囊腺癌多见,总的五年生存率高,预后好。部分Ⅰa、G1期患者可保留生育功能。病理分级、残留病灶大小是40岁以下妇女卵巢上皮癌的独立预后因素。
[关键词] 卵巢上皮癌;预后因素;年龄;生存率
[中图分类号] R737.3 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 2095-0616(2014)09-28-05
Clinical analysis of 62 women with epithelial ovarian cancer under age of 40 years
TANG Li YE Xubin WU Xuewei
Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Dongguan People's Hospital,Dongguan 523000,China
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical characteristics, treatment, survival rate and prognosis factors of the young women with epithelial ovarian cancer. Methods Clinical data of 62 women with epithelial ovarian cancer under the age of 40 years treated in our hospital from January 1990 to December 2012 were analyzed retrospectively.The survival rate was calculated using the life table.The cox model was used to analyze and compare the factors influencing prognosis. Results Sixty-two patients diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer had a median age of (31.3±1.6) years. Physical examination found abdominal mass in 17 patients and stomachache and abdominal distension in 12 patients respectively.The average maximum radial line of lump was (13.15±2.17) cm.Fifty-seven patients could receive satisfaction cytoreductive surgery.Thirty-seven patients were in surgical pathological stage I,accounting for 59.67%,7 patients stage Ⅱ,accounting for 11.29%,13 patients stage Ⅲ,accounting for 20.96%,and 5 patients stage IV,accounting for 8.06%. Pathological differentiation degrees were mainly serous adenocarcinoma (35 patients,56.45%) and mucinous adenocarcinoma(18 patients,29.03%).In terms of pathological differentiation degree,38 patients(61.2%) were highly differentiated,15 patient (24.2%) were moderately differentiated and 9 patients (14.5%) were poorly differentiated.Fifty-nine patients received preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy based on platinum or taxanes.Of the 12 patients receiving conservative surgery(all patients were Ia and G1),10 patients survived without tumor(83.34%).The 3-year survival rate calculated based on the life table method was 86.7% and the 5-year survival rate was 78.3%. Conclusion For the women with epithelial ovarian cancer under the age of 40 years,the size of tumor is large,unilateral is mostly seen, surgical pathological staging is early, pathological differentiation degree is good,serous cystadenocarcinoma is mostly seen,the total 5-year survival rate is high,and the prognosis is good.Some patients of Ia and G1 can preserve fertility function. Pathological staging and size of residual lesion are the independent prognosis factors of women with epithelial ovarian cancer under the age of 40 years.
[Key words] Epithelial ovarian cancer;Prognosis factor;Age;Survival rate
表1 病理类型FIGO分期细胞学分级
病理类型 总例数 FIGO分期 细胞学分级
Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ G1 G2 G3
Ⅰa Ⅰb Ⅰc Ⅱa Ⅱb Ⅱc
浆液性囊腺癌 35 12 2 5 1 2 1 9 3 21 8 6
黏液性囊腺癌 18 9 2 2 1 1 2 1 12 4 2
子宫内膜腺癌 6 3 0 1 0 1 1 0 4 1 1
未分化癌 3 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 0
合计 62 24 4 9 1 3 3 13 5 38 15 9
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.1.1 一般情况 1990年1月~2012年12月东莞市人民医院病历资料完整,≤40岁妇女卵巢上皮性癌62例。中位年龄(31.3±1.6)岁。62例患者中,42例已婚,其中35例已生育,13例未婚且无性生活史。诊断为卵巢上皮癌时61例病例已有月经来潮,初潮年龄为12~16岁,平均(13.9±1.1)岁。
1.1.2 临床症状及辅助捡查 62例病例中有18例是由外院已行第一次手术后再转入我院治疗术前症状记录不详外,余44例患者中行B超发现或自扪腹部包块17例,腹胀13例,腹痛12例,月经改变2例,胸闷气促1例。53例患者术前捡测CA125水平为10~10253U/mL(正常值<35U/mL),CA199水平为0~43860U/mL(正常值:0~35U/mL),CA153水平为4~65U/mL(正常值:0~36.8U/mL)。
1.1.3 病例类型 FIGO分期细胞学分级:62例卵巢上皮癌患者中,以浆液性囊腺癌及黏液性囊腺癌为最常见,占85.5%(53/62)。其中浆液性囊腺癌占56.4%(35/62)。黏液性囊腺癌占29.0%(18/62)。见表1。
1.2 治疗
1.2.1 手术治疗 62例患者中,44例第一次手术(肿瘤细胞减灭术)在我院进行。18例在外院行第一次手术(多为单纯肿瘤切除)后3~4个月内到我院行补充手术(全子宫+附件+大网膜切除)。62例患者中,19例位于左侧卵巢,28例位于右侧卵巢,15例为双侧卵巢。肿物最大径线4.5~29cm,平均(13.15±2.17)cm。44例在我院行第一次手术包括:(1)全子宫+双附件+大网膜切除,32例(其中包括同时清扫盆腔淋巴结11例);(2)全子宫+双附件4例。(3)单附件+大网膜切除7例。(4)姑息性手术1例。18例第一次手术在外院进行的患者中:外院:(1)外院行双侧或单侧卵巢肿瘤切除,本院补充行全子宫+双附件+大网膜切除9例(其中盆腔淋巴清扫术6例)。(2)外院行单侧附件切除,本院行全子宫+另侧附件+大网膜切除+盆腔淋巴结清扫术3例。(3)外院行单附件切除,本院行大网膜切除+另侧卵巢楔形切除术5例。(4)外院行剖宫产术+肿瘤细胞减灭术1例。
1.2.2 化学治疗 化疗是卵巢上皮癌最重要的辅助治疗手段,选择以铂类药物为基础的联合化疗。化疗方案主要为TP CBP CP。每周一次,休息3周后再行下一程化疗,化疗疗程4~8程。本组资料中,59例术前或术后进行了以铂或紫杉醇类为基础的化疗。
1.3 统计学分析
2 结果
2.1 临床分期、病理类型、细胞学分级
临床分期按FIGO分期法Ⅰ期37例、Ⅱ期7例、Ⅲ期13例、Ⅳ期5例,早期患者(Ⅰ+Ⅱ)44例占70.9%。病理所占类型以浆液性囊腺癌比例最高占56.5%和黏液性囊腺癌为其次占29.0%。细胞学分级G1 38例、G2 15例、G3 9例。G1所占比例61.2%。
表2 病理类型、细胞学分级、FIGO分期、是否满意减灭术、手术方式、生存率比较
类型 总例数 3年存活率 5年存活率
例数 百分率(%) 例数 百分率(%)
浆液性囊腺癌 35 28 80.00 23 65.71
黏液性囊腺癌 18 15 83.33 12 66.67
子宫内膜腺癌 6 5 83.33 3 50.00
未分化癌 3 2 66.67 1 33.34
Ⅰ 37 33 89.19 28 75.67
Ⅱ 7 6 85.71 4 57.14
Ⅲ 13 10 76.92 6 46.15
Ⅳ 5 1 20.00 1 20.00
G1 38 34 89.47 28 73.68
G2 15 11 73.33 8 53.33
G3 9 5 55.57 3 33.33
满意减灭术(肿瘤残留病灶<2cm) 57 49 85.96 39 68.42
不满意减灭术(肿瘤残留病灶>2cm) 5 1 20.00 0 0
全子宫+双附件+大网膜切除+盆腔淋巴清扫术 20 15 75.00 11 55.00
全子宫+双附件+大网膜切除 24 21 87.50 16 66.67
全子宫+双附件切除 4 3 75.00 2 50.00
单附件+大网膜切除 12 11 91.67 10 83.34
2.2 生存率
2.3 逐步Cox模型分析影响预后因素
表3 卵巢上皮癌预后独立因素的Cox回归多因素分析
Covariate B Odds ratio Pvalue 95% confidence interval
病理分级 -19.861 0.071 0.037 0.070~0.712
残留病灶大小 2.743 47.538 0.002 3.572~548.143
年龄 -0.121 0.775 0.311 0.753~1.640
3 讨论
3.1 发病分布特点
3.2 临床及病理特点
3.3 治疗
3.4 影响预后的因素分析
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[17] Ries LA .Ovarian cancer.Survival and treatment differences by ages [J].Cancer,1993,71(2):129-137.
[18] Zuo Jian zhong, Xia Zi fang.Clinical characteristics and pognosis of 19 young patients with ovarian cancer[J].Practical Preventive Medicine,2011,18(5):857-869.